In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against McGrath ( 2013 )

  •       FILE
    AU 2 2 2013
    In the Matter of the Disciplinary
    Proceeding Against                                        NO. 201,115-2 (WSBA #1313)
    THOMAS F. McGRATH, an Attorney
    at Law.                                                   Filed _--~:.A:u.,~.II.~,~-G-£J.-2-B-2-f,J2064<13,J----.
    STEPHENS, J.-Thomas F. McGrath appeals the unanimous recommenda-
    tion of the Washington State Bar Association (WSBA) Disciplinary Board (Board)
    that he be disbarred.                The hearing officer found that McGrath willfully and
    intentionally filed fraudulent documents in the bankruptcies of his wife and her
    corporation, presented his own false creditor claims, and used his trust account to
    hide assets from his and his wife's creditors in violation of federal law and
    Washington's Rules of Professional Conduct (RPC).
    McGrath argues that his acts did not violate the law or the RPCs and asks us
    to reverse the hearing officer's credibility determinations and adopt his version of
    the facts. The hearing officer's credibility determinations and findings of fact are
    supported by substantial evidence, and his conclusions of law are correct. The
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    record supports the finding of multiple aggravating factors and no mitigating
    factors. Disbarment is the presumptive sanction and is not disproportionate. We
    accept the Board's unanimous recommendation and disbar McGrath.
    McGrath was admitted to practice in the state of Washington in 1970 and did
    primarily creditor collection work early in his career.     He later worked in the
    mortgage business as a loan officer and then moved into bankruptcy practice,
    representing debtors and creditors.     By 2009, McGrath's practice focused on
    consumer bankruptcy and creditor collections.
    The events leading up to this discipline action are familiar to the court in
    light of McGrath's 2012 discipline action. In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against
    174 Wn.2d 813
    280 P.3d 1091
     (2012) (McGrath II).              They center
    around McGrath's representation of his wife, Melinda Maxwell, and her
    corporations, including Chiropractic Wellness Center at Capitol Hill P.S. Inc. and
    Chiropractic Wellness Center, Inc. (collectively CWC).         McGrath represented
    Maxwell in forming these corporations. The two married in 2001, and since 2000,
    McGrath has represented Maxwell and CWC in various matters and has served as
    CWC's corporate secretary and registered agent.
    The Ellison Litigation
    McGrath and cocounsel John Peick represented Maxwell and CWC in
    litigation against a former CWC employee, chiropractor Katherine Ellison, that
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    began in 2005.        CWC sued Ellison when she left her job and allegedly took
    patients with her.      Ellison raised discrimination, equal pay act, and other tort
    claims in her counterclaim. The trial court dismissed CWC's claims on summary
    judgment and the jury found for Ellison on her counterclaims in July 2008. In
    October, the court entered judgment that exceeded $500,000 against Maxwell,
    CWC, and the McGrath/Maxwell marital community.                 In November 2008,
    McGrath told Ellison's lawyer that he would declare bankruptcy if Ellison tried to
    Complaints about McGrath's conduct in discovery during the Ellison
    litigation resulted in his most recent discipline. 1 The hearing officer found that
    McGrath "intentionally and repeatedly obstructed and delayed litigation by failing
    to respond to discovery requests" and falsely certified that he had made a
    reasonable inquiry into the accuracy of responses he did give. McGrath II, 17 4
    Wn.2d at 815. The Board recommended that he be suspended from practice for 18
    months. ld. at 816-18. We agreed, finding that McGrath's refusal to obey court
    orders and perform discovery obligations was "egregious, intentional, and in bad
    faith." ld. at 833.
    Although our July 12, 2012 opinion was not final at the time of the 2011
    disciplinary hearing in this case, the WSBA asks us to take judicial notice of it
    McGrath also previously faced disciplinary proceedings in 1982 when he was
    disbarred following a conviction for second degree assault with a deadly weapon. See In
    re Disciplinary Proceeding Against McGrath, 
    98 Wn.2d 337
    655 P.2d 232
    (McGrath I). He was readmitted in 1993.
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    under Evidence Rule (ER) 201. McGrath does not object, and this prior discipline
    is not subject to reasonable dispute.    ER 20l(b), (f).    Consequently, we take
    judicial notice of McGrath's most recent disciplinary action.            See In re
    Disciplinary Proceeding Against Marshall, 
    167 Wn.2d 51
    , 83, 
    217 P.3d 291
    (2009) (Marshall II) (taking judicial notice of prior discipline that became final
    after the hearing).
    Concealment ofFunds and Fraudulent Encumbrances
    After CWC' s claim against Ellison was dismissed, but before jury verdict or
    entry of judgment for Ellison, McGrath took steps the hearing officer found were
    intended to frustrate Maxwell's and CWC's creditors, particularly Ellison. The
    day after the Ellison verdict, McGrath filed promissory notes in favor of himself
    and his law firm, securing these notes by recording a deed of trust against
    Maxwell's condominium and a Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) financing
    statement against CWC's property, including its accounts and receivables. One set
    of notes claimed that Maxwell and CWC owed McGrath and his law firm $75,000
    for his work in the Ellison litigation.        Another claimed that Maxwell owed
    $185,500 to Olympic Mortgage Lending Corporation (Olympic), a d/b/a of a
    corporation wholly owned by McGrath that he falsely listed as having his ex-
    wife's home address.
    At this time, McGrath also began to shift personal and community funds into
    his trust account, which had the effect of concealing the funds from the trustee and
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    creditors. In November 2007, McGrath withdrew $17,000 from a personal account
    and deposited it into his trust account, using the funds later to pay Maxwell's legal
    bill to his cocounsel in the Ellison matter. In March and April 2008, McGrath
    deposited checks from his personal medical insurance carrier for $5,200 and
    $1,175, respectively, into his trust account. And in June 2008, McGrath deposited
    the proceeds from the sale of a boat owned by his and Maxwell's LLe into his
    trust account, using some of these funds to pay Maxwell's debts and marital debts
    and transferring the rest to his office operating account.
    Misuse of Trust Account
    Ellison hired attorney Sarah Atwood in February 2009 to collect her
    judgment. In June 2009, Atwood netted approximately $22,000 by garnishing
    bank accounts belonging to Maxwell,       ewe,   McGrath, McGrath's law firm, and
    related entities. However, Atwood did not garnish McGrath's trust account.
