State v. Graham ( 2014 )

  •    /FI.I:E.
    .m~d                                                       <   l'his opinion was flied for record
    at $!3 '.ooAyy\ on j./OV I 3, 2 01   f
    C        JUS1i      a
    STATE OF WASHINGTON,                       )
    )     No. 89869-3
    Respondent,          )
    v.                                )     En Bane
    · JASON ALLEN GRAHAM,                      )
    Petitioner.          )     Filed          NOV 1 3 2014
    __________________________ )
    Yu, J.- The issue in this case is whether a sentencing court may impose an
    exceptional sentence downward if the judge finds the multiple offense policy of
    RCW 9.94A.589 results in a presumptive sentence that is clearly excessive in light
    of the purposes of the Sentencing Reform Act of 1981 (SRA), chapter 9.94A
    RCW. We need look only to the plain language of the SRA to conclude the
    sentencing court has such discretion.
    This case results from Jason Allen Graham's methamphetamine-induced
    shooting spree in January 2002. At about 1:00 a.m., a police officer stopped the
    vehicle Graham was driving. Over the next several minutes, Graham used an AK-
    State v. Graham, No. 89869-3
    4 7 to fire at six different police officers during a foot chase through downtown
    Spokane. Fortunately, he was the only person physically injured in the incident.
    Graham was convicted by a jury in 2003 of 10 offenses, including 6 "serious
    violent offenses" for sentencing purposes under the SRA. RCW 9.94A.030(45).
    He received an aggregate sentence of 1,225.5 months, the result of an increased
    offender score and consecutive sentences in accordance with RCW
    9.94A.589(1)(b), in addition to several firearm enhancements.
    The Court of Appeals affirmed the original judgment and sentence, but we
    granted review and remanded to the Court of Appeals to reconsider the firearm
    enhancements in light of State v. Williams-Walker, 
    167 Wn.2d 889
    225 P.3d 913
    (2010). State v. Graham, 
    169 Wn.2d 1005
    234 P.3d 210
     (2010). On
    reconsideration, the Court of Appeals vacated Graham's sentence and remanded
    for resentencing. State v. Graham, noted at 
    163 Wn. App. 1011
     (20 11 ), review
    173 Wn.2d 1011
    At resentencing Graham asked for an exceptional sentence downward of 25
    years. He argued RCW 9.94A.535(1)(g)-the "multiple offense policy" mitigating
    factor-permitted both a departure from the standard range and imposition of
    concurrent sentences. The original sentencing judge expressed regret at the
    presumptive sentencing range for Graham's serious violent offenses. The judge
    stated on the record that there was no authority to impose an exceptional sentence:
    State v. Graham, No. 89869-3
    And quite frankly, in my mind [the presumptive sentence is] an awful
    lot of time for this ....
    . . . I don't agree with this sentence. I don't agree with it. I'm
    not suggesting that you don't deserve a punishment. ... But without
    some other mitigating circumstance, my hands are tied. Again, I don't
    write the laws; the legislature writes the laws. And this type of a
    scenario was something that was anticipated by the law-writers when
    they wrote the law. So I don't believe that I have a choice but to
    sentence you within the standard sentence range. It is going to be a
    low-end sentence, however.
    Verbatim Report of Proceedings at 28-29. The judge imposed a sentence at the
    low end of the standard range for each serious violent offense to run consecutively,
    for a total sentence of 82.1 years. Graham again appealed his sentence, and the
    Court of Appeals affirmed. State v. Graham, 
    178 Wn. App. 580
    314 P.3d 1148
    (2013). We granted review to determine whether RCW 9.94A.535(1)(g) permits
    exceptional sentences for multiple serious violent offenses scored under RCW
    9.94A.589(1)(b). State v. Graham, 
    180 Wn.2d 1013
    327 P.3d 55
    As with all statutes, we interpret the SRA de novo to discern and implement
    the legislature's intent. State v. Jones, 
    172 Wn.2d 236
    257 P.3d 616
    We look first to the plain language, which, if unambiguous, ends the inquiry. State
    v. Armendariz, 
    160 Wn.2d 106
    , 110, 
    156 P.3d 201
     (2007). We enforce the plain
    meaning of statutes. If there is no plain meaning and the language is ambiguous,
    we may glean the statute's intent from its legislative history. Id. at 110-11.
    State v. Graham, No. 89869-3
    Under the SRA, a sentencing court generally must impose a sentence within
    the standard sentencing range. RCW 9.94A.505(2)(a)(i). However, the SRA
    authorizes a departure from the standard range in some circumstances. See RCW
    9.94A.535. Specifically, .535(1) lists mitigating circumstances that a court might
    rely upon depending on the facts of the particular case. The one at issue here is
    The court may impose an exceptional sentence below the standard
    range if it finds that mitigating circumstances are established by a
    preponderance of the evidence. The following are illustrative only and
    are not intended to be exclusive reasons for exceptional sentences.
