Fowler NOV ( 2012 )

  •                                       State of Vermont
    Superior Court—Environmental Division
    In re Fowler NOV                                                    Docket No. 159-10-11 Vtec
    (Appeal of DRB decision upholding a NOV)
    Title: Motion for Partial Summary Judgment as to Interested Person Status (Filing No.1)
    Filed: February 15, 2012
    Filed by: Appellant James Fowler
    Response filed on 3/7/12 by 18 Interested Persons
    Reply filed on 3/19/12 by Appellant
    Supplemental response filed on 4/5/12 by 18 Interested Persons
    Additional supplemental response filed on 8/22/12 by 18 Interested Persons
    X Granted (in part)                  X Denied (in part)                 ___ Other
    James Fowler (“Appellant”) has appealed a decision by the Town of Richford
    Development Review Board (“the DRB”) upholding the issuance of a Notice of Violation
    (“NOV”) to him by the Town of Richford Zoning Administrator. On August 8, 2012 this Court
    issued a Decision denying, in part, Appellant’s motion to dismiss twelve interested persons and
    the Town of Richford (“the Town”) from this appeal.
    In our August 8, 2012 Decision we denied Appellant’s motion as it concerns Brian Bonk,
    Jay Bochner, and the Town. We did not reach a final conclusion as to the status of the ten other
    individuals who Appellant sought to dismiss—Brian Farrar, John Bridgeman, Pen Bridgeman,
    Jeffrey Goyne, Charlotte Rosshandler, Robert Fretz, Alison Osborne, John Osborne, Kitten
    Ellison, and Luke Parsons. Instead, we provided an additional fifteen days to the named
    individuals to submit pertinent information. We have received a timely, responsive filing, and
    now proceed to render a final determination on the status of these ten individuals in this
    Two matters remained unclear from the ten named individuals’ previous filings. One
    was whether four of the individuals claiming to be entitled to interested person status under 24
    V.S.A. § 4465(b)(4) are voters or real property owners in the Town of Richford, a requirement
    included in the provision. The Court has now received affidavits from three of these
    individuals—Alison Osborne, John Osborne, and Kitten Ellison—representing that each is a
    property owner in the Town of Richford. With this information, in addition to that discussed in
    our August 8, 2012 Decision, we conclude that the following eight individuals (whom
    Appellant’s motion challenges) qualify as part of a group of ten or more property owners
    entitled to interested person status under 24 V.S.A. § 4465(b)(4): John Bridgeman, Pen
    Bridgeman, Jeffrey Goyne, Charlotte Rosshandler, Robert Fretz, Alison Osborne, John Osborne,
    and Kitten Ellison. We therefore DENY Appellant’s motion to dismiss these individuals.
    In re Fowler NOV, No. 159-10-11 Vtec (EO on Mot. for Partial Summ. J.) (09-19-12)                        Pg. 2 of 2.
    We have received no additional information indicating that Luke Parsons is a voter or
    property owner. Thus, we conclude that he is not entitled to participate in this appeal as part of
    the aforementioned group with interested person status under 24 V.S.A. § 4465(b)(4). We
    further note that we have no information before us indicating that Mr. Parsons qualifies as an
    individual interested persons under 24 V.S.A. § 4465(b)(3), and neither has his counsel so
    argued. Consequently, we GRANT Appellant’s motion to dismiss Luke Parsons from this
    The second, and final, matter that remained unclear from the previous filings is whether
    Brian Farrar is impacted by the activities for which Appellant received a NOV (that is, by
    Appellant’s use of a motocross bike), and therefore qualifies as an interested person under 24
    V.S.A. § 4465(b)(3). The demonstration of a “physical or environmental impact on the person’s
    interest” is required by 24 V.S.A. § 4465(b)(3). At the time of our August 8, 2012 Decision we
    had no allegations describing an impact on Mr. Farrar from Appellant’s activities, but we gave
    Mr. Farrar additional time to submit such information. Because we have received no additional
    information from Mr. Farrar, we GRANT Appellant’s motion to dismiss Brian Farrar from this
    In summary, we DENY Appellant’s motion to dismiss John Bridgeman, Pen Bridgeman,
    Jeffrey Goyne, Charlotte Rosshandler, Robert Fretz, Alison Osborne, John Osborne, and Kitten
    Ellison. They remain interested persons in this appeal. We GRANT Appellant’s motion to
    DISMISS Luke Parsons and Brian Farrar from this appeal. They shall receive this Entry Order,
    but will be removed from this case and receive no additional correspondence hereafter.
    _________________________________________                September 19, 2012
    Thomas S. Durkin, Judge                              Date
    Date copies sent to: ____________                                             Clerk's Initials _______
    Copies sent to:
    Annie Dwight, Attorney for Appellant James Fowler
    Gerald R. Tarrant, Attorney for Interested Persons Kathleen Ross, Richard Ross, John Bridgman, Norris Kyle,
    Helen Kyle, Sally Bochner, Lilias-Mary Paddon, Brian Bonk, Jeffrey Goyne, Charlotte Rosshandler, Kitten
    Ellison, Luke Parsons, Jay Bochner, Pen Bridgman, Brian Farrar, Alison Osborne, John Osborne, and Robert Fretz
    Michael S. Gawne, Attorney for Town of Richford
    Interested Person Charles Hotchkin, pro se

Document Info

Docket Number: 159-10-11 Vtec

Filed Date: 8/8/2012

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 4/24/2018