    In response, McGrath and Maxwell began to use McGrath's trust account as
    the primary personal and corporate account for Maxwell and     ewe.    For example,
    in early July 2009 McGrath and Maxwell deposited more than $18,000 of ewe
    receivables into the trust account. Maxwell also deposited over $8,000 from her
    personal investment account and used those funds to pay employees, attorney fees,
    and other expenses. That same month, Maxwell signed McGrath's name to six
    payroll checks paid on the account, totaling more than $5,000. She later signed
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    McGrath's name to six more checks totaling more than $4,000. Maxwell also paid
    the mortgage on her condominium from this account.
    After filing the bankruptcies, as described below, McGrath continued to
    . allow Maxwell and ewe to transfer personal, community, and corporate funds
    into his trust account, and to pay obligations directly from that account without
    disclosing these transfers or funds to the bankruptcy trustee.     For example, in
    August 2009 Maxwell signed McGrath's name to six payroll checks payable on his
    trust account, totaling more than $4,000. She also deposited checks into the trust
    account from her insurer for more than $70,000 to cover damage to her
    False and Misleading Bankruptcy Filings
    In late July 2009, McGrath obtained an automatic stay of all collection
    efforts by filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy for Maxwell and a chapter 11 bankruptcy
    for ewe. A debtor filing for bankruptcy protection has a duty to fully disclose all
    bankruptcy assets, and the debtor's lawyer must certify that the representations of
    these assets are true and correct to the best of the lawyer's knowledge after
    reasonable inquiry. See 11 U.S.e. § 707(b )( 4)(e), (D); FED. R. BANKR. P. 9011(b ).
    When the debtor's attorney is also the debtor's spouse, the attorney has an
    additional duty to disclose and turn over assets of the marital community.
    However, the bankruptcy filings submitted by McGrath on behalf of
    Maxwell and ewe contained numerous misstatements and omissions of material
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    information.   For example, McGrath failed to disclose that he was Maxwell's
    spouse or an officer of ewe or that Olympic was wholly controlled by his
    corporation.   These omissions were significant because transfers to "insiders"
    come under special scrutiny in bankruptcy proceedings. See 11 U.S.e. § 101(31)
    (defining the term); 11 U.S.e. § 547(b)(4)(B) (allowing a trustee to avoid transfers
    made to insiders within one year preceding bankruptcy, rather than only 90 days).
    The court found that McGrath was an "insider" to both bankruptcies and had
    multiple conflicts of interest as Maxwell's spouse, a ewe officer, and a secured
    creditor of both estates, and required Maxwell to find new counsel.
    McGrath also failed to disclose many assets, including assets Maxwell and
    ewe had shifted into his trust account. He failed to disclose the sale of a ewe
    clinic for $50,000 within one year of the filing, the sale of Maxwell's jewelry, the
    sale of a boat, or the deposit of these funds into his trust account. He failed to
    disclose Maxwell's transfers from her personal securities account into his trust
    account or the insurance claim for Maxwell's condominium-a claim that was a
    "key asset" ofthe estate. Transcript (TR) at 781.
    Because of these omissions, misstatements, and fraudulent encumbrances,
    the paperwork McGrath filed painted a false picture of bankruptcy estates with
    limited assets that were either exempt or fully encumbered. If Atwood had not
    asked the trustee to take a closer look, Maxwell's and ewe's bankruptcies could
    have proceeded jointly as a "no asset" case and been discharged automatically 60
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    days after the creditors meeting.     Instead, the trustee sought discovery, and
    McGrath resisted these efforts to such an extent-failing to produce requested
    documents and instructing Maxwell to leave an examination while being
    questioned-that the court sanctioned him for bad faith.         Even after he was
    sanctioned, McGrath failed to produce all the documents ordered by the court.
    The trustee eventually recaptured most of the undisclosed insurance
    proceeds McGrath had transferred to third parties. The trustee was also able to sell
    Maxwell's condominium and collected a total amount between $200,000 and
    $250,000. Ellison received just $150,000 of her $500,000 judgment. TR at 206.
    An attorney for the trustee reported spending "vastly more" resources on this case
    than on a normal bankruptcy case and commented that the bankruptcy system
    would simply not function if all cases proceeded as this one did. TR at 320.
    Attempted Ex Parte Contact
    Finally, McGrath attempted ex parte contact with United States Bankruptcy
    Court Judge Karen Overstreet after he was removed from the Maxwell and CWC
    cases. He sent the judge a CD (compact disc) containing audio files from the
    examination he improperly instructed Maxwell to leave and a letter asking the
    judge to listen to it. McGrath did not copy the other parties on this attempted
    communication.      The package was intercepted and returned by the judge's
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    Disciplinary Proceedings
    In June 2011, the WSBA filed an amended formal complaint charging
    McGrath with nine counts of misconduct:
    Count 1 -By drafting, filing, making, and presenting false claims
    and accounts and/ or making false statements about Melinda Maxwell's and
    CWC's assets, property, and bankruptcy estates to the court, trustee and/or
    creditors, by receiving, transferring, secreting, and concealing debtors'
    property from the court, trustee and/or creditors, and/or by disobeying his
    obligations as an attorney under the bankruptcy rules, Respondent violated
    RPC 8.4(c) (Conduct Involving Dishonesty), RPC 8.4(d) (Conduct
    Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice), RPC 4.1 (Truthfulness in
    Statements to Others), and/or RPC 3.3(a) (Candor Toward the Tribunal).
    Count 2 - By intentionally making and using false statements,
    accounts, and claims against Maxwell's and CWC's debtor estates, and by
    fraudulently receiving, transferring, and/or concealing property or assets
    belonging to debtors' estates, and/or by conspiring with Melinda Maxwell
    and/ or unknown others to do so in order to defraud the bankruptcy court,
    the trustee and/or creditors, Respondent violated RPC 8.4(b) (Criminal
    Conduct) through violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 152
    , subsections (1) through (7)
    (Concealment of Assets, False Oaths and Claims), 
    18 U.S.C. § 157
    (Bankruptcy Fraud), and/or 
    18 U.S.C. § 371
     (Conspiracy) and by
    committing such felonies, and [Respondent violated] RPC 8.4(d) [(Conduct
    Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice)].
    Count 3 - By intentionally commingling lawyer funds and funds
    belonging to his marital community, Maxwell, and/or CWC, with client