    . . . The operation of the multiple offense policy of RCW
    9.94A.589 results in a presumptive sentence that is clearly excessive in
    light of the purpose ofthis chapter, as expressed in RCW 9.94A.Ol0.
    The "multiple offense policy ofRCW 9.94A.589" that .535(l)(g) references
    contains five subsections. Those relevant in this case are subsections (l)(a) and
    (1 )(b), which advise sentencing courts when sentences for multiple current
    offenses are presumed to run concurrent or consecutive to one another.
    The State argues "the multiple offense policy ofRCW 9.94A.589" does not
    include multiple serious violent offenses under .589(l)(b) because its sole purpose
    "is to permit consecutive sentences in an otherwise concurrent mandate." Suppl.
    Br. at 5. The State contends the legislature intended to foreclose exceptional
    State v. Graham, No. 89869-3
    sentences for serious violent offenses. So we must decide if .535(1)(g) applies
    equally to subsections (l)(a) and (l)(b) of .589.
    We need look only to .535(1)(g)'s plain meaning to conclude the legislature
    considered exceptional sentences possible for some serious violent offenses. There
    is no textual support for the State's position that the phrase "multiple offense
    policy," as it appears in .535(1 )(g), refers only to multiple violent and nonviolent
    offenses and not to multiple serious violent offenses. The State does not explain
    why .535(1)(g)'s broad reference to "RCW 9.94A.589" means only subsection
    (l)(a). All five subsections in .589 deal with sentencing multiple offenses. The
    legislature knows how to cite specific subsections and twice cited subsection
    .589(1)(a) specifically, including within the SRA. See RCW 61.34.030; RCW
    9.94A.525(5)(a)(i). The legislature also separately identified subsections .589(1)
    and (2) elsewhere in the text of .535, implying its failure to separately identify
    subsections .589(1)(a) and (b) was a deliberate policy choice. RCW 9.94A.535.
    We found the plain text of .535 dispositive in In re Personal Restraint of
    161 Wn.2d 322
    166 P.3d 677
     (2007). There the defendant sought
    concurrent sentences for six counts of first degree assault, a serious violent offense
    under the SRA. The State similarly argued .535(1)(g) did not apply because
    .589(1 )(b) mandated consecutive sentences for all serious violent offenses. 
    State v. Graham, No. 89869-3
    328-29. We unanimously concluded the sentencing judge could rely on .535(1)(g)
    to impose concurrent sentences:
    [T]he State's argument fails because it pays too little heed to the plain
    language of RCW 9.94A.535. . . . Because [.535(1)(g)] does not
    differentiate between subsections (l)(a) and (l)(b) [of .589], it can be
    said that a plain reading of the statute leads inescapably to a conclusion
    that exceptional sentences may be imposed under either subsection of
    RCW 9.94A.589(1).
    !d. at 329-30. Mulholland is controlling, and this case does not provide a factual or
    legal basis to reject or depart from our prior interpretation of .535.
    We find additional support for our holding elsewhere in the SRA. Unlike
    sentences for other crimes, the legislature has not expressly revoked discretion to
    impose exceptional sentences for serious violent offenses. For example,
    exceptional sentences downward are not available for persistent offenders, offenses
    with mandatory minimums, or some sex offenses. See RCW 9.94A.507(3)(c)(ii),
    .540(1), .570. Sentencing enhancements, the lengths ofwhich the sentencing judge
    cannot modify, also increase some sentences even if facts permit a departure from
    the standard range for the underlying offense. RCW 9.94A.533. No similar
    provisions bar exceptional sentences for serious violent offenses scored under
    The only rationale offered by the State and the unpublished cases cited by
    the Court of Appeals is the legislature's intent that serious violent offenses carry
    more severe punishment than other crimes. These authorities often rely on a single
    State v. Graham, No. 89869-3
    sentence in Professor David Boerner's seminal treatise. DAVID BOERNER,
    SENTENCING IN WASHINGTON§ 9.12(e) at 9-32 (1985). But ifProfessor Boerner's
    comments on the subject are read in context, he suggests only that the legislature
    constructed the SRA to signal exceptional sentences for multiple offenses "ought
    to be rare." !d. This is accomplished not by prohibiting exceptional sentences for
    multiple serious violent offenses altogether, but by limiting them for presumptive
    range sentences that are "clearly excessive," RCW 9.94A.535(1)(g), and where the
    exceptional sentence is supported by "substantial and compelling reasons." RCW
    9.94A.535. These constrictions refute the State's admonition that Mulholland has
    stripped .589(l)(b) of practical effect or that we risk returning to the pre-SRA era
    of disparate sentencing.
