Derek E. Gronquist v. Dept. Of Corrections, State Of Wa ( 2013 )

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    2013 OCT 
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    DEREK E. GRONQUIST,                                                       No. 42774 -5 - II
    consolidated with)
    No. 43500 -4 -II
    V.                                                       PART PUBLISHED OPINION
    HUNT, J. —         Derek E. Gronquist appeals several superior court orders and findings
    entered    in his Public Records Act (PRA) lawsuit. He argues that the superior court erred in ( 1)
    limiting       the penalty   period   of   the Department   of   Corrections ( DOC)' s PRA violation and
    awarding a penalty amount that was too small; and ( 2) concluding that the surveillance video
    Chapter 42. 56 RCW.
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    recordings     he   requested on      August 5, 2007,       were exempt       from disclosure      under    the PRA.     We
    hold that RCW 42. 56. 565( 1) bars an award of PRA penalties to Gronquist because ( 1) he was
    serving   a criminal sentence         in   a correctional   facility   when   he   made    his PRA     request   to DOC; ( 2)
    the superior court found no bad faith in DOC' s inadvertent omission of one page from the
    documents it produced in response to his PRA request; and ( 3) no final judgment had yet been
    entered   in his PRA       action at   the time the legislature        enacted    this   prohibition   in 2011. We further
    hold that the prison surveillance video recordings that Gronquist requested were exempt from
    disclosure     under     RCW 42. 56. 240( 1).     Accordingly,       we affirm.
    A. July 30, 2007 Request
    On July 24, 2007, DOC inmate Derek E. Gronquist sent a PRA request to DOC seeking:
    1.    All [ DOC]          inmate identification badges /cards from undocumented alien
    workers employed by DOC' s Class II Industriesp] [....];
    2. All records demonstrating the payment of any wages, gratuities, or other forms
    of payment to undocumented alien workers employed by the DOC[ ....];
    3. All records revealing internal DOC communications and /or deliberations
    concerning the use of undocumented alien workers in DOC' s Industries program.
    Clerk' s Papers ( CP)        at   252 -53.    Gronquist     clarified   that "`   undocumented alien worker "' meant
    any person who is not a [ U] nited [ S] tates citizen and who does not possess a current and valid
    work     permit     or    similar   document authorizing            such   person      to be   employed    in the [ U] nited
    Because DOC did not cross -appeal the superior court' s award of a PRA penalty to Gronquist,
    the propriety of this award is not before us in the instant appeal.
    3 Neither Gronquist' s request nor the record explains what " DOC' s Class II Industries program"
    No. 42774- 5- 11 ( consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    S] tates."    CP      at    253. DOC received this request on July 30. The next day, DOC responded that
    it had no records to disclose in response to Gronquist' s request because DOC' s Class II
    Industries program did not identify offenders by citizenship and citizenship was not a part of its
    employment process.
    B. August 9, 2007 Request
    On August 9, DOC received from Gronquist a second, unrelated PRA request to DOC
    dated August 5, stating:
    I am requesting the following records concerning an assault and /or extortion
    attempt that happened to me at the Clallam Bay Correction[ s] Center on June 17,
    1.    All documents created in response to, or because of, this incident;
    4.      The surv[ e] illance video of C -unit from 6: 00 a.m. to 2: 00 p.m. of June
    17, 2007;
    5.      The surv[ e] illance video of the chow hall used for C -unit inmates on
    and for the [ b] reakfast meal on June 17, 2007;
    9. The complete [ i]nternal [ i]nvestigations file.
    CP    at   215 - 16.         In response to this request, on October 26, DOC staff ( 1) mailed Gronquist 96
    pages of documents, from which 1 page was inadvertently missing; and ( 2) claimed that the
    surveillance        video         recordings were          exempt       from   PRA     disclosure   under   former   RCW
    42. 56. 420( 2) ( 2005), providing            a   brief   explanation    for this   claimed exemption.   On November 2,
    the Stafford Creek Corrections Center intercepted this mail and withheld 39 pages of documents
    and   11   photographs           in   accordance with     DOC'   s mail rejection     policy.
    4 The record on appeal neither includes nor explains DOC' s mail rejection policy.
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    Eventually DOC released these intercepted documents to Gronquist during the discovery
    process    in   an unrelated case.      Gronquist did not alert DOC about the single missing page from
    the   96   pages     it had   provided.       When DOC later learned about the missing page through
    Gronquist' s lawsuit, it located and supplied it to him.