    funds, Respondent violated RPC 1.15A(h)(l) and RPC 8.4( d).
    Count 4 - By using his trust account to fraudulently conceal funds
    belonging to his marital community, Maxwell, and/or CWC, Respondent
    violated RPC 8.4( c).
    Count 5 - By failing to maintain complete and/or accurate trust
    account records, Respondent violated RPC 1.15A(h)(2), RPC 1.15B(a)(l),
    RPC 1.15B(a)(2), and/or RPC 1.15B(a)(8).
    Count 6 -By failing to reconcile his check register balance to his
    client ledgers, Respondent violated RPC 1.15A(h)(6).
    Count 7 - By withdrawing funds or allowing funds to be withdrawn
    from his trust account by writing a check made payable to "cash,"
    Respondent violated RPC 1.15A(h)(5).
    Count 8 - By allowing a non-lawyer to issue and/or sign checks
    from his trust account, Respondent violated RPC 1.15A(h)(9).
    Count 9 - By communicating or attempting to communicate ex
    parte on one or more occasions with Bankruptcy Court Judge Karen
    Overstreet without authorization to do so by law or court order, Respondent
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    violated RPC 3.5(b) (Impartiality and Decorum of the Tribunal), RPC
    8.4(a) (Prohibiting Violation or Attempted Violation of the RPC), and/or
    RPC 8.4(d).
    Am. Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Hr' g Officer's Recommendation
    (AFFCL) at 2-3. The disciplinary hearing took place in October and November
    2011.     Id. at 1.   The hearing officer entered his amended findings of fact,
    conclusions of law, and recommendation on April 13, 2012.            Id.   He rejected
    McGrath's innocent explanations for his conduct and concluded that the WSBA
    proved each of the nine counts by a clear preponderance of the evidence. I d.       ~~
    112-18.      He found six aggravating factors and no mitigating factors and
    recommended disbarment. Id.      ~~   120-41. A unanimous Board adopted the hearing
    officer's decision. Disciplinary Board Order Adopting Hr'g Officer's Decision
    (Board Order) at 1 n.1. McGrath appealed.
    This court has the ultimate responsibility for disciplining lawyers. ELC 2.1;
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Van Camp, 
    171 Wn.2d 781
    , 797, 
    257 P.3d 599
     (2011). The WSBA must prove misconduct by a clear preponderance of the
    evidence. In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Poole, 
    156 Wn.2d 196
    , 209, 
    125 P.3d 954
     (2006).      This standard requires greater certainty than under a simple
    preponderance of the evidence, but not proof beyond a reasonable doubt. I d.
    McGrath assigns error to many of the hearing officer's findings of fact and
    conclusions of law and to the Board's adoption of his recommendation.
    Specifically, he contends that (1) many of the hearing officer's findings of fact are
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    erroneous, (2) the hearing officer and Board erred in concluding he violated 18
    U.S.e. § 152, (3) the hearing officer and Board erred in concluding he violated
    RPes, and (4) the hearing officer and Board erred by finding that the appropriate
    sanction was disbarment. Opening Br. ofResp't McGrath (Opening Br.) at 2. We
    consider each in turn.
    A. Findings of Fact
    We give great weight to the hearing officer's findings of fact and will uphold
    those findings so long as they are supported by "substantial evidence." In re
    Disciplinary Proceeding Against Simmerly, 
    174 Wn.2d 963
    , 981, 
    285 P.3d 838
    (20 12). Evidence is "substantial" if it is sufficient '"to persuade a fair-minded,
    rational person of the truth of a declared premise."' In re Disciplinary Proceeding
    Against Marshall, 
    160 Wn.2d 317
    , 330, 
    157 P.3d 859
     (2007) (Marshall I) (internal
    quotation marks omitted) (quoting In re Poole, 
    156 Wn.2d at
    209 n.2).
    Much of McGrath's briefing attacks what he characterizes as inaccuracies in
    the hearing officer's findings of fact. McGrath is wrong about many of these
    asserted errors. For example, his claims about the date of the sale of a boat and the
    total size of the Ellison judgment are contradicted by the record. However, several
    of the errors McGrath identifies are real, albeit trivial. For example, the hearing
    officer erroneously identified two promissory notes executed in payment for the
    ewe clinic, when in fact there was only one. The hearing officer entered the
    incorrect date on a nunc pro tunc order and on a reference to a letter. Additionally,
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    the hearing officer's citation to the record in certain findings is inaccurate.
    McGrath concedes that these are insignificant errors, but urges us to see them as
    evidence that the findings "were not drafted with great care" and to either reject the
    hearing officer's findings on whole or subject them to closer than usual scrutiny.
    Opening Br. at 9-10, 19.
    In all disciplinary proceedings, the court should closely review the entire
    disciplinary record. In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Burtch, 
    162 Wn.2d 873
    , 895, 
    175 P.3d 1070
     (2008). However, we do not comb the hearing officer's.
    findings for ministerial errors.    Instead, we ask whether there is "substantial
    evidence" that "reasonably supports" the hearing officer's findings and
    conclusions. In re Simmerly, 
    174 Wn.2d at 981
    ; Rogers Potato Serv., LLC v.
    Countrywide Potato, LLC, 
    152 Wn.2d 387
    , 391, 
    97 P.3d 745
     (2004). We review
    each of the findings for substantial evidence.
    1. Counts 1 and 2
    The hearing officer found that McGrath made false statements and oaths in
    Maxwell's and CWC's bankruptcy. He identified McGrath's failure to identify
    himself as a multilevel bankruptcy insider and to identify himself as Maxwell's
    spouse. He also found that McGrath filed fraudulent notes and encumbrances, and
    drafted and presented false claims against these fraudulent notes, and that these
    actions were intentional. There is substantial evidence to support these findings.
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    a. Fraudulent Encumbrances and Claims
    McGrath prepared notes in favor of himself and Olympic and secured them
    by recording a deed of trust against Maxwell's condominium and a UCC financing
    statement against CWC' s property. One set of notes and deed of trust purported to
    represent legal services debt owed by Maxwell and CWC to McGrath. McGrath
    listed this debt as a secured claim in both bankruptcies and never amended the
    filings to remove them. He filed a proof of claim based on these documents.
    Another note and deed of trust were in the name of Olympic, McGrath's d/b/a
    mortgage company.        The hearing officer found that these notes and securing
    documents did not represent real debts but were instead "designed to mislead and
    discourage Ellison and other creditors" from making claims against the secured
    property. AFFCL ~ 13. He also found that McGrath had intentionally filed a false
    McGrath insists there are innocent explanations for these encumbrances that
    the hearing officer overlooked. Credibility determinations underlie many of the
