In re Pers. Restraint of Cross ( 2013 )

  •        Fl L E
    This oplnlonwas filed fOr record.
    at    ~          on .S              •3
    In the Matter of the Personal              )
    Restraint of                               )       No. 79761-7
    DAYVA CROSS,                               )       EnBanc
    Petitioner.    )       Filed      -SEP 2 6 2013
    CHAMBERS, J. *-Dayva Cross pleaded guilty to killing his wife and two of
    her three daughters in 2001 and was sentenced to death. State v. Cross, 
    156 Wash. 2d 580
    , 592, 
    132 P.3d 80
     (2006). We affirmed his sentence on direct review. !d. When
    Cross entered his plea he did so by what we commonly call an A!fori plea. In an
    Alford plea, the accused technically does not acknowledge guilt but concedes there is
    sufficient evidence to support a conviction. A judge may accept such a plea only if it
    is made voluntarily, competently, with an understanding of the nature of the charge
    and the consequences of the plea, and when the judge is satisfied that there is a factual
    *Justice Tom Chambers is serving as a justice pro tempore of the Supreme Court pursuant to
    Washington Constitution article IV, section 2(a).
    North Carolina v. Alford, 
    400 U.S. 25
    91 S. Ct. 160
    27 L. Ed. 2d 162
     (1970). We adopted the
    Alford holding in State v. Newton, 
    87 Wash. 2d 363
    552 P.2d 682
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    basis for the plea. State v. A.NJ, 
    168 Wash. 2d 91
    , 117, 225 P .3d 956 (20 10) (citing In
    re Pers. Restraint of Mendoza Montoya, 
    109 Wash. 2d 270
    , 277, 
    744 P.2d 340
    CrR 4.2(d). In his first personal restraint petition challenging the judgment and
    sentence, Cross contended, among other things, that an Alford plea is insufficient to
    support capital punishment and asked that we vacate his sentence and remand to the
    trial court with direction that the Alford plea be set aside, essentially rolling this case
    back to where it was in 2000. If Cross had prevailed on this issue, much of his
    personal restraint petition would have been mooted, so this court agreed to consider
    the issue separately. After oral argument we denied relief by order with opinion to
    follow. This is that opinion. We hold that a capital sentence can be predicated on an
    Alford plea and deny that portion of his personal restraint petition. The remaining
    issues will be disposed ofby separate opinion.
    The character of the claimed error as constitutional or non constitutional would
    normally both structure our review and establish the petitioner's burden. At
    minimum, Cross must establish error and actual and substantial prejudice. In re Pers.
    Restraint of Cook, 
    114 Wash. 2d 802
    , 810-12, 
    792 P.2d 506
     (1990). The parties have
    elected not to discuss this character of the error and instead focus on the claimed error
    itself. Applying the minimum burden Cross must meet, we find no error and thus
    need not decide its character.
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    1. Common Law No-Contest Pleas
    Essentially, Cross proposes a syllogism. At common law, a defendant could
    not plead no-contest to a capital charge. An Alford plea, he argues, is essentially a no-
    contest plea. Therefore, he concludes, Judge Joan DuBuque should not have accepted
    1 .2
    Cross's first premise is correct. By the mid-fourteenth century, English courts
    were accepting various types of no-contest pleas in misdemeanor cases. Neil H.
    Cogan, Entering Judgment on a Plea ofNolo Contendere: A Reexamination ofNorth
    Carolina v. Alford and Some Thoughts on the Relationship Between Proof and
    Punishment, 17 ARIZ. L. REV. 992, 1003, 1007 (1975). For example, by 1431,
    defendants could enter a plea of"'ponit se in gratiam domini Regis'- he puts himself
    in the grace of the lord King," without specifically admitting guilt. !d. at 1005. But if
    charged with a felony, the defendant had the choice of confession, what we now call a
    guilty plea, or denial, what we now call a not guilty plea. !d. at 999, 1002. If the
    defendant denied the charge, he had to consent to some sort of trial. !d. If the
    defendant declined to plea, he could be tortured or imprisoned until he did. !d. at
    1002-03 & n.86. There was apparently no mechanism for a trial judge to enter a plea
    on the defendant's behalf.
