Shawn D Francis, V Department Of Corrections ( 2013 )

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    2013II    4
    I9 AM        37
    S     Z          AS' '   G TON
    DIVISION II                                                BY
    SHAWN D. FRANCIS,                                                                    No. 42712 -5 - II
    Appellant /
    Cross -
    Respondent,                                PUBLISHED OPINION
    BJORGEN, J. —        Shawn D. Francis, an inmate in the custody of the Washington State
    Department       of   Corrections ( Department), sued the Department after he discovered that it had
    failed to   provide     documents   responsive     to   a   Public Records Act ( PRA) 1     request he had made
    while incarcerated at the McNeil Island Corrections Center. The superior court granted summary
    judgment in Francis' s favor on the issue of liability after the Department admitted that it had
    failed to provide documents responsive to the request. The court awarded Francis a monetary
    penalty near the low end of the statutory range, based on a determination that the Department
    acted in bad faith, but denied Francis' s costs.
    Francis timely appeals the penalty amount and denial of costs, arguing that the trial court
    abused    its discretion in awarding       a   penalty   at   the low   end of   the statutory   range.       The
    1 Ch. 42. 56 RCW.
    2 Francis also argued in his opening brief that he was entitled to attorney fees and that the
    Department' s cross -appeal was untimely. In his reply brief, Francis properly concedes that ( 1) in
    light   of our   decision in West   v.    Thurston   County, 169        Wn.   App.   862, 
    282 P.3d 1150
     ( 2012), he is
    not entitled to attorney fees, and ( 2) because November 11, 2011 was Veteran' s Day, the
    Department' s         cross -appeal was   timely filed.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    Department cross -appeals the trial court' s penalty award, arguing that the court erroneously
    interpreted the bad faith requirement of RCW 42. 56. 565 and that the court' s findings did not
    support its determination that the Department acted in bad faith.
    Because the factors considered by the trial court are relevant to bad faith, and the trial
    court' s findings support both the bad faith determination and the penalty amount, we affirm the
    trial court' s summary judgment and award of the penalty to Francis. Because the PRA' s cost-
    shifting provision is mandatory, we reverse the trial court' s denial of Francis' s request for costs
    and remand for an award of the reasonable costs Francis incurred in litigating his claim, both in
    the trial court and on appeal.
    On June 19, 2009, Francis sent a letter to Brett Lorentson, a public disclosure specialist
    with the Department, requesting
    any and all documents related to any reason and /or justification for the reason
    why inmates at [ McNeil] are not allowed to retain fans and hot pots in their cells,
    as well as any policy that may be in place to substantiate such restrictions on these
    Clerk' s Papers ( CP)       at   11.       Lorentson sent Francis a letter promising to identify and gather
    responsive records and respond on or before July 30, 2009.
    On July 10 Lorentson provided Francis with 15 pages of documents via e -mail, stating
    that "[ s]   ince   all responsive records      have been   provided,   this   request   is   closed."    CP   at   115.   The
    documents       consisted of     the Department'     s   policy 440. 000   with attachments.             According to this
    Francis alleged below that the McNeil staff who denied him the use of these items, which he
    had previously purchased through the Department, cited a policy that they refused to produce
    and that Francis could not find in the prison library.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    policy, inmates at McNeil and other minimum- or medium -security facilities were permitted a
    fan   and, " as authorized    by facility,"   a   hot   pot.   CP   at   31 - 32.   None of the documents provided
    related to any prohibition against fans or hot pots.
    In November 2009, however, another inmate showed Francis documents concerning
    McNeil' s policy prohibiting fans and hot pots. Francis subsequently filed suit in Pierce County
    Superior Court, alleging a violation of the PRA and requesting statutory penalties. Over the
    course of the litigation, the Department provided Francis with additional documents, both
    through Lorentson and in response to Francis' s discovery requests. On February 28, 2011,
    Francis received a copy of the policy in effect at the time of his request.
    On June 7, 2011, Francis moved for summary judgment. The Department conceded that
    it had violated the PRA, but disputed the penalty amount Francis had proposed. The trial court
    granted Francis' s motion for summary judgment as to liability, reserving judgment as to the
    penalty amount until a later hearing.