    hearing officer's findings, and McGrath asks us to reject them in favor of his
    version of events. He concedes that a hearing officer's credibility findings are
    entitled to "great weight." In re Van Camp, 
    171 Wn.2d at 811
    ; see In re Simmerly,
    174 Wn.2d at 981
    ; Marshall I, 
    160 Wn.2d at
    330 (citing In re Disciplinary
    Proceeding Against Longacre, 
    155 Wn.2d 723
    , 735, 
    122 P.3d 710
    However, McGrath urges that the findings in this case lack "specificity" and argues
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    that a hearing officer's general statement about credibility "is worthless to the
    reviewer." Opening Br. at 5. McGrath is wrong, and we reject his version of these
    The hearing officer evaluated McGrath's innocent explanations for his
    actions over seven days of testimony and after considering hundreds of exhibits
    and dozens of hours of witness testimony. Each of his assessments of credibility
    pertains to a specific claim McGrath made during the hearing, and most reference
    specific testimony. The hearing officer's assessments are entitled to "considerable
    deference" precisely because he heard these arguments while observing McGrath's
    demeanor and could evaluate them against opposing testimony and other evidence.
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Conteh, 
    175 Wn.2d 134
    , 143, 
    284 P.3d 724
    The hearing officer found that Maxwell and    ewe did not owe McGrath for
    legal services and that the notes were designed to hinder Ellison's collection
    efforts. The record shows that McGrath informed Maxwell in 2007 that he was
    freely contributing these services and would never charge her or     ewe for them.
    Ex. 6010. McGrath argues, as he did at the hearing, that he simply changed his
    mind about being paid.       The hearing officer found that McGrath's effort to
    minimize the significance of the 2007 e-mail "was not credible."   APFeL~     14. He
    found that McGrath prepared false legal billing statements in 2009 to support his
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    claim of legal debts dating back to 2005 and rejected McGrath's testimony that he
    prepared the invoices contemporaneously.
    The hearing officer also rejected McGrath's explanation for the $185,500
    note and deed of trust against Maxwell's condominium in favor of McGrath's d/b/a
    Olympic. Olympic did not lend Maxwell or        ewe any money. McGrath claims
    that the note and encumbrance were part of a legitimate financing tool called "table
    funding," which provides a potential lender with a secured position. Opening Br.
    at 14-18, App. B. McGrath made this "table funding" argument before the hearing
    officer and the Board, who did not find it credible. McGrath admitted he never
    applied for a loan on Maxwell's behalf and knew Maxwell could not in fact obtain
    one due to her financial situation. We will not set aside the hearing officer's
    findings "based simply on an alternative explanation or versions of the facts
    previously rejected by the hearing officer and Board." Marshall I, 
    160 Wn.2d at
    331 (citing In re Poole, 
    156 Wn.2d at
    212 (citing In re Disciplinary Proceeding
    Against Romero, 
    152 Wn.2d 124
    , 133, 
    94 P.3d 939
     (2004))). McGrath gives this
    court' no reason to reject the hearing officer's findings as to these notes and
    encumbrances, and we decline to do so.
    b. False Statements and Filings
    The hearing officer found that McGrath submitted false information in his
    bankruptcy filings, primarily by failing to disclose assets. The record supports
    these findings. For example, McGrath failed to disclose the proceeds from the sale
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    of the   ewe clinic, as he was required to do. The hearing officer did not find
    McGrath's explanation for the omission credible.           McGrath underreported
    proceeds from the sale of Maxwell's jewelry.          The hearing officer rejected
    McGrath's innocent explanations. McGrath failed to disclose the proceeds from a
    2008 sale of a boat. The hearing officer adopted the trustee's version of events
    over McGrath's.      Finally, McGrath failed to disclose more than $80,000 in
    insurance claims for damage to Maxwell's condominium, a bankruptcy asset. The
    hearing officer rejected McGrath'~ innocent explanation for this omission.
    c. Mental State
    As he did at the hearing, McGrath concedes "errors" in his bankruptcy
    filings but claims that his wife Maxwell entered much of this information and was
    the source of many of these mistakes and omissions.          Opening Br. at 23-24.
    McGrath also argues here, as at the hearing, that he and Maxwell rushed to file
    these bankruptcy petitions before a 2009 deposition and that any errors and
    omissions were inadvertent. The hearing officer rejected these arguments as not
    credible. McGrath's claim that Maxwell prepared the filings conflicts with his
    testimony at a 2010 deposition. Ex. 6009. And despite McGrath's claim that he
    would have amended the rushed filings had he known of any errors, he never
    removed his fraudulent claims or disclosed his concealed transfers, even after they
    were revealed. McGrath's claim that he was too busy to amend the filings is not
    only incredible, it falls far below the duty of reasonably diligent inquiry in all
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    representations made to the banlauptcy court. See 
    11 U.S.C. § 707
    (b)( 4)(C), (D);
    FED. R. BANKR. P. 9011(b).
    The hearing officer concluded that McGrath acted intentionally when he
    transferred and concealed banlauptcy assets, prepared and filed false banlauptcy
    filings, and filed false claims against the estates. McGrath rejects this conclusion,
    arguing that there is no substantive evidence to support it and that his actions were
    "the product of hard fought litigation." Opening Br. at 54. The hearing officer's ·
    conclusion is supported by the record. The WSBA' s bankruptcy expert testified to
    the presence of many banlauptcy "badges of fraud" indicating McGrath's intent to
    deceive, including the transfer of assets to his trust account and failure to disclose
    estate assets in his filings. TR at 1344-48, 1378-88. The hearing officer agreed,
    drawing the reasonable inference from this circumstantial evidence that McGrath's
    filings "were false, withheld material information, and concealed assets with the
    intent to hinder, delay or defraud the court, trustees and creditors." AFFCL   'lf'lf 38,
    43-56. McGrath asks us to reject this conclusion because "[i]t is ludicrous" to
    conclude that he or his wife intended to conceal their assets from a determined
    creditor. Opening Br. at 25. McGrath did not persuade the hearing officer with
    this argument, and we do not accept it here.        We affirm the hearing officer's
    determination that McGrath intentionally transferred and concealed property, made
    false statements, and filed false banlauptcy filings and claims, per counts 1 and 2.
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    2. Counts 3 and 4