    The only court to consider whether an Alford plea could be accepted to a capital charge
    squarely dismissed the argument in three summary paragraphs, albeit with no discussion of the
    common law. State v. Ray, 
    310 S.C. 431
    , 435, 
    427 S.E.2d 171
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    "Because the plea of ponit se in gratiam presented proof of guilt with reduced
    certainty, the punishment meted out to the accused appears to have been
    correspondingly reduced." I d. at 1011 (citing WILLIAM LAMBARD, EIRENARCHA 512
    (1599)). Ponit se in gratiam could not be pleaded to felonies (which at the time
    almost always carried a potential death sentence) because "an implied admission was
    proof of insufficient certainty upon which to put a person to death." Cogan, supra, at
    1013; see also Nathan B. Lenvin & Ernest S. Meyers, Nolo Contendere: Its Nature
    and Implications, 51 YALE L. J. 1255, 1262-63 (1942).
    Defendants were pleading nolo contendere in England by 1716 and New York
    by 1721. Cogan, supra, at 1014, 1015 (citing THOMAS FARRESLEY, MODERN CASES
    COLONIAL NEW YORK 592-93 & n.180 (1944)). Over the years, nolo contendere and
    non vult contendere pleas were allowed for noncapital felonies, but less than a century
    ago the Pennsylvania Supreme Court observed, "[N]either in England nor in this
    country has the plea ever been allowable in capital cases." Commonwealth v. Shrope,
    264 Pa. 246
    , 250, 
    107 A. 729
     (1919); see also Cogan, supra, at 999. Instead, in
    capital cases, "guilt must be established by evidence which excludes all reasonable
    doubt. An implied confession of guilt cannot rise to the degree of certainty which
    would make it the equivalent of an express confession." Shrope, 264 Pa. at 250; see
    also Hudson v. United States, 
    272 U.S. 451
    , 451-52, 
    47 S. Ct. 127
    , 71 L. Ed 347
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    (1926); 3 State ex rel. Clark v. Adams, 144 W.Va. 771, 779, 
    111 S.E.2d 336
    ("The courts, however, are unanimous in holding that in the absence of a statute to the
    contrary the plea of nolo contendere can not be accepted to an indictment for an
    offense for which capital punishment is prescribed."). Despite the history of refusing
    to accept the plea in felonies, in 1926, the United States Supreme Court approved the
    use of a nolo contendere plea in crimes that carried a prison sentence. Hudson, 272
    U.S. at 452, 457.
    There is nothing mystical about common law courts' reluctance to accept these
    various types of no-contest pleas in capital cases. While a confession was accepted as
    sufficient evidence of guilt at common law, once various types of duels and ordeals
    were set aside, there was no other way to test whether there was sufficient evidence of
    guilt except by trial. Cogan, supra, at 1000, 1003. Trial, it seems, could be held only
    if the defendant consented. !d. at 999 & nn.68-69. If the defendant did not consent to
    As the Supreme Court noted in Hudson,
    "An implied confession is where a defendant, in a case not capital, doth not
    directly own himself guilty, but in a manner admits it by yielding to the king's
    mercy, and desiring to submit to a small fine: in which case, if the court think fit
    to accept of such submission, and make an entry that the defendant posuit se in
    gratiam regis, without putting him to a direct confession, or plea (which in such
    cases seems to be left to discretion), the defendant shall not be estopped to plead
    not guilty to an action for the same fact, as he shall be where the entry is quod
    cognovit indictamentum."
    Hudson, 272 U.S. at 453 (emphasis added) (quoting 2 WILLIAM HAWKINS, PLEAS OF THE CROWN
    466 (8th ed. 1824)).