    On June 12, 2009, Gronquist filed a motion for judicial review under the PRA, asking the
    superior    court    to   require   DOC to "      show     cause"    why " disclosure of requested public records
    should not      be   compelled and sanctions         imposed" for DOC'          s alleged    PRA   violations.   CP at 429.
    On July 27, Gronquist filed a complaint in superior court, claiming DOC had violated the PRA in
    1) failing to conduct an adequate search for records involving " undocumented alien workers ";
    2) withholding surveillance video recordings; and ( 3) improperly withholding one page from the
    internal investigation        report.   CP   at   321.    Gronquist also alleged that Stafford Creek' s screening
    and withholding of 39 pages and 11 photographs of his PRA documents violated the free speech
    clause of the Washington Constitution, article I, section 5.
    A. December 18, 2009 PRA Order, Findings, and Penalty
    On December 18, 2009, the superior court ruled that ( 1) DOC had violated the PRA by
    inadvertently withholding one page of the documents it had provided in response to Gronquist' s
    August 9, 2007 PRA            request; (   2) DOC'       s omission   had    not   been in bad faith; ( 3) Gronquist had
    failed to request identifiable records when he requested information about undocumented alien
    workers (    because "     records   in the form     requested      did   not exist ");   and ( 4) DOC properly withheld
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    surveillance       video       tapes   from disclosure             under    RCW 42. 56. 240( 1).           I CP    at    125.     For
    inadvertently having withheld 1 page, the superior court ordered DOC to pay a PRA penalty of
    15 per day for 24 days, for a total of $260 to Gronquist.
    Arguing fraud, Gronquist later moved to vacate the superior court' s December 18 order.
    The superior court denied this motion.
    B. Motion To Dismiss; January 3, 2011 Order
    On October 8, 2010, DOC moved to dismiss Gronquist' s PRA action under CR 12( b)( 6).
    DOC      argued     that ( 1)       the superior court had resolved all of Gronquist' s PRA claims in its
    December 18, 2009 show cause order; and ( 2) the superior court should dismiss Gronquist' s
    remaining        art.   1, §    5   claim    as    a    matter     of   law because ( a) violations of the Washington
    Constitution are not independently actionable torts, and (b) Gronquist had no protected interest in
    receiving      uncensored mail         in   prison.      On January 3, 2011, the superior court granted the motion
    in part and dismissed all of Gronquist' s PRA claims except his claim for injunctive relief from
    DOC'     s    withholding       a   portion       of   his   incoming       mail " without      legitimate   peneological [       sic]
    reasons."       I CP at 98 -99.
    C. Motion To Amend; February 27, 2012 Order
    On January 31, 2012, Gronquist moved for leave to file a second amended complaint,
    restating his previously resolved and dismissed PRA claims, but adding an allegation that DOC
    had    violated    the PRA       by failing       to   conduct an adequate search         for   records.   On February 27, the
    The legislature       amended      RCW 42. 56. 240 in 2010, 2012,              and   2013. LAWS of 2013,            ch.   315 § 2;
    ch.    190 § 7;   ch.    183 § 1; LAWS of 2012,              ch.   88 § l; LAWS    of   2010,   ch.   266 § 2;   ch.   182 § 5.   The
    amendments did not alter the statute in any way relevant to this case; accordingly, we cite the
    current version of the statute.
    No. 42774 -5 - II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -1I)
    superior    court (   1)   denied Gronquist' s motion as untimely; and ( 2) dismissed Gronquist' s sole
    remaining     art.   I, § 5 claim with prejudice because he had stated in his memorandum that his art.
    I, § 5   claim was , moot. ,,        Suppl. CP at 477.
    Gronquist        appeals   the   superior   court' s (      1)    December 18, 2009 findings and penalty
    order; (   2) January 3, 2011 order granting in part and denying in part DOC' s motion to dismiss;
    and ( 3) February 27, 2012 order denying Gronquist' s motion for leave to amend his complaint
    and dismissing his remaining claims.
    Gronquist challenges the amount of the superior court' s December 18, 2009 penalties.
    He argues that the superior court lacked authority to reduce the penalty period for DOC' s
    inadvertent late disclosure of 1 page of the 96 pages of documents it had provided in response to
    his PRA      request.      We hold that RCW 42. 56. 565( 1) defeats this argument because ( 1) DOC did
    provide him the missing page when it became aware of its inadvertent earlier omission from the
    96   pages   it had timely      provided     in   response   to his         second   PRA   request; (   2) the superior court
    expressly found that DOC had not acted in bad faith in having inadvertently omitted this page;
    See Gronquist' s       memorandum        in   support of   this        motion.   See also Gronquist' s related motion,
    in which he stated that because he had since received the records that were the basis of his art. I,
    5 claim, injunctive relief was no longer necessary.
