Friends of Moon Creek v. Diamond Lake Improvement Ass'n ( 2018 )

  •                                                                        FILED
    FEBRUARY 6, 2018
    In the Office of the Clerk of Court
    WA State Court of Appeals, Division III
    FRIENDS OF MOON CREEK, an                    )
    unincorporated association, CHERYL and       )         No. 34938-1-III
    ROBERT BALENTINE, the ESTATE OF              )
    DOUGLAS M. ANDERSON, TOM and                 )
    MICHELE BOWYER, GEORGE A.                    )
    TYLER, MARK and CYNTHIA                      )
    MOESER, JOE F. STRUTHERS, and                )         PUBLISHED OPINION
    GAYLAN and HEATHER WARREN,                   )
    Respondents,             )
    v.                                     )
    DIAMOND LAKE IMPROVEMENT,                    )
    ASSOCIATION, INC.; SHARON                    )
    SORBY, individually and as                   )
    COORDINATOR, PEND OREILLE                    )
    COUNTY NOXIOUS WEED CONTROL                  )
    BOARD; and PHIL ANDERSON,                    )
    individually and as DIRECTOR,                )
    WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF                     )
    FISH AND WILDLIFE,                           )
    Petitioners.             )
    SIDDOWAY, J. —After ruling on summary judgment that Sharon Sorby did not
    enjoy qualified immunity from the plaintiffs’ claims under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, the trial
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    Friends of Moon Creek v. Diamond Lake Improvement Ass’n
    court certified its order under RAP 2.3(b)(4) as one “involv[ing] a controlling question of
    law as to which there is substantial ground for a difference of opinion.” We granted
    discretionary review. We conclude that Ms. Sorby enjoys qualified immunity and
    Sharon Sorby is the coordinator of the Pend Oreille County Noxious Weed
    Control Board. After properties bordering Diamond Lake were flooded, the weed board,
    in conjunction with Diamond Lake Improvement Association, considered eradicating
    reed canary grass, Phalaris arundinacea, a noxious weed growing along the banks of
    Moon Creek, to improve outflow from the lake. In order to proceed, they obtained a
    permit from the Washington State Department of Ecology that authorized applying
    certain chemicals to noxious weeds. Ms. Sorby also obtained a letter from the
    Washington State Department of Agriculture appointing her and the weed board as the
    department’s limited agents to carry out weed control.
    To provide notice to residents or businesses adjacent to the area the weed board
    expected to treat, Ms. Sorby consulted a parcel map to obtain names and addresses. On
    May 3, 2012 and June 12, 2012, she sent letters by United States mail to persons she
    believed were entitled to notice, whom she described as the “owners/taxpayers of the
    properties bordering Moon Creek.” Clerk’s Papers (CP) at 24. The first letter provided
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    Friends of Moon Creek v. Diamond Lake Improvement Ass’n
    notice that the weed board and improvement association would be inspecting banks along
    Moon Creek in preparation for a joint project to remove reed canary grass. The second
    provided details of the anticipated herbicide application, stating in part that the
    applications would be made by backpack sprayer and “[t]he anticipated date of treatment
    is the week of June 18, 2012, specifically Friday the 22nd, providing the wind is within
    tolerances to prevent off-site drift.” CP at 38. An enclosure to the second letter, entitled
    “Herbicide Treatment Business and Residential Notice,” stated, “The shorelines along
    Moon Creek will be treated with an aquatic herbicide on or between June 22 and June
    30,” and, “The target date is June 22.” CP at 39. The second letter and its enclosure both
    stated that treatment would be with an herbicide with the active ingredient glyphosate,
    but the enclosure also stated, “Product planned for use: Touchdown.” 
    Id. Ms. Sorby
    received a response to the notice from Cheryl Balentine, who voiced
    concerns about the effects of the herbicide on her garden and livestock. The only other
    responses Ms. Sorby received were from two property owners who did not object to the
    proposed application. None of her letters was returned as undeliverable.
    The herbicide application was not performed during the time frame originally
    projected. On the afternoon of July 5, 2012, Ms. Sorby sent electronic mail to Ms.
    Balentine, stating:
    I just wanted to let you know since treatment on Moon Creek was not able
    to be performed 2 weeks ago, we will be attempting treatment tomorrow
    with an air boat. The applicators will be on-site at 6:30 AM.