    Prior to the hearing on the penalty amount, a new law took effect prohibiting awards of
    PRA penalties based on record requests made by incarcerated persons, unless the court finds
    that the agency     acted   in bad faith." Former RCW 42. 56. 565 ( 2009),              amended by LAWS of
    2011,   ch.   300, §§ 1, 2. The trial court ruled that this restriction applied to Francis' s case, found
    bad faith by the Department, and awarded Francis a penalty. In doing so, the court applied the
    aggravating and mitigating factors articulated by our Supreme Court for setting the amount of
    PRA penalties in Yousoufian V, 168 Wn.2d444, 466 -68, 
    229 P.3d 735
     ( 2010).
    In particular, the trial court relied on a " Public Disclosure Routing Slip" that Francis
    obtained through discovery. An official at McNeil had signed the routing slip form, which
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    states, "   I verify that I have conducted a thorough staff search and I report that I do not have any
    responsive     documents in   regards   to this   request."       Br. of Appellant at Ex. A. The form allows
    the preparer to check boxes indicating which of 17 record storage locations were searched, but
    no boxes were checked on Francis' s form. Besides signing the form, the preparer wrote only the
    number " 15" in a blank space, indicating that all staff at McNeil spent no more than 15 minutes
    searching for the documents. Br. of Appellant at Ex. A.
    Although the trial court found no agency dishonesty, recklessness, or intentional
    noncompliance, it found that a number of aggravating factors, including the Department' s
    negligence or gross negligence,"        supported a determination of bad faith. Report of Proceedings
    RP) at 8. However, because the trial court also found a number of mitigating factors present, it
    imposed a penalty near the low*end of the statutory range, adopting the Department' s
    recommendation. The court also denied Francis' s request for costs.
    Francis timely appeals, asserting that the trial court abused its discretion in awarding a
    penalty at the low end of the scale despite finding bad faith and in denying Francis costs. The
    Department cross -appeals, arguing that the trial court erred in finding bad faith.
    The Department raises arguments in its cross -appeal that, if correct, preclude any penalty
    award to Francis. We therefore first address the Department' s cross -appeal, then turn to the
    issues raised in Francis' s appeal.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    The Department contends that under RCW 42. 56. 565( 1) a determination of bad faith
    requires that the agency have committed some intentional, wrongful act. The Department also
    asserts that the trial court erred because it erroneously applied the aggravating and mitigating
    factors articulated by our Supreme Court in Yousoufian V, 168 Wn.2d at 466 -68, which factors
    were   designed for the      sole purpose of    determining     the   amount of penalties under   the PRA,"   not
    for the purpose of finding bad faith sufficient to entitle an incarcerated person an award of
    penalties under    the PRA. Br. of     Resp' t   at   12 ( emphasis    omitted).   We hold that under the rules
    of statutory construction and the case law ( 1) a determination of bad faith under RCW
    42. 56. 565( 1) does not require commission of some intentional, wrongful act, and ( 2) the trial
    court' s determination that the Department acted in bad faith was correct without regard to the
    Yousoufian V factors. We therefore affirm the trial court' s bad faith determination and its award
    of a penalty.
    The Department does not challenge the trial court' s grant of summary judgment on the
    issue of whether a PRA violation occurred. We thus limit our review to the trial court' s award of
    a   statutory penalty   and   the underlying bad faith determination. RAP 2. 4( a).          Whether an agency
    acted in bad faith under the PRA presents a mixed question of law and fact, in that it requires the
    application of   legal   precepts ( the   definition   of "bad   faith ") to factual circumstances ( the details of
    the PRA violation).      See Pasco Police Officers' Ass' n v. City ofPasco, 
    132 Wash. 2d 450
    , 469, 
    938 P.2d 827
     ( 1997) ( noting that "[   w]hether a party has failed to negotiate in good faith, although
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    involving   a substantial    factual   component,   is   a mixed question of   law   and   fact. "); Tapper v.
    Emp' t Sec. Dep' t, 
    122 Wash. 2d 397
    , 402 -03, 
    858 P.2d 494
     ( 1993).
    Where an appellant does not assign error to a trial court' s factual findings, we consider
    those findings   verities.   Yousoufian V, 168 Wn.2d at 450 ( citing Davis v. Dep' t ofLabor &
    94 Wash. 2d 119
    , 123, 
    615 P.2d 1279
     ( 1980)).               Here, the Department assigns error only to
    the trial court' s determination that the agency acted in bad faith, not to any of the underlying
    findings on which the court below based that determination. Thus, we accept as true the facts on
    which the trial court relied in finding bad faith, but we review de novo the trial court' s
    conclusion that those facts establish bad faith.