    7 DOC does not cross -appeal the trial court' s imposition of PRA penalties, including the amount.
    It challenges only Gronquist' s assertion that the trial court erred in calculating penalties that were
    too low, or, in the alternative, that Gronquist' s claim is moot in light of RCW 42. 56. 565( 1).
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    and ( 3) RCW 42. 56. 565( 1) prohibits an award of any PRA penalties to a prison inmate serving a
    criminal sentence absent a showing of bad faith.$
    The question of whether the PRA authorizes a trial court to reduce the penalty period is a
    question of   law,   which we review      de   novo.   Yousoufian v. Office of Ron Sims, 
    152 Wash. 2d 421
    98 P.3d 463
     ( 2004).          We look to a statute' s plain language to give effect to legislative
    intent.   Lacey Nursing Ctr., Inc. v. Dep' t of Revenue, 
    128 Wash. 2d 40
    , 53, 
    905 P.2d 338
     ( 1995).
    When faced with an unambiguous statute, we derive the legislature' s intent from the plain
    language    alone.   Waste Mgmt. of Seattle, Inc.       v.   Util. &   Transp. Comm' n, 
    123 Wash. 2d 621
    , 629,
    869 P.2d 1034
     ( 1994).
    RCW 42. 56. 565( 1) provides:
    A court shall not award penalties under RCW 42. 56. 550( 4) to a person who was
    serving a criminal sentence in a state, local, or privately operated correctional
    facility on the date the request for public records was made, unless the court finds
    that the agency acted in badfaith in denying the person the opportunity to inspect
    or copy a public record.
    Although neither party argues that RCW 42. 56. 565( 1) generally prohibits prisoners' receipt of
    any PRA      penalties ( see   discussion later in this Analysis),       we may affirm the superior court on
    any ground the record supports. State v. Costich, 
    152 Wash. 2d 463
    , 477, 
    98 P.3d 795
     ( 2004).
    9 The legislature' s 2005 recodification of the Public Disclosure Act,. chapter 42. 17 RCW, as the
    Public Records Act,     chapter     42. 56 RCW, LAWS of 2005,           ch.   274, § 1, did not alter the pertinent
    language     on which our      Supreme    Court   relied     in Yousoufian.      See former RCW 42. 17; RCW
    42. 56. Accordingly, we refer to the PDA by its current title, the PRA.
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    Emphasis      added).           The legislature further          specified     that the     above subsection (      1) "     applies to all
    actions brought under RCW 42. 56. 550 in which final judgment has not been entered as of the
    effective     date   of   this   section [   July   22, 2011]."      LAWS       of   2011,    ch.   300, § 2 ( emphasis added).
    Generally, a " final judgment" is a judgment that ends all litigation, including appellate
    review,   leaving        nothing for the       court        to do but to    execute    the judgment. Anderson & Middleton
    Lumber Co.         v.    Quinault Indian Nation, 79 Wn.                     App.     221, 225, 
    901 P.2d 1060
     ( 1995) ( citing
    Catlin   v.   United States, 
    324 U.S. 229
    , 233, 
    65 S. Ct. 631
    89 L. Ed. 911
     ( 1945)),                                          aff d, 
    130 Wash. 2d 862
    929 P.2d 379
     ( 1996).                           But the legislature did not specify whether its statutory
    reference     to   a "   final judgment" in the               comment      to   RCW 42. 56. 565( 1) encompasses this broad
    concept of complete and final adjudication of an issue, including exhaustion of appellate review.
    See In   re   Skylstad, 
    160 Wash. 2d 944
    , 948 -49, 
    162 P.3d 413
     ( 2007) ( judgment becomes final " when
    all litigation     on    the   merits ends,"    interpreting RCW 10. 30. 090 in criminal context).
    This       broad       interpretation        of "     final judgment"          is    consistent     with          several   recent
    Washington           cases       addressing     RCW 42. 56. 565.                See Franklin County Sheriff' s Office v.
    175 Wash. 2d 476
    , 481                        n. 5,    
    285 P.3d 67
     ( 2012) ( contemplating the superior court' s
    application of RCW 42. 56. 565 on remand, notwithstanding its being enacted after the plaintiff
    sought    interlocutory          review), cent.      denied, 
    133 S. Ct. 2037
     ( 2013);               DeLong v. Parmelee, 164 Wn.