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    Friends of Moon Creek v. Diamond Lake Improvement Ass’n
    CP at 256. The herbicide was applied on July 6, 2012, by air boat.
    A number of property owners claim the herbicide application destroyed vegetation
    up to 100 feet from the banks, killed animal and marine life in and around the stream, and
    contaminated potable well water.
    In May 2015, Friends of Moon Creek, an unincorporated association; 10
    individuals; and an estate, filed the action below.1 They alleged, among other claims, a
    violation of 42 U.S.C. § 1983. Their § 1983 claim contends that Ms. Sorby deprived
    them of property in violation of two federal constitutional rights: the Fifth Amendment
    right against governmental taking of private property without just compensation, and the
    Fourteenth Amendment right against deprivation of property without due process of law.
    The plaintiffs later moved for summary judgment in their favor. Ms. Sorby filed a
    cross motion for summary judgment on her defense of qualified immunity.
    In declarations filed in support of the plaintiffs’ motion, one of the plaintiffs
    contends he did not receive either of Ms. Sorby’s letters, although he admits the address
    to which Ms. Sorby claims she mailed the letter is his. Three plaintiffs admit receiving
    Ms. Sorby’s letters but claim they did not know whether the notice applied to them
    The original complaint is not included in our record. We are assuming the
    original plaintiffs were the same parties identified in pleadings that are in the record.
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    because the letter did not include their names or an identification of their property. One
    plaintiff testified
    that the reference to the area to be treated as “Moon Creek” was confusing because while
    the stream at issue flowed through the real estate subdivision called “Moon Creek Estates
    3d Addition,” was identified on the plat as “Moon Creek,” and was locally called “Moon
    Creek,” county maps locate Moon Creek several miles west.
    In ruling on the cross motions for summary judgment, the trial court determined
    that Ms. Sorby’s notice did not comply with RCW 17.10.170, a provision of
    Washington’s noxious weed control law that requires notice to be provided by certified
    mail. The trial court also concluded that Ms. Sorby was ineligible for the qualified
    immunity defense. It denied summary judgment on other issues, finding that genuine
    issues of fact remained.
    At Ms. Sorby’s request, the trial court certified its order on qualified immunity
    under RAP 2.3(b)(4) as presenting a controlling question of law on which there was a
    substantial ground for a difference of opinion. Ms. Sorby moved for discretionary
    review, which our commissioner granted.
    The purpose of Washington’s weed control statutes is “to limit economic loss and
    adverse effects to Washington’s agricultural, natural, and human resources due to the
    presence and spread of noxious weeds on all terrestrial and aquatic areas in the state.”
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    RCW 17.10.007. A “noxious weed” is a plant that “when established is highly
    destructive, competitive, or difficult to control by cultural or chemical practices.” RCW
    17.10.010(1). A statutory duty is imposed on owners of land to either eradicate or control
    the noxious weeds designated for control by state, regional or county boards. RCW
    17.10.140. Weed control board employees are authorized to enter private land, with prior
    notice, to inspect and take specimens of weeds. RCW 17.10.160. If a weed control
    board finds that noxious weeds are not being controlled by an owner, it notifies the owner
    that a violation of the chapter exists and orders corrective action within a period of not
    less than 10 days. RCW 17.10.170(1). If corrective action is not taken by the owner
    within the time provided, the county board may control the weeds, or cause their being
    controlled, at the expense of the owner. RCW 17.10.170(3). It can also issue a notice of
    civil infraction. RCW 17.10.170(2).
    The doctrine of qualified immunity shields government officials like Ms. Sorby
    who perform discretionary functions “from liability for civil damages insofar as their
    conduct does not violate clearly established statutory or constitutional rights of which a
    reasonable person would have known.” Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 
    457 U.S. 800
    , 818, 102 S.
    Ct. 2727, 
    73 L. Ed. 2d 396
    (1982). It “balances two important interests—the need to hold
    public officials accountable when they exercise power irresponsibly and the need to
    shield officials from harassment, distraction, and liability when they perform their duties
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    reasonably.” Pearson v. Callahan, 
    555 U.S. 223
    , 231, 
    129 S. Ct. 808
    172 L. Ed. 2d 565
    Review of the order on qualified immunity presents two questions. The first is
    whether the facts the plaintiffs have alleged or shown make out a violation of a
    constitutional right. 