    Finally, when findings of fact are not clearly articulated and distinguished from
    conclusions of law, we exercise discretion in determining what facts the trial court actually
    found. Tapper, 122 Wn.2d          at   406 ( citing Kunkel   v.   Meridian Oil, Inc., 
    114 Wash. 2d 896
    , 903, 
    792 P.2d 1254
     ( 1990)).   To supplement a trial court' s written findings of fact, we may look to
    consistent language in the trial court' s oral opinion. Tyler v. Grange Ins. Ass' n, 
    3 Wash. App. 167
    473 P.2d 193
     ( 1970) (     citing Vacca v. Steer, Inc., 
    73 Wash. 2d 892
    441 P.2d 523
     ( 1968)).
    RCW 42. 56. 565( 1) mandates that
    a] court shall not award penalties under RCW 42. 56. 550( 4) to a person who was
    serving a criminal sentence in a state, local, or privately operated correctional
    facility on the date the request for public records was made, unless the court finds
    that the agency acted in bad faith in denying the person the opportunity to inspect
    or copy a public record.
    No. 42712 -5 - II
    The PRA does        not   include   a   definition   of "bad   faith," and we know of no court that has yet
    interpreted the meaning of the bad faith requirement in the context of penalty awards based on
    PRA requests by incarcerated persons.
    The trial court' s written order states only that it "determined bad faith by applying the
    sixteen    Yousoufian V mitigating          and   aggravating factors to the facts         of this case."   CP at 188 -89.
    The court' s oral ruling, however, makes clear that it looked at those factors only as " guidance in
    determining     what   bad faith actually is."        RP at 4. The trial court found a number of facts that
    tend to   support a   finding   of   bad faith, specifically ( 1) delayed         response    by   the agency; ( 2) lack of
    strict compliance with       PRA        procedural requirements; (       3) lack of proper training and supervision;
    4) "   negligence or gross negligence ";         and ( 5) sufficient clarity in Francis' s request. RP at 5 -8.
    The court also described the McNeil records request routing slip as " almost a rubber -stamp
    situation where you put in 15 minutes, don' t tell anybody what you looked at or looked for and
    then send the routing slip on."            RP at 6. Despite these findings, the trial court explicitly found no
    recklessness or      intentional       noncompliance," no "        intentional   hiding   or misrepresentation," and
    no " deceit" on the part of the Department. RP at 6, 7, 9.
    In support of its argument that a determination of "bad faith" under RCW 42. 56. 565( 1)
    requires an intentional, wrongful act, the Department directs our attention to three sources of
    authority: (    1) precedents discussing bad faith as a factor in determining the amount of PRA
    penalties; (   2) Washington cases discussing bad faith in other contexts; and ( 3) federal cases
    discussing     bad faith in the     context of    the Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). We
    consider each in turn.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    a.           PRA Cases Addressing Bad Faith
    The Department asserts that precedents addressing PRA penalty amounts hold that an
    agency acts in bad faith only when it knows that it has responsive records but intentionally fails
    to   disclose them, citing Yousoufian                 v.   King County   Exec. ( Yousoufian I),     
    114 Wash. App. 836
    , 853,
    60 P.3d 667
     ( 2003),           rev'   d   on other grounds,     
    152 Wash. 2d 421
    98 P.3d 463
     ( 2004) ( Yousoufian II);
    King County         v.   Sheehan, 114 Wn.            App.   325, 356 -57, 
    57 P.3d 307
     ( 2002). These precedents do
    not support the Department' s assertion.
    Although it distinguished cases where " the government agency knew it had responsive
    records      that   should      have been disclosed, but purposely failed to disclose them," the Yousoufian I
    court explicitly agreed with the trial court that King County' s response to Yousoufian' s request
    was " not a good          faith   effort."        Yousoufian I, 114 Wn.      App.   at   853. It then reversed the award
    and remanded with instructions to determine an appropriate penalty above the statutory
    minimum, stating that the minimum penalty " should be reserved for instances of less egregious
    agency conduct, such as those instances in which the agency has acted in goodfaith."
