State of Washington v. Rogelio Delgado Rodrigues ( 2021 )

  •                                                                          FILED
    APRIL 22, 2021
    In the Office of the Clerk of Court
    WA State Court of Appeals, Division III
    STATE OF WASHINGTON,                         )
    )         No. 37067-4-III
    Respondent,             )
    v.                                    )
    Appellant.              )
    SIDDOWAY, A.C.J. — Rogelio Delgado Rodrigues appeals his conviction for
    attempting to elude a police vehicle. He complains about a testifying officer’s reference
    at his trial to having learned about Mr. Rodrigues’s outstanding warrants at a “regional
    gang intelligence meeting,” but he fails to point to any objection made that was overruled
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    or otherwise inadequately addressed by the trial court. Error, if any, was not preserved.
    We affirm.
    In the summer of 2019, at a regional law enforcement meeting at which ongoing
    investigations are reviewed, one of the “wanted” individuals whose name was brought up
    was Rogelio Delgado Rodrigues. Report of Proceedings (RP) at 169. It was reported
    that there were several warrants for his arrest, and he was believed to be staying at a
    Motel 6 in Richland. His photograph was passed around.
    Richland police officer Jeff Muai conducted surveillance at the Motel 6 that day
    and the next. On the first day, he did not see Mr. Rodrigues but saw his car, a black
    Toyota Camry. The next evening, Officer Muai saw a man matching Mr. Rodrigues’s
    description arrive at the Motel 6 in a different car, a red Hyundai Tiburon. The man was
    wearing a flannel shirt, jeans, and a cowboy hat. The car was not registered to Mr.
    Rodrigues. Officer Muai saw the man leave and return in the red Tiburon. When he saw
    the man leave a second time, Officer Muai alerted other police units in the vicinity.
    Richland officers attempted to perform a traffic stop of the Tiburon without
    success. After initially appearing to stop, the driver of the Tiburon sped away, and a
    multi-police car chase ensued. Officers eventually lost sight of the Tiburon.
    The Tiburon was quickly found, however, sans its driver. It was then about 11:30
    p.m. A few minutes later, officers saw Mr. Rodrigues walking down the street,
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    approximately 230 feet away from where the Tiburon was parked. He was wearing a
    white sweater rather than a flannel shirt, and no hat. But officers found a flannel shirt
    and a cowboy hat in the area, and Officer Muai confirmed that they matched the shirt and
    hat that the man at the Motel 6 had been wearing. A letter addressed to “Rogelio
    Delgado” was found in the trunk of the red Tiburon.1
    Mr. Rodrigues was later arrested and charged with attempting to elude a pursuing
    police vehicle. His defense at his jury trial was mistaken identity.
    At trial, during the prosecutor’s direct examination of Officer Muai, he asked how
    the officer became aware of Mr. Rodrigues:
    Q. On June 26th, did you become aware of Mr. Rogelio Rodrigues?
    A. Yes
    Q. How so?
    A. I was in a regional gang intelligence meeting. We meet once a
    RP at 167 (emphasis added). Counsel for Mr. Rodrigues said, “Objection,” and
    requested a side bar, at which the following exchange took place:
    THE COURT: What’s your concern, [counsel]?
    [DEFENSE COUNSEL]: I’m very concerned about where this is
    going as far as his gang membership.
    While the defendant’s full name is Rogelio Delgado (or Delagado, the record is
    inconsistent) Rodrigues, defense counsel and appellate counsel have consistently referred
    to him as “Mr. Rodrigues.” At trial, defense counsel characterized Rogelio Delgado as a
    “wrong” name for his client. RP at 268-69.
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    [PROSECUTOR]: Oh, no. This is just that meeting he mentioned
    he did last week of where he learned and saw the photos of Mr. Rodrigues
    and about the two warrants, and I can even use my questioning to confirm
    that this was not a discussion about gang activity but just a meeting—that is
    the name of the meeting.
    [DEFENSE COUNSEL]: Okay. Never mind. I’m sorry.
    THE COURT: All right. Go ahead and ask a leading question so
    that we can get over this hump.
    RP at 167-68.
    Testimony resumed:
    Q. Now, you indicated that—the name of the group is just that’s the
    type of the—the name of the meeting?
    A. That’s the name.
    Q. The regional gang investigation meeting, just a meeting about
    various ongoing investigations, topics, correct?
    A. Yes.
    Q. Was one of those topics the warrants that Mr. Rodrigues had?
    A. Yes.
    Q. What did you learn—how did you become familiar with Mr.
    A. So, at the meeting his name was brought up as a wanted subject.
    We passed his photo around. The Pasco Street Crimes Unit, who was also
    there, had brought that up. They had information that he was at the
    Richland Motel 6 with his suspected girlfriend, and that they were in a
    black Toyota Camry.
    RP at 168-69.