    Id. at 232.
    The second is whether the right at issue was “‘clearly
    established’” at the time of the defendant’s alleged misconduct. 
    Id. The prevailing
    is that once the defense of qualified immunity is properly raised, the plaintiff has the
    burden of showing the defendant violated a clearly established federal right. MARTIN A.
    SCHWARTZ, SECTION 1983 LITIGATION (3d ed. 2014) at 154 & n.1291 (citing cases).
    Courts are required to determine the right at issue, and whether it is clearly
    established or not, on the basis of the specific context of the case. Tolan v. Cotton, ___
    U.S. ___, 
    134 S. Ct. 1861
    , 1866-67, 
    188 L. Ed. 2d 895
    (2014). “A Government official’s
    conduct violates clearly established law when, at the time of the challenged conduct,
    ‘[t]he contours of [a] right [are] sufficiently clear’ that every ‘reasonable official would
    have understood that what he is doing violates that right.’” Ashcroft v. al-Kidd, 
    563 U.S. 731
    , 741, 
    131 S. Ct. 2074
    179 L. Ed. 2d 1149
    (2011) (alterations in original) (quoting
    Anderson v. Creighton, 
    483 U.S. 635
    , 640, 
    107 S. Ct. 3034
    97 L. Ed. 2d 523
    While this does not require a case directly on point, “existing precedent must have placed
    the statutory or constitutional question beyond debate.” 
    Id. “[I]n the
    light of pre-existing
    law the unlawfulness must be apparent.” 
    Anderson, 483 U.S. at 640
    (citation omitted).
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    We review an order of summary judgment de novo, performing the same inquiry
    as the trial court. Jones v. Allstate Ins. Co., 
    146 Wash. 2d 291
    , 300, 
    45 P.3d 1068
    Summary judgment is proper when there is “no genuine issue as to any material fact” and
    “the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.” CR 56(c). Where the
    defense seeks summary judgment on the qualified immunity issue, the court must view
    the evidence in the light most favorable to the plaintiff. 
    Tolan, 134 S. Ct. at 1866-67
    A moving defendant meets the initial burden of demonstrating no genuine issue of
    material fact by pointing out that there is an absence of evidence to support the plaintiff's
    case. If a moving defendant makes this initial showing, then the plaintiff must set forth
    specific facts demonstrating a genuine issue for trial. Young v. Key Pharm., Inc., 
    112 Wash. 2d 216
    , 225, 
    770 P.2d 182
    (1989), overruled in part on other grounds by 
    130 Wash. 2d 160
    922 P.2d 59
    (1996). The complete failure of proof concerning an essential element,
    “‘renders all other facts immaterial.’” 
    Id. (quoting Celotex
    Corp. v. Catrett, 
    477 U.S. 317
    , 322-23, 
    106 S. Ct. 2548
    91 L. Ed. 2d 265
    To summarize, in this appeal we review whether the plaintiffs have demonstrated
    that it was clearly established in July 2012 that (1) a government’s herbicide application
    on private property can constitute a taking of property, or (2) application of an herbicide
    can deprive the owner of the treated land of a protected property interest and Ms. Sorby’s
    notice was constitutionally inadequate.
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    Friends of Moon Creek v. Diamond Lake Improvement Ass’n
    1.     The alleged Fifth Amendment “taking”
    We first address whether it was clearly established in July 2012 that damage to
    flora or fauna from the application of an herbicide can constitute a taking of private
    property that requires the payment of just compensation under the Fifth Amendment.
    The plaintiffs assume that a taking occurred and proceed with their argument from there.
    But it is not clear now, nor was it in 2012, that spraying an herbicide that causes the type
    of damage complained of constitutes a taking.
    “The question of what constitutes a ‘taking’ for purposes of the Fifth Amendment
    has proved to be a problem of considerable difficulty.” Penn Cent. Transp. Co. v. City of
    New York, 
    438 U.S. 104
    , 123, 
    98 S. Ct. 2646
    57 L. Ed. 2d 631
    (1978). There is no “‘set
    formula’ for determining when ‘justice and fairness’ require that economic injuries
    caused by public action be compensated by the government, rather than remain
    disproportionately concentrated on a few persons.” 