    Yousoufian I, 114 Wn.              App.      at   854 ( emphasis   added).    Thus, contrary to the Department' s
    reading      of   the   case,   the Yousoufian I court         considered    the   County    to have   acted   in " bad faith,"   or
    at   least   shown a      lack    of good     faith, even though it found no intentional misconduct. Sheehan,
    114 Wn. App. at 356 -57, held that the County' s refusal to disclose the full names of all its police
    officers violated the PRA, but did not involve bad faith. In finding an absence of bad faith, the
    court noted the County' s motivation to protect the safety and privacy of its officers and that its
    4 Whether a lack of good faith equates to bad faith presents an interesting question, one which we
    need not consider           here.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    arguments were " not so        farfetched      as   to   constitute    bad faith."   Sheehan, 114 Wn. App. at 356 -57.
    The court also contrasted the facts of its case with those in American Civil Liberties Union v.
    Blaine School District No. 503, 95 Wn.                   App.   106, 111 - 15, 
    975 P.2d 536
     ( 1999), where " it was
    clear that the agency did not act in good faith" because the school district' s refusal to disclose the
    requested records was motivated by a desire " to avoid the cost and inconvenience of complying."
    Sheehan, 114 Wn. App. at 356 ( citing Blaine Sch. Dist. No. 503, 95 Wn. App. at 111 - 15).
    Sheehan' s citation to Blaine does not imply a ruling that only the intentional refusal to
    disclose known responsive records can constitute bad faith. Rather, Blaine simply strengthened
    Sheehan' s holding by showing that the obvious bad faith in Blaine was not in play in Sheehan.
    In fact, Sheehan' s reliance on the motivation of the County and the plausibility of its arguments
    directly shows its view that bad faith may be present, even though the intentional wrongdoing of
    Blaine is not. Thus, Sheehan tends to undermine the Department' s argument rather than support
    b.         Other Washington Cases Addressing Bad Faith
    The Department next cites cases involving equitable _ wards of attorney fees and a case
    involving a will contest to support its position that a finding of bad faith here should require
    proof of an intentional, wrongful act. A court may make an equitable fee award based on
    s] ubstantive   bad faith,"   the Department points out, only when " a party intentionally brings a
    frivolous     claim, counterclaim, or         defense     with   improper    motive."    Rogerson Hiller Corp. v. Port
    of Port Angeles, 96 Wn.             App.   918, 929, 
    982 P.2d 131
     ( 1999).          Similarly, we have held that
    contesting     a will   in bad faith involves "` actual or constructive fraud' or a ` neglect or refusal to
    fulfill   some   duty ... not prompted by an honest mistake as to one' s rights or duties, but by some
    No. 42712 -5 - II
    interested    or sinister motive. "'       In re Estate ofMumby, 
    97 Wash. App. 385
    , 394, 
    982 P.2d 1219
    1999) (    quoting Bentzen v. Demmons, 
    68 Wash. App. 339
    , 349 n. 8, 
    842 P.2d 1015
     ( 1993)).
    The Department' s argument from these cases has a number of flaws. First, it omits
    certain portions of these precedents that tend to erode its argument. Notably, the Department
    omits reference to the discussion of other types of bad faith in Rogerson. See Rogerson, 96 Wn.
    App.   at   928.   In the equitable fee award context, procedural bad faith may also involve " obstinate
    conduct that necessitates legal action to enforce a clearly valid claim or right" or " vexatious
    conduct      during     the litigation."   Union Elevator &    Warehouse Co., Inc. v. State ex rel. Dep' t of
    Transp.,     152 Wn.      App.   199, 211, 
    215 P.3d 257
     ( 2009). Here, the trial court' s findings suggest
    that the Department          engaged   in " obstinate   conduct,"   specifically, refusing to conduct a
    reasonable search despite a legitimate request, which required Francis to sue to obtain the
    Second, under the characterization of bad faith set out above from Mumby, the will
    contest case the Department cites, the trial court' s findings here appear to support its
    determination that the Department acted in bad faith. That is, the trial court' s findings support
    the inference that the Department neglected to fulfill its duty to conduct a reasonable search
    because of its own interest in avoiding expense and inconvenience. See Mumby, 97 Wn. App. at
    Finally, Washington precedent allows a broader conception of bad faith in other contexts,
    recognizing        a   distinction between " intentional    misconduct" and "   bad faith." See In re Marriage
    79 Wash. App. 436
    , 441, 
    903 P.2d 470
     ( 1995) (          noting that " the trial court must first
    make a specific finding that the parent has acted in bad faith or committed intentional
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    misconduct ") (emphasis added).           Furthermore, over a century ago, our Supreme Court, in
    interpreting a statute governing the certification of a statement of facts on appeal, recognized that
    gross negligence could rise to the level of bad faith:
    The statement should be stricken in the first instance only where it is manifest that
    the party proposing it has been guilty of badfaith or such gross negligence as will
    amount to badfaith: [ t] he remedy should not be invoked where there has been an
    attempt in good faith to comply with the statute.