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    some method of proof, the judge could be put in the position of sentencing a man to
    death with only the accusation as evidence of guilt. As Professor Cogan noted:
    [A]n accused's refusal to confess or deny/consent, even if characterized as an
    implied admission, provided no such sufficient proof, evil fame of the accused
    notwithstanding. An accused might have refused to confess or deny/consent
    for many reasons, including among others, avoidance of forfeiture of lands and
    tenements, and distrust of the mode of proof. Thus, while it might have been
    reasonable to imply guilt from an accused's refusal to expressly admit or deny,
    such an implied admission appears not to have been clothed with enough
    certainty to constitute sufficient proof for a felony. Misdemeanors, on the other
    hand, were treated somewhat differently.
    Cogan, supra, at 1003 (footnote omitted).
    2. Alford Pleas
    However, the next leg of Cross's syllogism, that the Alford plea4 is essentially
    the same as the common law no-contest plea, fails. Unlike the common law no-
    contest pleas that could be entered without any factual support or independent
    determination of the existence of sufficient evidence to support a finding of guilt, an
    Alford plea in Washington State courts can be accepted only if the trial judge finds
    4Henry Alford had been charged with first degree murder inN orth Carolina. After his attorney
    interviewed his proposed alibi witnesses and found they were unwilling to corroborate his
    absence from the crime scene, he agreed to plead guilty while maintaining his innocence. He
    later sought habeas relief in the federal courts on the theory that the due process clause of the
    Fourteenth Amendment did not allow a court to accept a guilty plea from defendants who
    maintained their innocence. The court disagreed. "In view of the strong factual basis for the
    plea demonstrated by the State and Alford's clearly expressed desire to enter it despite his
    professed belief in his innocence, we hold that the trial judge did not commit constitutional error
    in accepting it." North Carolina v. Alford, 
    400 U.S. 25
    , 38, 
    91 S. Ct. 160
    27 L. Ed. 2d 162
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    that it is knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently made, and that there is a satisfactory
    evidentiary basis to accept the plea:
    The court shall not accept a plea of guilty, without first determining that it is
    made voluntarily, competently and with an understanding of the nature of the
    charge and the consequences of the plea. The court shall not enter a judgment
    upon a plea of guilty unless it is satisfied that there is a factual basis for the
    CrR 4.2( d). That evidence can come from any reliable source and must be sufficient
    for a jury to conclude the defendant is guilty. State v. Newton, 
    87 Wash. 2d 363
    , 369-70,
    552 P.2d 682
    Thus, looking beyond the mere title of the pleas, the practical reason for
    refusing to accept a no-contest plea at common law-that there was no mechanism to
    decide if there was an evidentiary basis for the plea-does not exist for an Alford plea.
    A trial judge may not accept an Alford plea without an evidentiary basis and without
    concluding that the plea is knowing, voluntary, and intelligent. CrR 4.2( d). We
    conclude that the historical common law bar to no-contest pleas in capital cases does
    not apply to Alford pleas.
    Alternatively, Cross argues that the trial judge was implicitly forbidden from
    accepting his Alford plea by statute. As he notes, the Washington Legislature has, in
    broad terms, incorporated the common law:
    The provisions of the common law relating to the commission of crime and the
    punishment thereof, insofar as not inconsistent with the Constitution and
    statutes of this state, shall supplement all penal statutes of this state and all
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    persons offending against the same shall be tried in the courts of this state
    having jurisdiction of the offense.
    RCW 9A.04.060. But his alternative argument fails for the same reason the
    substantive argument fails-because it presumes that an Alford plea is substantially
    similar to a common law no-contest plea, and thus the common law prohibition would
    Cross also stresses that no-contest pleas have never been explicitly authorized
    by our legislature or by court rule. See CrR 4.2(a) ("A defendant may plead not
    guilty, not guilty by reason of insanity, or guilty."); CODE OF 1881, § 1054 ("There
    are but three pleas to the indictment. A plea of: 1. Guilty. 2. Not guilty. 3. A former
    judgment of conviction or acquittal .... "). Therefore, he reasons, "this Court can
    only conclude that the Legislature has declined to authorize the acceptance of an
    Alford plea in a capital case." Suppl. Br. ofPet'r at 10. But while the legislature has
    not explicitly approved of Alford pleas, this court has. Newton, 87 Wn.2d at 372.