    We take this opportunity to reaffirm that a sentencing judge may invoke
    .535(1)(g) to impose exceptional sentences both for multiple violent and
    nonviolent offenses scored under .589(l)(a) and for multiple serious violent
    offenses under .589(1)(b).
    The State challenges our holding in Mulholland in two ways. First, it argues
    we erred in Mulholland by creating a rule contrary to the legislature's intent. But
    we simply construed the unambiguous language of .535(1 )(g), which is the best
    evidence of legislative intent. And the legislature has indicated its approval of our
    State v. Graham, No. 89869-3
    interpretation by not amending .535 in the seven years since our decision.
    Hangman Ridge Training Stables, Inc. v. Safeco Title Ins. Co., 
    105 Wn.2d 778
    719 P.2d 531
    Second, the State suggests Mulholland allows only exceptional concurrent
    sentences for serious violent offenses and does not permit downward departures
    from the standard sentencing range. Our case law compels a different conclusion.
    In State v. Batista, 
    116 Wn.2d 777
    , 784-85, 
    808 P.2d 1141
     (1991), we considered
    the scope of former RCW 9.94A.390(2)(f) (1988), which allowed upward
    departures when "the multiple sentencing policy ofRCW 9.94A.[589] results in a
    presumptive sentence that is clearly too lenient in light of the purpose of [the
    SRA]." We held the sentencing judge could use this aggravator to impose two
    types of exceptional sentences for offenses scored using .589(1 )(a). "If a
    presumptive sentence is clearly too lenient, this problem could be remedied either
    by lengthening concurrent sentences, or by imposing consecutive sentences." !d. at
    The form of current .535(1)(g) mirrors the language of former RCW
    9.94A.390(2)(f) at issue in Batista. Both cure the same sentencing concern. The
    legislature "adopted [these] parallel" provisions to address "the potential that its
    multiple offense policy could operate to produce presumptive sentence ranges
    inconsistent with the purposes ofthe [SRA]." BOERNER, supra§ 9.12(e), at 9-31
    State v. Graham, No. 89869-3
    (footnote omitted). Following Batista's rationale, we hold .535(1)(g) empowers a
    sentencing judge to reduce a "clearly excessive" sentence by lessening sentences
    for the offenses and/or by imposing concurrent sentences.
    The State offers no persuasive policy reason to limit .535(1 )(g) to imposing
    concurrent standard range sentences for serious violent offenses. The legislature
    recognized it could not craft a standard range that could account for all factual
    variations underlying offenses and offenders. It adopted .535 as a safety valve.
    State v. Oxborrow, 
    106 Wn.2d 525
    , 530, 
    723 P.2d 1123
     (1986). Since concurrent
    sentences are sometimes necessary to remedy injustices caused by the mechanical
    application of grids and ranges, as we recognized in Mulholland, there is no reason
    why downward departures from the standard range cannot accomplish the same
    Finally, Graham asks us to clarify the factual finding a sentencing judge
    must make to invoke the multiple offense policy mitigating factor of .535(1)(g).
    We decline to do so because we think the statute is also clear on that point. It
    directs the judge to consider if the presumptive sentence "is clearly excessive in
    light of the purpose of this chapter, as expressed in RCW 9.94A.OJO." RCW
    9.94A.535(1)(g) (emphasis added). RCW 9.94A.010 lists seven policy goals the
    legislature intends the SRA to advance:
    State v. Graham, No. 89869-3
    ( 1) Ensure that the punishment for a criminal offense is
    proportionate to the seriousness of the offense and the offender's
    criminal history;
    (2) Promote respect for the law by providing punishment which
    is just;
    (3) Be commensurate with the punishment imposed on others
    committing similar offenses;
    ( 4) Protect the public;
    ( 5) Offer the offender an opportunity to improve himself or
    (6) Make frugal use of the state's and local governments'
    resources; and
    (7) Reduce the risk of reoffending by offenders in the
    Sentencing judges should examine each of these policies when imposing an
    exceptional sentence under .535(1 )(g).
    We hold RCW 9.94A.535(1)(g) allows an exceptional sentence for multiple
    current serious violent offenses scored under RCW 9.94A.589(1)(b) that is
    achieved by departing downward from the standard ranges for the offenses and/or
    by running sentences concurrently. We reverse the Court of Appeals and remand
    for resentencing consistent with this opinion. We take no position on whether
    Graham's sentence is "clearly excessive" under .535(1)(g) or on the virtues ofhis
    25-year sentence recommendation, as those issues are properly left for the
    sentencing judge.
    State v. Graham, No. 89869-3