    Defense counsel did not object to this testimony, request an instruction, or ask any
    clarifying questions of his own about the meeting. The word “gang” did not come up
    again during the trial. The only other mention of the meeting was a neutral one, in
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    closing argument, when the prosecutor said to jurors, “We heard from Officer Muai.
    June 26th he first became aware of the defendant’s outstanding warrants in a meeting he
    was having with other law enforcement over in Pasco.” RP at 254.
    The jury returned a guilty verdict. Mr. Rodrigues appeals.
    For the first time on appeal, Mr. Rodrigues argues that Officer Muai’s reference
    to the “regional gang intelligence meeting” was propensity evidence, inadmissible under
    ER 404(b). He argues that the leading question the prosecutor posed to “get over this
    hump,” in the court’s parlance, “only strengthened the implication of gang affiliation.”
    Br. of Appellant at 1. Appellate counsel may be correct that the follow up question did
    not undo whatever harm might have been caused by the passing reference. But the trial
    court was never presented with ground for an objection or asked to take any action that it
    refused to take. The issue was not preserved.
    “RAP 2.5(a) states the general rule for appellate disposition of issues not raised in
    the trial court: appellate courts will not entertain them.” State v. Guzman Nunez, 
    160 Wn. App. 150
    , 157, 
    248 P.3d 103
     (2011) (citing State v. Scott, 
    110 Wn.2d 682
    , 685, 
    757 P.2d 492
     (1988)), aff’d, 
    174 Wn.2d 707
    285 P.3d 21
     (2012). “The rule serves the goal of
    judicial economy by enabling trial courts to correct mistakes and thereby obviate the
    needless expense of appellate review and further trials, facilitates appellate review by
    ensuring that a complete record of the issues will be available, and prevents adversarial
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    unfairness by ensuring that the prevailing party is not deprived of victory by claimed
    errors that he had no opportunity to address.” State v. Stoddard, 
    192 Wn. App. 222
    , 227,
    366 P.3d 474
    Mr. Rodrigues argues that the issue was preserved, either by a pretrial motion in
    limine or by an objection that, having been made once, did not have to be renewed. The
    record does not support his position.
    Mr. Rodrigues made a handful of pretrial motions in limine, one of which was to
    exclude any reference to “lookouts” who might have been acting for Mr. Rodrigues at the
    Motel 6:
    Exclude testimony that Officers observed persons they suspected to be
    acting as lookouts at the Motel 6 prior to the alleged pursuit. ER 401; ER
    402; ER 403; ER 404(b). The pursuit occurred at a separate location. It is
    unknown whether the persons were acting as lookouts, and if they were,
    what purpose or for whom they were acting as lookouts. In the absence of
    such information, any testimony regarding lookouts is nonprobative. It is
    also unfairly prejudicial because it unfairly invites the jury to speculate that
    the lookouts were for Mr. Rodrigue[s] and that he is involved in criminal
    activity such that he would need lookouts.
    Clerk’s Papers (CP) at 27.
    After hearing argument of the motion, the court reserved ruling:
    THE COURT: Well, I’m sorry, I have to reserve on this and instruct
    both sides not to mention in opening statements. I’m going to need to hear
    what that officer observed before I’ll allow him to give an opinion that
    these people appeared to be lookouts.
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    RP at 17. The State did not thereafter offer evidence of lookouts. The motion in
    limine would not have excluded testimony about the name of the regional law
    enforcement meeting if it had been granted, and it wasn’t granted.
    Mr. Rodrigues also argues that he made an objection, and the court having ruled,
    he “‘should not be required to again raise the issue in front of the jury at the risk of
    making comments prejudicial to his cause.’” Reply Br. at 3 (quoting State v. Sullivan, 
    69 Wn. App. 167
    , 170, 
    847 P.2d 953
     (1993)). Defense counsel did not identify any basis for
    an objection, let alone ER 404(b); he raised a concern: “I’m very concerned about where
    this is going as far as his gang membership.” RP at 167. When the prosecutor responded
    that gang membership was not where he was going, defense counsel withdrew any
    objection, stating, “Okay. Never mind. I’m sorry.” RP at 168. And see State v.
    45 Wn. App. 916
    , 922, 
    729 P.2d 56
     (1986) (appeals court declined to review
    admission of evidence under ER 404(b) because appellant failed to state objection was
    based on ER 404(b)).
    Nor did the trial court rule against defense counsel. If anything, because the trial
    court told the prosecutor, “Go ahead and ask a leading question so that we can get over
    this hump,” RP at 168, the implication is that the court understood defense counsel’s
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    The conviction is affirmed.
    A majority of the panel has determined this opinion will not be printed in the
    Washington Appellate Reports, but it will be filed for public record pursuant to RCW
    Siddoway, A.C.J.
    Staab, J.
    Fearing, J.