    The hearing officer found that McGrath commingled personal and client
    funds and intentionally concealed banlauptcy assets in his trust account.       The
    record contains abundant examples of commingling of funds belonging to Maxwell
    and   ewe. The record also supports the hearing officer's finding that McGrath
    deposited funds, in which he had an interest, into his trust account, and we affirm
    both findings.
    3. Counts 5, 6, 7, and 8
    The hearing officer found that McGrath failed to maintain complete or
    accurate trust account records or to reconcile his check register against his account
    balance. The record substantially supports these findings. Until 2009, McGrath
    failed to keep any record of the amounts deposited or disbursed on behalf of
    particular clients, and he failed to reconcile his monthly account statements with
    these incomplete records.     The hearing officer's other findings related to trust
    account misuse are also supported by substantial evidence. He found that McGrath
    wrote a check payable to "cash" from his trust account. He found that McGrath
    allowed Maxwell, who is not a lawyer or authorized signatory, to write checks
    from the account. The record shows that Maxwell used deposit slips to make
    deposits of personal and   ewe funds, wrote checks, and signed McGrath's name
    on multiple checks for   ewe payroll. We affirm the hearing officer's findings that
    McGrath failed to maintain accurate trust account records, improperly paid funds
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    from his trust account, and allowed a nonlawyer to issue checks from this account,
    per counts 5, 6, 7, and 8.
    4. Count 9
    The hearing officer found that McGrath attempted ex parte communications
    with United States Bankruptcy Court Judge Karen Overstreet.           This finding is
    supported by the record. After he was removed from the Maxwell and CWC cases,
    McGrath sent the judge a CD containing audio files from his wife's examination
    and a letter asking her to listen to it. The judge's assistant returned the package
    with a letter that advised McGrath such ex parte contacts were prohibited by
    federal bankruptcy rules. See FED. R. BANKR. P. 9003(a). McGrath notified the
    other parties that he was sending the CD and letter but did not send a copy to the
    other parties or file it with the clerk, nor was he authorized to contact the judge "by
    law or court order."         RPC 3.5(b).    His attempt to contact the judge was
    unauthorized and was made without the full knowledge of, and outside the
    presence of, opposing counsel. We affirm the hearing officer's determination that
    McGrath's attempted ex parte contact negligently risked affecting the outcome of
    the proceeding and injuring the legal system, the court, the trustee, and the
    creditors, per count 9.
    B. Conclusions ofLaw
    The hearing officer concluded that the WSBA had proved all nine counts
    against McGrath by a clear preponderance of evidence. AFFCL ,-r,-r 112-18. We
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    review conclusions of law de novo and will uphold them if they are supported by
    the findings of fact. In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Behrman, 
    165 Wn.2d 414
    , 422, 
    197 P.3d 1177
     (2008) (citing Marshall I, 
    160 Wn.2d at 330
    ). McGrath's
    disagreements with the hearing officer's conclusions rest almost exclusively on
    disagreements about his findings of fact. Because the hearing officer's findings are
    supported by substantial evidence, we uphold the conclusions that flow from them.
    However, McGrath raises several distinct challenges to the hearing officer's
    conclusions of law, which we review below.
    1. Violation of 18 US. C.§ 152
    The hearing officer found that by intentionally making false statements and
    claims against Maxwell's and CWC's estates, and by fraudulently transferring,
    receiving, and concealing bankruptcy assets, McGrath committed felonies in
    violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 152
    . AFFCL       ~~    38, 39, 42-47, 49-51, 59, 60, 65. He
    concluded that by committing these acts, McGrath violated RPC 8.4(b) (criminal
    conduct) and RPC 8.4( d) (conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice).
    AFFCL    ~   112.
    The federal bankruptcy fraud statute at issue criminalizes, inter alia, the
    concealment or fraudulent transfer of bankruptcy assets, presentation of a false
    claim against an estate, and the making of any false statement or declaration under
    penalty of perjury if the concealment or misstatement is material and done
    "knowingly and fraudulently." 
    18 U.S.C. § 152
    (1 )-(7). McGrath concedes that his
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    bankruptcy filings contained numerous material misstatements and om1sswns.
    However, he argues that the false statements in these filings did not violate the
    statute because he did not act knowingly and with the intent to defraud.
    Instead, McGrath claims that the mistakes were the result of negligence
    because he prepared the filings at "the eleventh hour" to meet a deadline and
    planned to later amend them. Opening Br. at 24-26, 43-44. The hearing officer is
    not required to accept McGrath's version of events, and he could reasonably infer
    from McGrath's failure to later amend the filings that he acted "knowingly and
    fraudulently" to hinder collection efforts. We find by a clear preponderance of
    evidence that McGrath violated this statute and affirm the hearing officer's
    conclusion that McGrath's willful and intentional acts violated 
    18 U.S.C. § 152
    RPC 8.4(b), and 8.4(d), per count 2.
    2. Disclosure ofBoat Sale Proceeds
    The hearing officer also found that McGrath violated 
    18 U.S.C. § 152
    intentionally failing to report proceeds from the sale of a boat.      McGrath and
    Maxwell are the sole owners of M&T Enterprises LLC (M&T). In 2008, M&T
    sold a Bayliner boat and McGrath deposited the proceeds in his trust account.
    McGrath failed to identify these proceeds in Maxwell's bankruptcy filings. The
    hearing officer found that McGrath's failure to identify these assets in the
    bankruptcy filings was fraudulent and willful, in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 152
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    McGrath argues that the Bayliner was owned by the separate legal entity of
    M&T, that the proceeds from its sale did not belong to the marital community, and
    therefore he had no duty to disclose them. Opening Br. at 30, 33-34, 48-49. The
    hearing officer found that this argument was not credible because McGrath earlier
    testified that this boat was community property. See AFFCL      ~   9. McGrath argues
    that the basis for the hearing officer's credibility finding was in error because he
    confused two boats held by M&T: a Bayliner, which M&T sold, and a Stevens,
    which it did not.    See Answering Br. of WSBA (Answering Br.) at 39 n.17
    (explaining the hearing officer's mistake). However, McGrath conceded that the
    Stevens was community property and that his failure to declare it as such "was