    App.     781, 786 -87, 
    267 P.3d 410
     ( 2011) ( applying RCW 42. 56. 565( 1)                                   on appeal to bar an
    inmate' s recovery of PRA penalties, notwithstanding its being enacted after the original trial),
    See Burt v. Washington State Department of Corrections, 
    168 Wash. 2d 828
    , 837 n.9, 
    231 P.3d 191
     ( 2010) (      noting that legislature' s enacting of RCW 42. 56. 565 would " greatly curtail abusive
    prisoner requests for public records ").
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    review   denied, 
    173 Wash. 2d 1027
     ( 2012).              We apply this generally accepted broad definition of
    final judgment" here.
    In 2011, while Gronquist' s PRA claims were awaiting appellate review, our legislature
    promulgated     RCW 42. 56. 565( 1),            accompanied   by   a "   final judgment" limitation in the related
    comment;     thus,   no "      final judgment" has    yet   been   entered     in his   action.   Gronquist is serving a
    criminal    sentence.      And the superior court found no bad faith in DOC' s inadvertently omitting
    one page from the documents it provided in response to Gronquist' s second PRA request. Thus,
    RCW 42. 56. 565( 1) applies to bar his claim for PRA penalties. Holding that because Gronquist is
    not statutorily entitled to any amount of PRA penalties, we do not further consider his argument
    that the penalty amounts the            superior court awarded           him   were     too   small.   DOC did not cross
    appeal this award, thus, we must leave the superior court' s PRA penalty intact.
    Gronquist next argues that the superior court erred in concluding that the surveillance
    video    recordings       he   requested   on   August 9, 2007,      were      exempt     from disclosure.     Again, we
    We liberally construe the PRA in favor of disclosure and narrowly construe its
    exemptions.     RCW 42. 56. 030.           The PRA requires agencies to disclose any public record upon
    request unless       an   enumerated exemption         applies.     Sanders v. State, 
    169 Wash. 2d 827
    , 836, 
    240 P.3d 120
     ( 2010); RCW 42. 56. 070( 1).             The burden of proof is on the agency to establish that a
    specific exemption applies.            Neighborhood Alliance of Spokane County v. County of Spokane,
    172 Wash. 2d 702
    , 715, 
    261 P.3d 119
     ( 2011).
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    Gronquist' s August 9, 2007 PRA request sought " surveillance video of C -unit from 6: 00
    a. m.   to 2: 00 p. m.    of   June 17, 2007"   and "   surveillance video of the chow hall used for C -unit
    inmates     on and   for the [ b] reakfast   meal on     June 17, 2007."     CP     at   215 - 16.   In its response to
    Gronquist' s show cause motion, DOC argued that the surveillance video recordings were exempt
    under RCW 42. 56. 240, which provides:
    The following investigative, law enforcement, and crime victim information is
    exempt from public inspection and copying under this chapter:
    1)   Specific intelligence information and specific investigative records
    compiled by investigative, law enforcement, and penology agencies, and state
    agencies vested with the responsibility to discipline members of any profession,
    the nondisclosure of which is essential to effective law enforcement or for the
    protection of any person' s right to privacy.
    CP at 191.
    To demonstrate how nondisclosure of these surveillance videos is " essential to effective
    law     enforcement, "    11 the DOC supplied the declaration of Richard Morgan, DOC' s Director of
    Prisons.     Morgan       explained   that DOC'   s surveillance system    is ( 1) "[    o] ne of the most important
    tools for maintaining the security           and   orderly   operation   of prisons,"            and (   2) "   an   essential
    element of effective control of a population that is 100 [ percent] criminal in its composition and
    is accustomed to evading detection and exploiting the absence of authority, monitoring, and
    accountability"      13 as follows:
    11 RCW 42. 56.240( 1).
    12 CP at 290.
    13 CP at 290.
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    Since the resources are not available to accomplish 100 [ percent] surveillance at
    all times, it is mission critical that offenders and their cohorts not. know the
    capabilities and the limitations of DOC' s surveillance capabilities.
    It is a significant advantage to have offenders uncertain as to what is being
    monitored, what is recorded, and what is in the field of view. Offenders will often
    use "   blind   spots" (   locations that have infrequent staff presence and no electronic
    surveillance)        to    commit    acts    of   violence     and   purveying      contraband.        In
    reconstructing        incidents     and     interviewing     offenders,   it has been found that
    incident location is        often chosen      due to   a perceived    lack    of surveillance.   In my
    expert opinion, surveillance, real or imagined, is a powerful deterrent to assaults
    and other problematic behaviors by offenders.