    Id. at 124.
    Whether a taking has
    occurred depends largely on the individual circumstances of a case, and is essentially an
    ad hoc inquiry. 
    Id. “The clearest
    sort of taking occurs when the government encroaches upon or
    occupies private land for its own proposed use,” and decisions by the United States
    Supreme Court establish that “even a minimal ‘permanent physical occupation of real
    property’ requires compensation under the Clause.” Palazzolo v. Rhode Island, 
    533 U.S. 606
    , 617, 
    121 S. Ct. 2448
    150 L. Ed. 2d 592
    (2001) (quoting Loretto v. Teleprompter
    No. 34938-1-III
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    Manhattan CATV Corp., 
    458 U.S. 419
    , 427, 
    102 S. Ct. 3164
    73 L. Ed. 2d 868
    For example, it has long been established that government induced flooding can
    constitute a taking. Pumpelly v. Green Bay & Miss. Canal Co., 
    80 U.S. 166
    , 181, 20 L.
    Ed. 557 (1871). In Pumpelly, the state’s construction of a dam created a lake that
    permanently submerged the plaintiff’s land. 
    Id. at 176-77.
    Rejecting the government’s
    contention that the damage was merely a consequential result of the dam’s construction,
    the United States Supreme Court held that “where real estate is actually invaded by
    superinduced additions of water, earth, sand, or other material, or by having any artificial
    structure placed on it, so as to effectually destroy or impair its usefulness, it is a taking,
    within the meaning of the Constitution.” 
    Id. at 181.
    Since Pumpelly was decided, the Supreme Court “has consistently distinguished
    between flooding cases involving a permanent physical occupation, on the one hand, and
    cases involving a more temporary invasion, or government action outside the owner’s
    property that causes consequential damages within, on the other.” 
    Loretto, 458 U.S. at 428
    (citing cases). A temporary physical invasion is not automatically exempt from a
    takings clause analysis. Time is “indeed a factor,” but other factors are relevant,
    including “the degree to which the invasion is intended or is the foreseeable result of
    authorized government action,” “the character of the land at issue and the owner’s
    ‘reasonable investment-backed expectations’ regarding the land’s use,” and the
    “[s]everity of the interference.” Arkansas Game & Fish Comm’n v. United States, 568
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    U.S. 23, 38-39, 
    133 S. Ct. 511
    184 L. Ed. 2d 417
    (2012) (quoting 
    Palazzolo, 533 U.S. at 618
    Government action outside of property that causes consequential damage has
    “long and consistently” been recognized as distinct from a taking. Batten v. United
    306 F.2d 580
    , 583 (10th Cir. 1962). “[G]overnmental activities which do not
    directly encroach on private property are not a taking within the meaning of the Fifth
    Amendment even though the consequences of such acts may impair the use of the
    Id. (citing Transp.
    Co. v. City of Chicago, 
    99 U.S. 635
    , 642, 
    25 L. Ed. 336
    (1878); United States v. Willow River Power Co., 
    324 U.S. 499
    65 S. Ct. 761
    89 L. Ed. 1101
    In Harris v. United States, 
    205 F.2d 765
    (10th Cir. 1953), the court analyzed
    whether herbicide drift that damaged crops on privately-owned farm ground was a taking
    under the Fifth Amendment, and found that it was not. The court found the damages
    were incidental, and thus, noncompensable, stating that it did “not understand that a
    single isolated and unintentional act of the United States resulting in damage or
    destruction of personal property amounts to a taking in a constitutional sense. It is, we
    think, rather a tortious act for which the government is only consensually liable.” 
    Id. at 768;
    see also Keokuk & Hamilton Bridge Co. v. United States, 
    260 U.S. 125
    43 S. Ct. 37
    67 L. Ed. 165
    (1922) (holding that incidental damage to a plaintiff’s pier resulting from
    non-negligent government blasting was not a taking).
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    The spraying here could be said to have caused a physical invasion of sorts—the
    herbicide directly touched land owned by plaintiffs and evidence was presented that it
    seeped into the soil up to 100 feet from the banks. But this was a one-time occurrence,
    and the plaintiffs have not presented evidence that it will cause permanent damage. The
    plaintiffs have failed to identify any case in which spraying an herbicide was held to be a
    constitutional “taking.”