    obviously an error." TR at 1220; see AFFCL        ~   64 (rejecting this explanation).
    The Bayliner stands in the same relation to the McGrath/Maxwell marital
    community as the Stevens, and McGrath does not persuasively explain why one
    was community property and one was not.
    Moreover, even if we accepted McGrath's argument that the assets held by
    M&T were not personal community property, McGrath still had a legal obligation
    to report these assets to the bankruptcy court. Under Washington law, an LLC
    (limited liability company) member has no ownership interest in specific LLC
    property, and an LLC's assets-such as M&T's boats-are not part of the estate.
    RCW 25.15.245(1); see In re Campbell, 
    475 B.R. 622
    , 631-32 (Bania. N.D. Ill.
    2012) (applying the analogous Illinois statute). However, the banlauptcy code
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    defines the debtor's "estate" expansively, to include "all legal or equitable interests
    ... in property" at the time of filing. 
    11 U.S.C. § 541
    (a)(1). Membership interests
    in an LLC, like those McGrath and Maxwell held in M&T, are assets of the
    bankruptcy estate that McGrath had an obligation to fully and fairly disclose. Ex.
    100, at 3 (certifying that the disclosure is "true and correct"); 
    11 U.S.C. § 707
    (b)(4)(C), (D) (imposing a duty of reasonable investigation);       FED.   R. BANKR. P.
    9011(b) (same). McGrath disclosed that Maxwell held a 50 percent interest in
    M&T, but by estimating the value of this interest at just $10, he concealed the
    value of the Stevens boat and the proceeds from the sale of the Bayliner boat, both
    of which belonged to M&T. Ex. 100, at 19. McGrath had a duty to disclose the
    full value of Maxwell's holdings in M&T, which includes the value of these boats.
    We affirm the hearing officer's conclusion that McGrath's bankruptcy filings
    willfully and fraudulently concealed estate assets in violation of 
    18 U.S.C. § 152
    per count 2. 2
    The WSBA also argues that M&T was an "alter ego" for McGrath and Maxwell,
    and therefore the hearing officer could reasonably infer that the bankruptcy court was
    entitled to disregard the LLC's corporate form to avoid fraud. Answering Br. at 38
    (citing Rapid Settlements, Ltd. v. Symetra Life Ins. Co., 
    166 Wn. App. 683
    , 692, 
    271 P.3d 925
     (2012)). The record supports this argument. In Washington, when one person '"so
    dominates and controls a corporation that such corporation is [the person's] alter ego, a
    court is justified in piercing the veil of corporate entity and holding that the corporation
    and private person are one and the same.'" Standard Fire Ins. Co. v. Blakeslee, 
    54 Wn. App. 1
    , 5, 
    771 P.2d 1172
     (1989) (quoting Pohlman Inv. Co. v. Virginia City Gold Mining
    184 Wash. 273
    51 P.2d 363
     (1935)). McGrath and Maxwell were sole owners
    of M&T, which had no assets other than these boats. They were personal guarantors on
    the boat mortgages and paid M&T expenses through McGrath's trust account rather than
    through a separate business account. When McGrath sold the Bayliner, he deposited the
    proceeds into his trust account and used these funds to pay his and Maxwell's individual
    obligations. The hearing officer could reasonably disregard M&T' s status as a legal
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    3. Commingling Client and Lawyer Funds
    The hearing officer found that McGrath commingled personal and client
    funds in his trust account. He concluded that these acts violated RPe 1.15A(h)(1).
    McGrath argues that this was error because RPe 1.15A(h)(1)(ii) permits a lawyer
    to deposit funds "belonging in part to a client," and these funds belonged in part to
    Maxwell and ewe, his clients. Therefore, McGrath asserts that Maxwell and
    ewe were entitled to deposit funds into his trust account regardless of whether
    these funds were related to a specific representation. Opening Br. at 30-39, 52-53.
    McGrath raised this argument at the hearing, claiming his clients can deposit and
    withdraw funds for anything they like: "They can pay for their grandkids' daycare
    if they want to." TR at 1126; see also id. at 663. The hearing officer rejected
    McGrath's assertion, concluding that the exception for commingling funds under
    RPe 1.15A(h)(1 )(ii) applies only to "client funds that were directly connected with
    a specific and actual representation" and that the funds in question were
    unconnected to any specific representation. AFFeL ~ 70.
    The hearing officer's conclusion is consistent with the plain meaning of the
    rule, which applies on its face only to "property of clients or third persons in a
    lawyer's possession in connection with a representation."             RPe 1.15A(a)
    (emphasis added). Reading the rule to cover any client property is inconsistent
    with this plain meaning and would undermine the narrow purpose of the rule,
    entity and treat McGrath's failure to disclose its assets as intentional concealment of
    bankruptcy assets.
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    which is to safeguard a client's property against the dangers of "conversion,
    negligent misappropriation, or loss."       RESTATEMENT (THIRD) OF THE LAW
    GOVERNING LAWYERS § 44 cmt. b (2000). We reject any reading of this rule that
    would transform trust accounts into ordinary bank accounts managed by the
    lawyer. See In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Trejo, 
    163 Wn.2d 701
    , 725,
    185 P.3d 1160
     (2008) (explaining that the trust account rule that preceded former
    RPC 1.14 (2002) "'implicitly includes the duty not to use a lawyer's trust account
    as a personal bank."' (quoting In re Pers. Restraint of McKean, 
    148 Wn.2d 849
    64 P.3d 1226
     (2003))). Finally, McGrath's interpretation is inconsistent with
    RPC 1.15A(f), which requires a lawyer to "promptly pay or deliver to the client ...
    the property which the client ... is entitled to receive."    Client funds must be
    delivered to the client, not held indefinitely in a lawyer's trust account to meet
    ongoing client expenses.       We reject McGrath's invitation to broaden the trust
    account rule beyond its purpose and plain language and affirm the hearing officer's
    conclusion that McGrath's deposits into his trust account violated RPC
    1.15A(h)(l ), per count 3.
    C. Recommended Sanctions
    The hearing officer recommended disbarment for each of the nine counts
    against McGrath.     The Board adopted this recommendation by a vote of 13-0.
    Board Order at 1 n.1.        We review sanctions de novo, but where a sanction is
    recommended by a unanimous board, we will uphold it "in the absence of a clear
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    reason for departure." In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Whitt, 
    149 Wn.2d 707
    , 717, 
    72 P.3d 173
     (2003). McGrath cannot make this showing.
    1. Presumptive Sanction
    Applying the American Bar Association's Standards for Imposing Lawyer
    Sanctions standards 5.11, 6.11 (1991 & Supp. 1992) (ABA Standards), the hearing