    CP     at    290 -91.         Morgan      concluded, "      Providing offenders access to recordings of DOC
    surveillance videos would allow them to accurately determine which areas are weak or devoid in
    DOC'     s   ability to      capture    identities in the   aftermath of an       incident   or crime."   CP   at   291.   The
    record contains no controverting evidence. 14
    Under RCW 42. 56. 240( 1),           an investigative, law enforcement, or penology agency must
    have    compiled          the "[ s] pecific intelligence information and specific investigative records" that the
    requester seeks.             Secondly, the agency must show that the " nondisclosure" of the information is
    essential      to    effective    law   enforcement."       RCW 42. 56. 240( 1).      Gronquist does not contend that
    DOC is         not    a    law   enforcement     agency.       And, as Morgan explained, providing inmates with
    Gronquist cites Prison Legal News, Inc. V. Department of Corrections, 
    154 Wash. 2d 628
    , 643,
    115 P.3d 316
     ( 2005), to argue that DOC' s claiming exemption of disclosure of prison video
    surveillance recordings is contrary to our general instruction to construe PRA exemptions
    narrowly.            Prison Legal News, however, does               not control    here.     In Prison Legal News, DOC
    attempted to withhold identifying information in public records related to medical misconduct
    investigations in Washington prisons. 154 Wn.2d at 632. Examining the " specific investigative
    records"       exemption of        former RCW 42. 17. 310( 1)( d) ( 2003), now codified as RCW 42. 56. 240( 1),
    our Supreme Court held that DOC failed to meet its burden in proving that the redactions were
    essential   to    effective     law enforcement. "' Prison Legal News at 639. Here, as we note above,
    DOC has          sustained        its burden in showing that nondisclosure is " essential to effective law
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    access to recordings of DOC' s surveillance videos would allow prisoners to exploit weaknesses
    in DOC' s      surveillance system.        As Division One      of our court   has held, " Intelligence information
    provided       by   video   surveillance   systems ...       falls squarely within the core definitions of `law
    enforcement, "'       thereby exempting surveillance video recordings from disclosure under RCW
    42. 56. 240( 1).      Fischer   v.   Wash. State   Dep' t   of Corr.,   
    160 Wash. App. 722
    , 727 -28, 
    254 P.3d 824
    2011),      review   denied, 
    172 Wash. 2d 1001
     ( 2011).              We hold, therefore, that the superior court did
    not err in concluding that the surveillance video recordings Gronquist sought were exempt from
    the PRA' s otherwise broad disclosure requirements.
    A majority of the panel having determined that only the foregoing portion of this opinion
    will be printed in the Washington Appellate Reports and that the remainder shall be filed for public
    record in accordance with RCW 2. 06. 040, it is so ordered.
    Gronquist further argues that the superior court erred in ( 1) denying his motion to vacate
    the December 18, 2009            show cause order; (     2) concluding that his July 30, 2007 PRA request did
    not seek'     identifiable   public records; (     3) denying his motion to amend his complaint as untimely;
    and (   4)   dismissing     his free   speech claim.     Gronquist also argues that DOC failed to conduct an
    objectively reasonable search for records in response to his July 30, 2007 PRA request and that
    RCW 72. 09. 530 is unconstitutionally              overbroad.      Holding that the superior court did not err and
    refusing to consider unpreserved arguments Gronquist raises for the first time on appeal, we
    Gronquist contends that the superior court abused its discretion in denying his motion to
    vacate       the December 18, 2009        show cause order, which        decision, he   argues, "   was based upon the
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    untenable      conclusion       that the         previous `[   o] rder     was     correct,      in that video recordings are
    categorically      exempt      from disclosure."          Second Amend. Br.                 of   Appellant     at   51 ( alteration in
    original) ( quoting       CP   at   11).   We have just held that the trial court did not err in concluding that
    the    surveillance   video     recordings were exempt under                  RCW 42. 56. 240( 1).             Because Gronquist
    fails to articulate any other reason why the superior court' s decision was in error, we do not
    further address this claim.
    A. Unidentifiable Records Request
    Gronquist next argues that the superior court erred in its December 18, 200915 order when
    it    concluded    that   his       July   30,    2007 PRA          request      for "[   a]   ll [ DOC]    inmate      identification
    badges /cards from        undocumented alien workers employed                          by   DOC'    s   Class II Industries "        did
    not seek "   identifiable"      public records.        Second Am. Br.            of   Appellant    at   22, 28. We disagree.