    We need not decide as a matter of law that there was no “taking.” We have no
    doubt that there was no “clearly established right” to just compensation from herbicide-
    caused damage to flora or fauna that would have been known to every weed control
    official in July 2012.
    2.       The alleged violation of procedural due process
    “To assess whether an individual was denied procedural due process, ‘courts must
    engage in a two-step inquiry: (1) did the individual possess a protected interest such that
    the due process protections were applicable; and, if so, then (2) was the individual
    afforded an appropriate level of process.’” Hatfield v. Bd. of County Comm’rs, 
    52 F.3d 858
    , 862 (10th Cir. 1995) (quoting Farthing v. City of Shawnee, 
    39 F.3d 1131
    , 1135
    (10th Cir. 1994)).
    The plaintiffs testify in their declarations that a 100 foot plus wide zone of dead
    plant life was left following the herbicide application, stream fish life was destroyed,
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    animals and birds have left the area, and their water now has a nasty smell and taste.
    They appear to contend that all of these harms deprive them of private property.
    Significant in this case, no deprivation of property occurs within the meaning of
    the due process clause when an unintended loss of or injury to property is the result of
    negligent conduct on the part of state officials. Daniels v. Williams, 
    474 U.S. 327
    , 328,
    106 S. Ct. 662
    88 L. Ed. 2d 662
    (1986). “Injury caused by lack of due care is . . . not
    ‘the sort of abusive government conduct that the Due Process Clause was designed to
    prevent.’” Mitchell v. Mills County, Iowa, 
    847 F.2d 486
    , 489 (8th Cir. 1988) (quoting
    Davidson v. Cannon, 
    474 U.S. 344
    , 347-48, 
    106 S. Ct. 668
    88 L. Ed. 2d 677
    Daniels, 474 U.S. at 331-33
    )). Thus in Mitchell, the plaintiffs’ § 1983 claim for
    damage to their farm ground from wastewater runoff from a county road project was
    dismissed on summary judgment where the plaintiffs “failed to produce evidence
    sufficient to allow a reasonable trier of fact to conclude that county officials deliberately
    damaged their property.” 
    Id. at 489.
    Focusing on Ms. Sorby’s intentional conduct, the plaintiffs have presented no
    evidence that she deliberately damaged anything other than reed canary grass. Thus, the
    first step of the deprivation analysis is only whether the plaintiffs possessed a protected
    property interest in reed canary grass growing on their land. To determine whether Ms.
    Sorby enjoys qualified immunity, the further question is whether it was clearly
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    established as of July 2012 that applying an herbicide to eradicate noxious weeds could
    deprive property owners of a protected property interest in the weeds.
    Property interests do not arise out of the Constitution, but “[r]ather, they are
    created and their dimensions are defined by existing rules or understandings that stem
    from an independent source such as state law . . . .” Board of Regents of State Colls. v.
    408 U.S. 564
    , 577, 
    92 S. Ct. 2701
    33 L. Ed. 2d 548
    (1972). Plaintiffs have not
    identified any § 1983 action in which a court has found a property owner to have a
    protected property interest in noxious weeds or other uncultivated plants. We have
    identified a few cases in which plaintiffs were held not to have a protected property
    interest in more beneficial natural phenomena. In Coastal Habitat Alliance v. Public
    Utility Commission of Texas, 
    294 S.W.3d 276
    , 287 (Tex. App. 2009), for example, the
    court held that the plaintiffs had no vested property right in wildlife or the viewing,
    enjoyment or hunting thereof, even when harm to the wildlife might affect their property
    value or business interests. And a federal district held the plaintiffs who complained
    about water use by defendant drainage districts had no property interest in water flowing
    in a river. As the court observed, “There can be no taking of a public resource . . . .”
    Delaware County Safe Drinking Water Coal., Inc. v. McGinty, No. 07-1782, 
    2008 WL 2229269
    , at *1 n.1 (E.D. Penn. May 27, 2008) (court order).
    Whether the plaintiffs had a protected property interest in the reed canary grass
    growing on their property is doubtful, but we need not decide that issue. We have no
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    doubt that there was no “clearly established” property interest in noxious weeds that
    would have been known to every reasonable weed control official in July 2012.
    We turn last to the constitutional adequacy of the notice provided by Ms. Sorby.