    officer found that the presumptive sanction for counts 1-4 was disbarment.
    AFFCL      ~~   119-22. Applying ABA Standards standard 4.12, he found that the
    presumptive sanction for counts 5-8 was suspension, and applying standard 6.33,
    he found that the presumptive sanction for count 9 was reprimand. AFFCL ~~ 123-
    29.     Because he concluded the WSBA had proved counts 1-4 by a clear
    preponderance of evidence, the hearing officer found that the appropriate
    presumptive sanction for each count was disbarment. I d.   ~~   130-31, 140-41; see In
    re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Petersen, 
    120 Wn.2d 833
    , 854, 
    846 P.2d 1330
    (1993) (explaining the ultimate sanction "'should at least be consistent with the
    sanction for the most serious instance of misconduct among a number of
    violations"' (quoting ABA STANDARDS at 6)).
    McGrath denies the factual findings of the counts against him and the legal
    conclusions they support, including the sanction of disbarment, but not the hearing
    officer's conclusion that disbarment is the correct presumptive sanction for the
    counts against him.       Because the hearing officer's findings are supported by
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    substantial evidence and his conclusions are correct, we uphold the finding that
    disbarment is the presumptive sanction for each count.
    2. Aggravating and Mitigating Factors
    Applying ABA Standards standard 9 .22, the hearing officer found six
    aggravating factors: prior disciplinary offenses, dishonest and selfish motive,
    pattern of misconduct, multiple offenses, refusal to acknowledge the wrongful
    nature of the misconduct, and substantial experience in the practice of law.
    AFFCL     ~~   133-39.   McGrath asks us to reject those aggravating factors that
    depend upon the hearing officer's findings of fact, notably dishonest and selfish
    motive, pattern of misconduct, and multiple offenses. As discussed above, the
    hearing officer's findings are supported by substantial evidence, and we uphold
    them.     Because we take judicial notice of McGrath's 2012 suspension, his
    objection to the use of prior discipline from 1982 as an aggravating factor is also
    Additionally, McGrath contests the finding that he failed to acknowledge his
    wrongful conduct, arguing that it would be unfair to require him to confess in order
    to avoid this aggravating factor. Failure to admit wrongful conduct applies "'to an
    attorney who admits he engaged in the alleged conduct"' and yet "'denies the
    conduct was wrongful."'       In re Conteh, 
    175 Wn.2d at 151
     (internal quotation
    marks omitted) (quoting In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Ferguson, 
    170 Wn.2d 916
    , 943-44, 
    246 P.3d 1236
     (2011)).          The record shows that McGrath
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    continues to insist his conduct, including filing false statements with the
    bankruptcy court and concealing bankruptcy estate assets in his trust account, was
    not wrongful. The record also shows that McGrath blamed others for his actions,
    particularly Atwood, the attorney hired to collect Ellison's judgment.
    The hearing officer found no mitigating factors. AFFCL        ~    140. Because
    McGrath fails to recognize that his conduct was wrongful, we uphold the finding
    that his payment of discovery sanctions and eventual settlement of the Ellison
    litigation were not mitigating factors. McGrath willfully obstructed the bankruptcy
    process and failed to produce the records sought even after he was sanctioned and
    assessed a $1,500 fine for acting in bad faith.          We decline to count the
    consequences of McGrath's actions in his favor when he fails to acknowledge what
    he did was wrong. See In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against VanDerbeek, 
    153 Wn.2d 64
    , 95, 
    101 P.3d 88
     (2004).          Finally, McGrath asks us to treat his
    substantial experience in bankruptcy law as a mitigating, rather than an
    aggravating factor, by inferring that he intended to amend his false and misleading
    bankruptcy filings.      We reject this argument and affirm the hearing officer's
    finding that McGrath's experience as a bankruptcy attorney makes his conduct
    more culpable, not less so.
    3. Proportionality
    McGrath argues that disbarment is not a proportional sanction for his
    misconduct.     Proportional sanctions are '"roughly proportionate to sanctions
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    imposed in similar situations or for analogous levels of culpability."'        In re
    Disciplinary Proceeding Against Dynan, 
    152 Wn.2d 601
    , 623, 
    98 P.3d 444
    (internal quotation marks omitted) (quoting In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against
    141 Wn.2d 593
    , 615, 
    9 P.3d 193
     (2000)). In proportionality review, we
    compare the lawyer's misconduct, "including his record of prior disciplinary
    offenses, and especially any prior, similar misconduct," against '""similarly
    situated cases in which the same sanction was approved or disapproved."'" In re
    Disciplinary Proceeding Against Cramer, 
    168 Wn.2d 220
    , 239-40, 
    225 P.3d 881
    (2010) (quoting In re VanDerbeek, 
    153 Wn.2d at 97
     (quoting In re Disciplinary
    Proceeding Against Miller, 
    149 Wn.2d 262
    , 285, 
    66 P.3d 1069
    The lawyer bears the burden of demonstrating disproportionality.        In re
    168 Wn.2d at 240
    . McGrath cites two cases that he urges show lesser
    penalties for similar conduct.    Opening Br. at 59.      However, neither case is
    similarly situated. In In re Conteh, 
    175 Wn.2d at 150-51
    , the lawyer faced the
    presumptive sanction of suspension, not disbarment, and his only prior discipline
    was for negligent conduct. In In re Dynan, 
    152 Wn.2d at 620
    , the presumptive
    sanction was disbarment, but the lawyer had no prior discipline and we found that
    he did not intend to deceive the court or act with a dishonest or selfish motive. The
    presumptive sanction for McGrath's misconduct is disbarment. He has serious and
    recent prior discipline. His pattern of offenses demonstrates intent to defraud the
    bankruptcy court and a failure to acknowledge the wrongfulness of his actions.
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2
    McGrath has not met his burden to show disbarment is disproportionate given
    these findings and conclusions, and we hold that disbarment is the correct sanction.
    McGrath willfully and fraudulently concealed assets and submitted false
    filings and claims in the bankruptcy of his wife and her corporation. His innocent
    explanations for these actions failed to persuade the hearing officer or the Board,
    and we reject them.       Given the severity and willfulness of his pattern of
    misconduct, and his refusal to accept responsibility for his actions, disbarment is
    the correct sanction and is not disproportionate. Wy affirm the Board's unanimous
    recommendation of disbarment.
    In re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Thomas F. McGrath, Attorney at Law, 201,115-2