    The PRA requires agencies_to. respond to requests for only " identifiable public records."
    RCW 42. 56. 080; see also Hangartner v. City of Seattle, 
    151 Wash. 2d 439
    , 447 -48, 
    90 P.3d 26
    2004).    A party seeking           public records under           the PRA must, " at a minimum, provide notice that
    the request is made pursuant to the [ PRA] and identify the documents with reasonable clarity to
    allow    the agency to locate them."                 Hangartner, 151 Wn.2d at 447 ( citing Wood v. Lowe, 102
    Wn.     App.   872, 878, 
    10 P.3d 494
     ( 2000)). "              The [ PRA] does not require agencies to research or
    The Second Amended Br.                of    Appellant    at    28   refers   to the      superior    court' s "   December 18,
    2007"     order.    We believe this to be a scrivener' s error and reference should be to the court' s
    December 18, 2009 order.
    CP at 252.
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    explain public        records,   but only to            make   those       records   accessible      to the   public."       Smith v.
    Okanogan     County,         100 Wn.    App.   7, 12, 
    994 P.2d 857
     ( 2000) (              citing Bonamy v. City of Seattle,
    92 Wn.     App.       403,    409, 
    960 P.2d 447
     ( 1998),                   review    denied, 
    137 Wash. 2d 1012
     ( 1999)).
    Moreover,      an    agency has     no      duty   to   create or produce records             that   are nonexistent.         West v.
    Wash: State       Dep' t   of Natural Res., 163 Wn.              App.      235, 242., 
    258 P.3d 78
     ( 2011), review denied,
    173 Wash. 2d 1020
     ( 2012).
    Gronquist        argues   that    because DOC           Policy       330. 700     states   that DOC "       will identify
    offenders who are citizens of other nations,"                    the superior court erred in finding that Gronquist' s
    request   for "   undocumented alien workers"                  in DOC' s Class II Industries program did not seek
    17 .
    identifiable     public records.            Second Am. Br. of Appellant at 24, 26 -27 ( quoting CP at 425).
    There is    no      support    for this     claim       in law   or    in the   record.      Michael Holthe, Clallam Bay
    Corrections Center' s Public Disclosure Coordinator, declared that after receiving Gronquist' s
    July 30, 2007 request, he had inquired with the Class II Industries program manager, who
    explained that Class II Industries did not identify offenders by citizenship and that such
    Contrary to Gronquist' s assertion, DOC' s identification of offenders by citizenship does not
    suggest that DOC' s Class II Industries program similarly identifies its workers by their
    citizenship.        Moreover, there is nothing further in the record to suggest that the superior court
    erred   in concluding that "         records       in the form        requested      did   not exist."    CP    at   125 (   emphasis
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    classification was not part of                  its   employment process.      18 Thus, the record supports the superior
    court' s    ruling that there           were no       identifiable   records   matching Gronquist'         s request.       We hold,
    therefore, that the superior court did not err in ruling that Gronquist' s request had been for non-
    existent, or unidentifiable, records.
    B.     Objectively Reasonable Search for Records
    In a related argument, Gronquist contends for the first time on appeal that DOC failed to
    conduct an            objectively     reasonable search        for " undocumented        alien   labor"   records.    Second Am.
    Br.   of   Appellant       at   29.    Because Gronquist failed to raise this issue below, we do not address it
    on appeal.
    An argument neither pleaded nor argued to the trial court cannot be raised for the first
    time   on appeal."          Sourakli      v.   Kyriakos, Inc., 144 Wn.         App.   501, 509, 
    182 P.3d 985
     ( 2008) ( citing ,
    Sneed      v.   Barna, 80 Wn.          App.     843, 847, 
    912 P.2d 1035
     ( 1996)).          Furthermore, we " may refuse to
    review      any        claim    of    error    which    was   not   raised   in the trial   court."       RAP 2. 5(   a).    Because
    Gronquist failed to raise this alleged error below, we decline to review it for the first time on
    18 Gronquist argues extensively that, because DOC has access to a variety of information about
    its inmates, including citizenship, it could have compared each of its Class II Industries workers
    against         its   other records      to    provide   Gronquist his       requested   information.       As we have already
    explained, the PRA does not require any agency to create documents in response to PRA
    requests.             See Smith, 100 Wn.          App.   at   12 ( " An important distinction must be drawn between a
    request         for information         about public records and a request             for the   records    themselves. "); West,
    163 Wn. App. at 242 ( Agency has no duty to create or produce a record that is nonexistent).
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    Gronquist next argues that the superior court erred in denying as untimely his request for
    leave to amend his complaint to add a new PRA claim. Again, we disagree.