    Given the absence of a clearly established constitutional right, it is not necessary to the
    result but is addressed as an alternative basis for our decision.
    “An elementary and fundamental requirement of due process in any proceeding
    which is to be accorded finality is notice reasonably calculated, under all the
    circumstances, to apprise interested parties of the pendency of the action and afford them
    an opportunity to present their objections.” Mullane v. Cent. Hanover Bank & Trust Co.,
    339 U.S. 306
    , 314, 
    70 S. Ct. 652
    94 L. Ed. 865
    (1950). “The notice must be of such
    nature as reasonably to convey the required information . . . and it must afford a
    reasonable time for those interested to make their appearance.” 
    Id. The plaintiffs
    offer three reasons why they believe Ms. Sorby’s notice was
    constitutionally deficient: (1) she addressed the notices to “Landowners and Residences
    Along Moon Creek” rather than to each landowner by name, (2) she gave incorrect
    information about the nature and dates of the spraying,2 and (3) the one e-mail
    On the issue of the “nature” of the spraying, the plaintiffs point to the fact that
    the herbicide applied was of a brand other than that identified in one of the notices
    (although it contained the active ingredient identified by Ms. Sorby) and was applied
    from an air boat rather than by backpack sprayer.
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    notification that provided correct information was sent to only one of the landowners,
    14 hours in advance. Br. of Resp’ts at 23.
    The principal purpose of the notice required by Washington’s weed control
    statutes is to make the owner aware of an impending entry on land, the purpose for the
    entry, and to give the owner the opportunity to cure a violation, without government
    intervention, liability for the cost, or issuance of an infraction. To that end, when a weed
    board employee intends to enter private property, the statute requires only that “[p]rior to
    carrying out the purpose for which the entry is made, the official making such entry or
    someone in his or her behalf, shall make a reasonable attempt to notify the owner of the
    property as to the purpose and need for the entry.” RCW 17.10.160. When a weed board
    orders that a violation be cured and intends to act if it is not, the statute imposes only the
    following requirements on notice:
    The notice shall be in writing and sent by certified mail, and shall identify
    the noxious weeds found to be present, order prompt control action, and
    specify the time, of at least ten days from issuance of the notice, within
    which the prescribed action must be taken. Upon deposit of the certified
    letter of notice, the noxious weed control authority shall make an affidavit
    of mailing that is prima facie evidence that proper notice was given.
    RCW 17.10.170. If corrective action is not taken within the 10 day or greater time frame
    afforded by the weed board, chapter 17.10 RCW does not require any further notice
    before the weed board takes action to control the noxious weeds.
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    Ecology’s permit required some information to be given to property owners about
    the planned application of an herbicide. Relevant to mailed notice, the permit stated:
    a. The Permittee must notify private residents/businesses immediately
    adjacent to any treated area before chemical application, or as an
    alternative to notification, post the treated area[.] The Permittee
    may provide notice the same day as treatment.
    b. If notifying under 1.a., the Permittee must provide notice to the
    resident/business by a notification form, letter, flyer, or a personal
    conversation. The notice must explain the purpose of the treatment,
    identify the herbicide used, any re-entry or water use restrictions, and
    provide the location of the treated area(s) in relation to the
    CP at 33.
    The weed board’s undertaking in this case was somewhat atypical. It appears the
    weed board never intended to require property owners along Moon Creek to control the
    reed canary grass themselves or, failing that, to suffer civil infractions or liability for the
    cost. Perhaps for that reason, Ms. Sorby did not send the notice by certified mail. It has
    already been determined that the notice she provided violated RCW 17.10.170 in that
    respect. But the issue in this case is whether the notice was constitutionally sufficient.
    As the plaintiffs concede, compliance with state law is not controlling. Cleveland Bd. of
    Educ. v. Loudermill, 
    470 U.S. 532
    , 541, 
    105 S. Ct. 1487
    84 L. Ed. 2d 494
    Danielson v. City of Seattle, 
    108 Wash. 2d 788
    , 797 n.3, 
    742 P.2d 717
    In a different context—whether laws requiring abatement of a vegetative nuisance
    require a hearing before the government takes action to abate—one court has
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    characterized property owners as having no constitutionally significant property interest
    in weeds. Sobocinski v. City of Williamsport, 
    13 Pa. Commw. 425
    319 A.2d 697
    , 701
    (1974). The court stated it “cannot think of a less ‘significant’ property interest than the
    Uncultivated weeds and grass ‘taken’ from Appellant.” 