    State   v.   Steiner, 
    51 Wash. 239
    , 240 -41, 
    98 P. 609
     ( 1908) (            emphasis added).
    Francis directs our attention to the discussion of bad faith that appears in Black' s Law
    Dictionary, excerpted from a comment to the Restatement ( Second) of Contracts. The comment
    illustrates the difficulties that defining bad faith poses, but establishes that, at least in a
    contractual relationship, demonstrating bad faith does not require evidence of an intentional,
    wrongful act:
    Good faith   performance.     Subterfuges and evasions violate the obligation of good
    faith in performance even though the actor believes his conduct to be justified.
    But the   obligation goes   further:    badfaith may be overt or may consist of inaction,
    and fair dealing may require more than honesty. A complete catalogue of types of
    bad faith is impossible, but the following types ...   have been recognized in
    judicial decisions:   evasion of the spirit of the bargain, lack of diligence and
    slacking off,willful rendering     of   imperfect      performance, [ etc.].
    RESTATEMENT ( SECOND)            OF   CONTRACTS § 205       cmt.      d ( emphasis   added) (   quoted in part in
    BLACK' S LAw DICTIONARY 159 ( 9th              ed.   2009)).    Thus, at least where a party owes some duty
    analogous to a contractual obligation, negligence or gross negligence suffices to support a
    finding of bad faith. The cumulative message of these precedents is that in multiple areas
    outside of the PRA, bad faith does not require a showing of intentional wrongful conduct.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    C.        FOIA Cases Addressing Bad Faith
    Finally, the Department invites us to look to federal FOIA cases in interpreting the bad
    faith   provision   in RCW 42. 56. 565( 1).   The Department argues that, under FOIA, an agency' s
    delay in providing records does not indicate an absence of good faith and that subsequent
    production does not prove that an agency' s initial search was unreasonable or conducted in bad
    faith. For several reasons, this argument does not persuade.
    Most importantly, Washington courts do not consider FOIA cases in interpreting PRA
    provisions that do not correspond to analogous FOIA provisions. Kleven v. City ofDes Moines,
    111 Wn.     App.    284, 291, 
    44 P.3d 887
     ( 2002). For example, our Supreme Court declined to
    consider FOIA cases in assessing attorney fee awards under the PRA because FOIA' s attorney
    fee provision is discretionary while the PRA' s provision is mandatory. Amren v. City ofKalama,
    131 Wash. 2d 25
    , 35, 
    929 P.2d 389
     ( 1997). Unlike the PRA, the FOIA does not have a bad faith
    requirement for awarding penalties to incarcerated requestors: in fact, FOIA does not have a
    statutory penalty provision. Neighborhood Alliance v. Spokane County, 
    172 Wash. 2d 702
    , 717,
    261 P.3d 119
     ( 2011).      Thus FOIA cases have no bearing on the meaning of bad faith in this
    Were we to consider FOIA cases relevant to the analysis, however, the cases cited in its
    brief do not support the Department' s argument. First, the Department points out that federal
    courts presume agencies act in good faith until evidence of bad faith overcomes the presumption.
    Br. of Resp' t at 14 ( citing United States Dep' t ofState v. Ray, 
    502 U.S. 164
    , 179, 
    112 S. Ct. 541
    116 L. Ed. 2d 526
     ( 1991)).      While correct, the assertion does not affect the present appeal
    because the trial court clearly placed the burden of establishing bad faith on Francis.
    No. 42712 -5 - II
    The Department further relies on a FOIA case to assert that " delay in the production of
    documents,      even after   the litigation   commenced, ` cannot     be said to indicate an absence of good
    faith. "'   Br. of Resp' t at 14 ( quoting Goland v. Cent. Intelligence Agency, 
    607 F.2d 339
    , 355
    1978)).     The brief selectively quotes the authority, however, in a way that obscures the intended
    meaning. The opinion actually holds that " the [ agency' s] delay alone cannot be said to indicate
    an absence of good      faith." Goland, 607 F.2d      at   355 (   emphasis added).   In no manner does this
    prohibit basing a finding of bad faith on delay, along with other evidence. To the contrary,
    Goland' s holding treats delay as a proper consideration in assessing bad faith.