Document Info

Docket Number: 201,115-2

Filed Date: 8/22/2013

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/30/2014

Authorities (40)

In re the Disciplinary Proceeding Against Marshall , 160 Wash. 2d 317 ( 2007 )

In re the Disciplinary Proceeding Against Burtch , 162 Wash. 2d 873 ( 2008 )

In re the Disciplinary Proceeding Against Trejo , 163 Wash. 2d 701 ( 2008 )

In re the Disciplinary Proceeding Against Behrman , 165 Wash. 2d 414 ( 2008 )

In re the Disciplinary Proceeding Against Marshall , 167 Wash. 2d 51 ( 2009 )

In re the Disciplinary Proceeding Against Cramer , 168 Wash. 2d 220 ( 2010 )

In Re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Trejo , 185 P.3d 1160 ( 2008 )

In Re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Vanderbeek , 101 P.3d 88 ( 2004 )

In Re Disciplin. Proceeding Against Cramer , 225 P.3d 881 ( 2010 )

In Re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Dynan , 98 P.3d 444 ( 2004 )


In Re Disciplinary Proc. Against Longacre , 122 P.3d 710 ( 2005 )

Pohlman Inv. Co. v. Virginia City Etc. Co. , 184 Wash. 273 ( 1935 )

Matter of Disciplinary Proceeding Against Burtch , 175 P.3d 1070 ( 2008 )

In Re Disciplinary Proceeding Against Whitt , 72 P.3d 173 ( 2003 )

Matter of Disciplinary Proceeding Against Romero , 94 P.3d 939 ( 2004 )

ROGERS POTATO SERVICE v. Countrywide Potato , 97 P.3d 745 ( 2004 )

Disciplinary Proceeding Against Marshall , 157 P.3d 859 ( 2007 )

In Re Proceeding Against Ferguson , 246 P.3d 1236 ( 2011 )

In the Matter of Disciplinary Proceeding Against Van Camp , 257 P.3d 599 ( 2011 )

View All Authorities »