    We review for abuse of discretion a trial court' s ruling on a motion to amend the
    complaint.      Caruso v. Local Union No. 690 ofInt' l Bhd. of Teamsters, 
    100 Wash. 2d 343
    , 351, 
    670 P.2d 240
     ( 1983).      A trial court abuses its discretion if its decision is manifestly unreasonable or
    based   on untenable grounds or reasons.                     State ex rel. Carroll v. Junker, 
    79 Wash. 2d 12
    , 26, 
    482 P.2d 775
     ( 1971).      To amend a pleading after the opposing party has responded, the party seeking
    to   amend must obtain          the trial   court' s   leave    or   the opposing party'    s consent.   CR 15( a).   A trial
    court must grant       leave    freely " when justice          so requires."   CR 15( a).    But undue delay is a proper
    ground    for   denying      leave to       amend.      Elliott v. Barnes, 
    32 Wash. App. 88
    , 92, 
    645 P.2d 1136
    1982);   see also     Wilson    v.   Horsley, 
    137 Wash. 2d 500
    , 507, 
    974 P.2d 316
     ( 1999) ( request to amend
    on eve of trial supported denial of leave to amend).
    Here, Gronquist requested leave from the superior court to file a second amended
    complaint on January 31, 2012, more than two and a half years after he filed his first amended
    complaint and DOC filed its answer, and more than one year after the superior court dismissed
    his remaining PRA               claims.      Moreover,         Gronquist has neither designated any record nor
    identified in his brief any reason to show why the superior court erred in ruling that his motion to
    amend was          untimely.     See RAP 10. 3(        a)(   6) ( Appellant must provide argument in support of the
    issues presented for review, together with citations to legal authority and references to relevant
    parts   of   the   record). "     Such `[    p] assing treatment of an issue or lack of reasoned argument is
    insufficient to      merit   judicial   consideration. "'            West v. Thurston County, 
    168 Wash. App. 162
    , 187,
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    275 P.3d 1200
     ( 2012) (              alteration       in    original) (   quoting Holland v. City of Tacoma, 
    90 Wash. App. 533
    , 538, 
    954 P.2d 290
     ( 1998)).                     Thus, we do not further consider this unsupported argument.
    VI. ART I, § 5 CLAIMS
    Gronquist next argues that Stafford Creek' s seizure of some of the PRA documents DOC
    had    mailed        to    him     violated         his freedom         of   speech    contrary to         article   I, section 5 of the
    Washington Constitution.                     He also argues for the first time on appeal that RCW 72. 09. 530 is
    unconstitutionally overbroad. These claims fail.
    A. Mail Room Seizure Claim Abandoned
    It is    a   long -standing       rule    that   abandoned       issues   will not     be   addressed on appeal."             Green
    v.   Normandy             Park, 137 Wn.             App. 665, 688,           151, P. 3d 1038 ( 2007); RAP 2. 5(                a).         In his
    memorandum in support of his motion requesting leave to amend his complaint, Gronquist
    notified     the      superior      court      that    since    bringing      his   original     complaint     alleging his      art.      I, §   5
    challenge, DOC had " produced the previously censored records at issue" and that the production
    of   these   records rendered               his     art.   I, § 5   claim " moot. "             Suppl. CP    at    476, 477.     The record
    See   also    Peck      v.   Davies, 
    154 Wash. 559
    , 563, 
    283 P. 173
     ( 1929);                            Gregory v. Peabody, 
    138 Wash. 591
    , 597, 
    244 P. 998
     ( 1926); Buckeye                              Buggy       Co.   v.   Montana Stables, Inc., 
    43 Wash. 49
    85 P. 1077
     ( 1906);               Soderberg                                 Moore
    Adver., Inc. v. Kent —            Corp., 
    11 Wash. App. 721
    , 737, 
    524 P.2d 1355
     ( 1974); Stratton                   v.   U.S. Bulk Carriers, Inc.,           
    3 Wash. App. 790
    , 793 - 94, 
    478 P.2d 253
    Gronquist        argues       that ( 1)    his first      amended complaint raised                 both " facial"   and " as         applied"
    free   speech challenges, (                2) the     superior court         dismissed the " facial" challenge in response to
    DOC'       s motion        to     dismiss,     and (   3) he     abandoned          only his "    as    applied"     challenge   as " moot."