    Similarly, the fact that subsequent production of responsive documents does not prove
    the initial search unreasonable or in bad faith does not establish that subsequent production has
    no bearing at all on whether an agency performed a good -faith search. Thus, to the extent FOIA
    precedents have any relevance here, they indicate that the Department' s delay in disclosing
    plainly responsive documents in its possession supports the trial court' s determination of bad
    Contrary to the Department' s assertions, the discussions of bad faith in cases considering
    the amount of PRA penalties, in cases from other areas of Washington law, and in federal FOIA
    cases, do not establish that a finding of bad faith under RCW 42. 56. 565( 1) requires evidence of
    an intentional, wrongful act. If anything, these cases suggest that actions short of intentional
    wrongdoing in performing a record search may establish bad faith.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    In the absence of a statutory definition or controlling case law, we turn to principles of
    statutory   construction      to determine the      contours of     bad faith in RCW 42. 56. 565( 1).      In
    interpreting a statute, we try to determine and give effect to the legislature' s intent. State v.
    173 Wash. 2d 727
    , 733, 
    272 P.3d 816
     ( 2012) ( citing                 State v. Ervin, 
    169 Wash. 2d 815
    , 820, 
    239 P.3d 354
     ( 2010)).     First, we consider the statute' s plain meaning by looking at the text of the
    provision at   issue,   as well as "`      the context of the statute in which that provision is found, related
    provisions, and      the statutory    scheme as a whole."'          Ervin, 169 Wn.2d at 820 ( quoting State v.
    154 Wash. 2d 596
    , 600, 
    115 P.3d 281
     ( 2005)).                   If a provision nonetheless remains
    susceptible to two or more reasonable interpretations, it is ambiguous; and we then consider
    the legislative history of the statute and the circumstances surrounding its enactment to
    determine legislative intent. "'           Budik, 173 Wn.2d at 733 ( quoting Rest. Dev., Inc. v. Cananwill,
    150 Wash. 2d 674
    , 682, 
    80 P.3d 598
     ( 2003)).
    As our discussion above demonstrates, the plain meaning of the words used by the
    legislature does not tell us whether a court must find an intentional, wrongful act on the part of
    the agency in       order   to find bad faith     under   RCW 42. 56. 565( 1).    We must therefore look
    elsewhere to ascertain the legislative intent.
    At first glance, the intent of the legislature that imposed the bad faith requirement for
    PRA     awards   to incarcerated      requestors might seem clear         from the title   of   the   bill: " AN ACT
    Relating to making requests by or on behalf of an inmate under the public records act ineligible
    for   penalties."    LAWS     OF   2011,   ch.   300, SUBSTITUTE S. B. 5025, 62nd       Leg., Reg.      Sess. ( Wash.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    2011).    Yet the fact that the law nonetheless provides for penalties on a finding of bad faith
    shows that it did not make inmates ineligible for penalties under all circumstances.
    The legislative history illuminates the reason for this approach. As originally introduced,
    the bill precluded all penalty awards based on requests from or on behalf of incarcerated persons.
    S. B. 5025, 62nd        Leg., Reg.   Sess. ( Wash. 2011).           Public testimony on the bill, however, included
    concerns that the " bill would effectively end all public records requests by prisoners because an
    agency    will   face   no penalties      for   not   complying."        S. B. REP. on SB 5025, 62nd Leg., Reg. Sess.
    Wash. 2011).       The bill that ultimately passed reflected these concerns by allowing penalties for
    bad faith   actions     by    agencies.    SUBSTITUTE S. B. 5025, 62nd Leg., Reg. Sess., ch. 300 ( Wash.
    2011).    Thus, the legislature plainly intended to afford prisoners an effective records search,
    while insulating agencies from penalties as long as they did not act in bad faith.
    In construing the PRA, we must " look at the Act in its entirety in order to enforce the
    law' s   overall purpose."        Rental Hous. Ass' n ofPuget Sound v. City ofDes Moines, 
    165 Wash. 2d 525
    , 536, 
    199 P.3d 393
     ( 2009). We must consider, then, the legislative intent behind the PRA
    penalty scheme and the Act as a whole.