    While Newton suggests that a trial court should be careful in accepting an Alford plea
    when the defendant actually asserts innocence, the question is whether the plea is "'a
    voluntary and intelligent choice among the alternative courses of action open to the
    defendant"' and whether there is a factual basis for the plea. !d. at 372-73 (quoting
    Alford, 400 U.S. at 31 ). Cross cites no authority for the implicit proposition that the
    court rules or superseded statutes trump this court's opinions.
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    RCW 10.01.060 5 prevents bench trials in capital cases. Cross argues from that
    that the legislature meant to prevent Alford pleas from being accepted in capital cases.
    This is an interesting argument. However, nothing in chapter 10.95 RCW, the capital
    punishment act, prevents a defendant from pleading guilty, and nothing in Newton
    limits it to noncapital crimes. An Alford plea is a type of guilty plea. Certainly, a trial
    judge can refuse to accept the plea. Judge DuBuque considered briefing and held
    several hearings on the subject before she did accept it. Clerk's Papers (CP) at 1638-
    47, 1171-77; Verbatim Report of Proceedings (VRP) (Oct. 19, 2000) at 7-39
    (discussions of the appropriate evidentiary basis); VRP (Oct. 23, 2000) at 5-65 (more
    discussion of appropriate evidence), 65-193 (plea colloquy).
    Cross does not make a compelling case that the legislature disapproves of
    Alford pleas. There is nothing direct in the Washington code that shows disapproval.
    Nor has the legislature taken any steps to amend chapter 10.95 RCW in the wake of
    Newton or after our opinion affirming Cross's death sentence in 2006, despite the fact
    No person informed against or indicted for a crime shall be convicted thereof,
    unless by admitting the truth of the charge in his or her plea, by confession in
    open court, or by the verdict of a jury, accepted and recorded by the court:
    PROVIDED HOWEVER, That except in capital cases, where the person
    informed against or indicted for a crime is represented by counsel, such person
    may, with the assent of the court, waive trial by jury and submit to trial by the
    RCW 10.01.060.
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    the opinion says on its second page that Cross entered an Alford plea. Cross, 156
    Wn.2d at 593.
    There are advantages to an Alford plea. It permits a defendant to plead guilty
    without bearing the burden of some collateral effects that accompany an admission of
    guilt. For example, a defendant who enters either an Alford plea or a nolo contendere
    plea is not estopped from denying guilt in a subsequent civil case. Clark v. Baines,
    150 Wash. 2d 905
    , 917, 
    84 P.3d 245
     (2004); Cogan, supra, at 1007 (citing, e.g., Y.B. 9
    Hen. 6, f. 60, pl. 8 (1431) (Eng.)). Cross argues that this supports the principle that an
    Alford plea should not be accepted in a capital case since "this advantage would cease
    to be of any significance. Avoiding the preclusive effect of collateral estoppel is of
    little use if one is dead." Suppl. Br. ofPet'r at 14. However, a defendant in a capital
    case does glean at least one advantage from an Alford plea: it limits the amount of
    evidence the State may seek to introduce.
    3. Whether the Plea was Knowing and Voluntary
    Cross makes a point which is well taken and could be persuasive if this were
    not a postjudgment collateral attack and if Cross seriously asserted his innocence to
    crimes of which he was convicted. Conviction requires proof of guilt beyond a
    reasonable doubt. In re Winship, 
    397 U.S. 358
    , 361, 90S. Ct. 1068, 
    25 L. Ed. 2d 368
    (1970). CrR 4.2( d) only requires the judge find a satisfactory factual basis for the
    plea. For example, there may be satisfactory evidence that a defendant committed the
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    charged act, such as a sex act or a killing, but little evidence that requisite states of
    mind were present. Cf A.NJ., 168 Wn.2d at 118. But this is true of every guilty plea.