    Reply      Br.   of   Appellant       at   10 - 11.    But after a careful review of the record on appeal, we conclude
    that Gronquist'           s characterization of             his first   amended complaint              is inaccurate: Gronquist alleged
    that DOC' s censorship of public records " violate[ d] the Free Speech Clause of Article I, Section
    5 of the Washington State Constitution." CP at 324. Contrary to his assertions on appeal, his
    first amended complaint did not raise two separate free speech challenges.
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 -4 -II)
    shows that the superior court relied on Gronquist' s assertion that his claim was " moot" when it
    dismissed his       art.   I, §    5 challenge and denied Gronquist' s motion requesting leave to amend his
    complaint to add a new PRA claim that DOC failed " to locate, identify, and allow inspection of
    records   relating to ...              staff   involvement in the    assault of         Mr. Gronquist."               Suppl. CP at 477.
    Thus, there was no reason for the superior court to consider this claim further; similarly, there is
    no   justiciable issue for             us to address   in this   appeal.   Holding that Gronquist abandoned his free
    speech challenge below, we do not further consider Gronquist' s " facial" challenge on appeal.
    B. RCW 72. 09. 530 Constitutionality Claim Moot
    Gronquist also argues for the first time on appeal that that RCW 72. 09. 530, which
    prohibits an       inmate'      s " receipt or possession of        anything that is determined to be                     contraband,"    is
    unconstitutionally          overbroad.           Even assuming, without deciding, that Gronquist can raise this
    argument in his reply brief, we disagree that he is articulating a " manifest constitutional error
    that may be        raised   for the first time         on appeal"   under       RAP 2. 5(      a)(   3),        especially in light of the
    mootness of this claim. Reply Br. of Appellant at 12 ( citing RAP 2. 5( a)( 3)).
    As   a    general        rule,    Washington     appellate     courts     will      not     address "       moot   questions   or
    abstract propositions."                Norman v. Chelan County Pub. Hosp. Dist. No. 1, 
    100 Wash. 2d 633
    , 635,
    Moreover, Gronquist'               s   argumentthat     RCW 72. 09. 530 is unconstitutionally                          overbroad —   is
    not   an " error"     that      was " manifest"        in any proceeding below; rather, it is a challenge to the
    constitutionality the statute itself and not an error committed by the superior court. See State
    v. Grimes, 
    165 Wash. App. 172
    , 187, 
    267 P.3d 454
     ( 2011), review denied, 
    175 Wash. 2d 1010
     ( 2012)
    for RAP 2. 5(       a)(   3)     to    apply,   an   appellant   must     show        both that ( 1)            the error implicates a
    specifically identified            constitutional right, and ( 2)        the   error   is "   manifest,"          in that it had " practical
    and    identifiable    consequences"              in the trial below).         Merely challenging the constitutionality of
    the statute does not permit Gronquist to avail himself of RAP 2. 5( a)( 3)' s exception to the general
    rule precluding review of issues not preserved below.
    No. 42774 -5 -II (consolidated with No. 43500 - -II)
    673 P.2d 189
     ( 1983) ( quoting Sorenson                 v.   Bellingham, 
    80 Wash. 2d 547
    , 558, 
    496 P.2d 512
    1972)).      An    appeal    is   moot where   it   presents "   purely   academic "     questions and where "`   the
    court cannot provide the basic relief originally sought, or can no longer provide effective relief."'
    IBF, LLC       v.   Heuft, 141 Wn.      App.    624, 630 -31, 
    174 P.3d 95
     ( 2007) ( internal quotation marks
    omitted) (    quoting Josephinium Assocs. v. Kahli, 
    111 Wash. App. 617
    , 622, 
    45 P.3d 627
     ( 2002)).
    Because Gronquist has since received the records that Stafford Creek seized in the mail room, we
    cannot afford him any relief. Thus this issue is moot, and we need not further address it.
    We affirm.
    A majority of the panel having determined that this part of the opinion will not be printed in
    the Washington Appellate Reports, but will be filed for public record in accordance with RCW
    2. 06. 040, it is so ordered.
    Hunt, J.
    lviaxa, J.
    City   of Sequim    v.   Malkasian, 
    157 Wash. 2d 251
    , 258, 
    138 P.3d 943
     ( 2006) ( internal quotation
    marks omitted) (       quoting State v. Turner, 
    98 Wash. 2d 731
    , 733, 
    658 P.2d 658
     ( 1983)).