    Our Supreme Court has described the PRA                        as a "`   strongly worded mandate for broad
    disclosure    of public records. "'         Yakima County v. Yakima Herald -
    170 Wash. 2d 775
    , 791,
    246 P.3d 768
     ( 2011) ( quoting Soter                 v.   Cowles Publ' g Co., 
    162 Wash. 2d 716
    , 731, 
    174 P.3d 60
    2007)) ( internal       quotations omitted). "             The purpose of the PRA is to ` ensure the sovereignty of
    the people and the accountability of the governmental agencies that serve them' by providing full
    access    to information concerning the                conduct of government."          Kitsap County Prosecuting
    Attorney' s      Guild   v.   Kitsap County,      156 Wn.       App.     110, 118, 
    231 P.3d 219
     ( 2010) ( quoting   Amren
    No. 42712 -5 - II
    v.   City   ofKalama,       
    131 Wash. 2d 25
    , 31, 
    929 P.2d 389
     ( 1997)).    The purpose of the penalty scheme
    is to " discourage improper denial of access to public records and [ promote] adherence to the
    goals and procedures" of the statute. Hearst Corp. v. Hoppe, 
    90 Wash. 2d 123
    , 140, 
    580 P.2d 246
    1978).      The PRA " shall be liberally construed and its exemptions narrowly construed to
    promote this public policy" and to protect the public interest. RCW 42. 56. 030; City ofFederal
    Way v. Koenig, 
    167 Wash. 2d 341
    , 344 -45, 
    217 P.3d 1172
     ( 2009).
    The strict interpretation of the bad faith requirement urged by the Department runs
    contrary to these policies and to the intent of the legislature that added the bad faith exception to
    the proposed ban on penalty awards to incarcerated requestors. As many scholars and jurists
    have observed, it is notoriously difficult to prove agency intent, particularly from inside a prison
    cell. See, e. g., Farmer v. Brennan, 
    511 U.S. 825
    , 841, 
    114 S. Ct. 1970
    128 L. Ed. 2d 811
     ( 1994)
    noting in the Eighth Amendment context that " considerable conceptual difficulty would attend
    any    search     for the   subjective state of mind of a governmental   entity "); BRITTANY GLIDDEN,
    Necessary Suffering ?: Weighing Government and Prisoner Interests in Determining What Is
    Cruel       and   Unusual, 49 Am. GRIM. L. REv. 1815, 1835 -37 ( 2012) ( discussing     various sources).
    Were we to accept the Department' s interpretation, agencies could safely respond to record
    requests from incarcerated persons with cursory or superficial searches, knowing that inmates
    would find it difficult to determine whether records were overlooked and all but impossible to
    produce admissible evidence of wrongful intent. This runs directly counter to the legislative
    intent to provide prisoners a reasonable and effective records search, discussed above.
    Furthermore, such a narrow reading is not necessary to prevent abuse of the PRA by
    incarcerated        persons.    Where an agency has proper procedures in place, it may avoid penalties
    No. 42712 -5 - II
    under the PRA by simply following them in a reasonable manner. In addition, the PRA already
    allows agencies to obtain expedited injunctions against attempts by prisoners to abuse it. RCW
    42. 56. 565( 2).
    Finally, we must liberally construe the PRA to effect its purposes. The PRA provides
    t]he people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies that serve
    them.   The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the
    right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them
    to know.   The people insist on remaining informed so that they may maintain
    control over the instruments that they have created. This chapter shall be liberally
    construed and its exemptions narrowly construed to promote this public policy
    and to assure that the public interest will be fully protected.
    RCW 42. 56. 030.
    The legislative   history   of   RCW 42. 56. 565( 1),   its statutory context, and the purposes of
    the PRA and this particular provision require a broader reading of the term " bad faith" than the
    Department proposes. To be more consistent with these sources of authority, we hold that,failure
    to conduct a reasonable search for requested records also supports a finding of "bad faith" for
    purposes of awarding PRA penalties to incarcerated requestors. This standard does not make an
    agency liable for penalties to incarcerated persons simply for making a mistake in a record
    search or for following a legal position that was subsequently reversed. In addition to other
    species of bad faith, an agency will be liable, though, if it fails to carry out a record search
    consistently with its proper policies and within the broad canopy of reasonableness.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    The Department argues that the trial court erred by applying the aggravating and
    mitigating factors our Supreme Court articulated in Yousoufian V to the question of bad faith.
    The Department notes that the Yousoufian V court laid out those factors for the " sole purpose of
    determining the amount" of PRA penalties, and that many of the factors " encompass concepts
    well   beyond the historical definition       of `bad     faith."'   Br. of Resp' t at 12.