    Id. In another
    case, Shoemaker
    v. City of Howell, 
    795 F.3d 553
    (6th Cir. 2015), the plaintiff homeowner challenged the
    procedural constitutionality of a law that required him to mow the lawn between the
    sidewalk and the curb. He did not claim to have a property interest in grass the city cut at
    his expense, relying instead on a $600 fine imposed as the deprivation of property that
    entitled him to procedural due process. In rejecting the homeowner’s argument that he
    should have been given a pre-abatement hearing, the Sixth Circuit court found even the
    $600 fine to be a “relatively minor” property interest. 
    Id. at 561.
    Notably, in Shoemaker, somewhat like this case, the notice of planned abatement
    given to the homeowner did not comply with four of six notice requirements imposed by
    city ordinance. But the court found it still satisfied the Fourteenth Amendment’s
    requirement that it be reasonably calculated to apprise the homeowner of pending action
    and give the homeowner an opportunity to present any objections. 
    Id. at 560
    the notices in question were not perfect, the Constitution does not require strict adherence
    to the City’s Ordinances.”). The court observed that if the homeowner had any questions,
    the city’s notice provided him with contact information and a reference to applicable law
    and “[a] simple investigation of the referred-to Ordinances or a call to City Hall would
    No. 34938-1-III
    Friends of Moon Creek v. Diamond Lake Improvement Ass’n
    have answered [his] questions, but he made no such effort. He ‘should not be able to
    now use [his] inaction against the [City] in claiming a violation of due process.’” 
    Id. (some alterations
    in original) (quoting Dubuc v. Twp. of Green Oak, 406 F. App’x. 983,
    989 (6th Cir. 2011)).
    As to the content of the notice, Ms. Sorby’s notice provided the material
    information as to the noxious weed that would be controlled, the anticipated time frame, a
    correct identification of the active ingredient to be used, and the intended product name
    and manner of application. It provided recipients with the weed board’s telephone and
    fax numbers, its street address, and her e-mail address. Both notices invited recipients to
    contact the weed board with any questions. In some respects, it provided more details
    than Washington weed control statutes or Ecology’s permit required.
    While some owners claim not to have received the notice, “Mullane makes clear
    . . . [that] the proper inquiry is not whether [an individual] received the notices but
    instead whether the method of providing the notices was ‘reasonably calculated, under all
    the circumstances,’ to inform him” of an action and his right to object. Peters v. Nat’l
    R.R. Passenger Corp., 
    966 F.2d 1483
    , 1486 (D.C. Cir. 1992) (quoting 
    Mullane, 339 U.S. at 314-15
    ). Plaintiffs do not discredit Ms. Sorby’s testimony about how she mailed the
    notice since most of them admit receiving it. As for recipients who questioned whether
    the notice applied to them because it did not include their name or identify their land, the
    No. 34938-1-III
    Friends of Moon Creek v. Diamond Lake Improvement Ass 'n
    proper inquiry is not what questions were in their minds. It is, again, whether her notice
    was reasonably calculated to provide the required information.
    While not perfect, the notice provided by Ms. Sorby was reasonably calculated to
    apprise land owners of pending action by the government and to give them an
    opportunity to present any objections.
    We reverse the trial court's summary judgment on qualified immunity and remand
    with directions to dismiss the plaintiffs ' claims against Ms. Sorby.
    oway,J. ~.~-
    Pennell, J.

Document Info

Docket Number: 34938-1

Filed Date: 2/6/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/6/2018

Authorities (28)

Harris v. United States. Thomas v. United States. Ellis v. ... , 205 F.2d 765 ( 1953 )

marjorie-hatfield-v-the-board-of-county-commissioners-for-converse-county , 52 F.3d 858 ( 1995 )

Joseph Peters v. National Railroad Passenger Corporation , 966 F.2d 1483 ( 1992 )

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Pearson v. Callahan , 129 S. Ct. 808 ( 2009 )

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Tolan v. Cotton , 134 S. Ct. 1861 ( 2014 )

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