    The defendant could almost always later claim that the evidence presented did not
    establish "beyond a reasonable doubt" every element of the crime, particularly when
    the crime includes an intent element. However, unlike common law no-contest pleas,
    Alford pleas may only be accepted upon an adequate factual showing, among other
    Under our rules and case law, a Washington court will not accept a plea (let
    alone permit a defendant to be put to death upon that plea) unless the court first
    determines that the defendant is competent and fully understands the nature of and
    consequences of each and every charge to which the defendant pleads. See id. at 113-
    17. The plea must be voluntary and the trial judge must be fully satisfied there is a
    factual basis to support each charge. A record of that factual basis is preserved for
    Cross does not seriously assert that his plea was not knowingly and voluntarily
    given and has not moved to withdraw his plea. A plea may be withdrawn if it is not
    given knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily. Id. at 119 (citing In re Pers. Restraint
    of Isadore, 151 Wn.2d 294,298, 
    88 P.3d 390
     (2004)). We are aided in our review by
    Cross's statement on plea of guilty and the extensive colloquy between Judge
    DuBuque and Cross when he entered his plea. Cross entered his plea during voir dire.
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    By pleading guilty Cross bypassed the guilt phase of his trial and went directly to the
    penalty phase. The penalty phase was to determine whether or not the death penalty
    would be imposed. In his statement on plea of guilty, Cross admitted that he killed
    the three women but specifically stated that he did not believe that he committed the
    crimes in premeditated fashion or as part of a common scheme or plan. CP at 1656.
    Premeditation is an element of aggravated murder and common scheme or plan is an
    aggravator that subjects the defendant to the death penalty. Cross's plea was a
    calculated decision. Cross acknowledged that "there is a substantial likelihood that a
    jury would find premeditation beyond a reasonable doubt" and that he would be
    convicted. CP at 1205. The record strongly suggests Cross felt he had a better chance
    of persuading the jury in the penalty phase that he lacked a plan or premeditation if
    the jury did not hear the evidence in the guilt phase of the trial.
    When taking his plea, Judge DuBuque and the State painstakingly walked
    Cross through the elements of the crimes of which he was charged, his potential
    defenses, the rights he was relinquishing, and the punishment he faced. VRP (Oct. 23,
    2000) at 64-160. On the issues of premeditation and common scheme or plan, the
    judge had Cross state in his own words his understanding of the meaning of those
    concepts. Id. at 122-26. There is sufficient evidence upon this record for a jury to
    find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. There is no doubt from the trial transcript that
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    there was substantial evidence from which the jury could find beyond a reasonable
    doubt that Cross acted with both premeditation and a common scheme or plan.
    Entering an Alford plea was a legitimate tactical move. Because he pleaded
    guilty, it is highly likely the jury did not hear some of the gruesome details of the
    murders. By entering an Alford plea, he was not barred from arguing in the penalty
    phase that he lacked premeditation or a common scheme or plan. The tactic did not
    work. He cannot now say that he was unaware that the Alford plea could lead to a
    sentence of death. 6
    At common law, there existed a procedure for defendants to enter no-contest
    pleas and place themselves within the grace of the King. Because the plea was not
    supported with any evidence to support a finding of guilt, such pleas we considered
    insufficient to support a capital penalty. However, the Washington State statutes and
    rules that provide for accepting an Alford plea are much different than those of ancient
    no-contest pleas and, if followed, do provide an adequate basis to support capital
    punishment. Current Washington law does not permit the acceptance of a guilty plea,
    including an Alford plea, "without first determining that it is made voluntarily,
    competently and with an understanding of the nature of the charge and the
    Because we uphold the plea, we find it unnecessary to reach the State's argument that any
    defect in the plea was invited error.
    In re Pers. Restraint ofCross, No. 79761-7
    consequences of the plea. The court shall not enter a judgment upon a plea of guilty
    unless it is satisfied that there is a factual basis for the plea." CrR 4.2(d). A careful
    review of the record reveals that Cross's Alford plea was a calculated one. It likely
    avoided having all the gruesome details of the murders presented to the jurors at the
    guilt phase and preserved his ability to argue at the penalty phase of the trial that he
    killed the three women without premeditation or a common scheme or plan.
    Unfortunately for Cross his tactic did not work. The record reflects that his plea was
    knowing, voluntary, and intelligent. Cross has failed to show error. His petition on
    this issue is denied.
    In re Pers. Restraint of Cross, No. 79761-7
    ~ .::JP.T.