    We may affirm the trial court on any grounds supported by the record. In re Marriage of
    150 Wash. 2d 337
    , 358, 
    77 P.3d 1174
     ( 2003).                  Because the record in this appeal clearly
    discloses a cursory search and delayed disclosure well short of even a generous reading of what
    is reasonable under the PRA, we do not decide whether the Yousoufian V factors apply to the
    determination of bad faith in this context.
    In support of its conclusion that the Department acted in bad faith, the trial court
    specifically found ( 1)     a   delayed   response   by   the Department,     even after     Francis filed   suit; (   2)
    lack   of compliance with       PRA   procedural requirements; (         3) lack of proper training and
    supervision; ( 4)   "   negligence or gross negligence ";          and ( 5) sufficient clarity in Francis' s request.
    RP at 5 -8. All of these are logically relevant to the reasonableness of the Department' s actions
    and its bad faith.5
    The evidence before the trial court showed that McNeil staff spent no more than 15
    minutes considering Francis' s request and did not check any of the usual record storage
    locations. Absent any countervailing evidence showing justification, this evidence shows that
    5 See State v. Ortiz, 
    119 Wash. 2d 294
    , 302, 
    831 P.2d 1060
     ( 1992) on relevance of compliance with
    procedures to question of good faith.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    the Department did not act in good faith.6 Furthermore, the title of one of the documents
    ultimately   produced   by the   Department, " Personal   Property   for Offenders,"   by itself establishes
    the document' s likely relevance to Francis' s request, which was reasonable and specific.
    Nonetheless, the Department instead sent Francis documents plainly not responsive to his
    request.7 Furthermore, the Department did not produce the relevant policy until eight months
    after Francis filed suit. On these facts, the court below did not err in finding bad faith.
    The trial court' s unchallenged findings of fact are verities on appeal and, alternatively,
    are based on substantial evidence in the record. These findings support the conclusion that the
    Department acted in bad faith. We therefore affirm the trial court' s ruling that Francis is entitled
    to a penalty award based on this bad faith.
    Francis argues that the trial court erred in awarding a penalty near the bottom of the
    statutory range and in denying his request for costs. Because the PRA grants considerable
    discretion to trial courts in setting penalty awards, the court below properly considered the
    relevant factors set forth by our Supreme Court, and the amount is reasonable under the
    circumstances, we affirm the trial court' s penalty award. Because the PRA cost -shifting
    provision is mandatory, however, we remand with instructions to award Francis the reasonable
    costs he incurred in litigating this matter.
    6 We do not hold that 15 minutes or any other specific length of a records search conclusively
    shows an absence of good faith.
    Francis had requested documents concerning the prohibition against fans and hot pots, but the
    Department initially provided a copy of a policy permitting the disputed items.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    a.         The Trial Court' s Discretion To Set the Penalty Amount
    We review a trial court' s determination of PRA penalty amounts for abuse of discretion.
    Yousoufian V, 168 Wn.2d at 458. Under this standard, we will reverse only if the trial court' s
    decision is manifestly       unreasonable or         based   on untenable grounds or reasons.       Yousoufian V.
    168 Wn.2d       at   458 ( citing Mayer      v.   Sto Indus., Inc., 
    156 Wash. 2d 677
    , 684, 
    132 P.3d 115
     ( 2006)).
    A court acts on untenable grounds if the record does not support its factual findings, and it acts
    for untenable reasons if it uses " an incorrect standard, or the facts do not meet the requirements
    of   the   correct standard."   State   v.   Rundquist, 79 Wn.      App.   786, 793, 
    905 P.2d 922
     ( 1995).    A trial
    court' s decision is manifestly unreasonable if the court, despite applying the correct legal
    standard to the supported facts, adopts a view that no reasonable person would take."
    Yousoufian V, 168 Wn.2d          at   458 -59 ( quoting Mayer, 156 Wn.2d          at   684) ( internal quotation
    marks omitted).
    While " bad faith is the principal factor" a trial court must consider in setting PRA
    a simple emphasis on the presence or absence of the agency' s bad faith does little
    more than to suggest what the two poles are on the penalty range and is
    inadequate to guide the trial court' s discretion in locating violations that call for a
    penalty somewhere in the middle of the [ statutory] range.
    Yousoufian V, 168 Wn.2d at 460, 461 n.7 ( quoting Yousoufian v. Office ofRon Sims, 137 Wn.
    App. 69,      78 -79, 
    151 P.3d 243
     ( 2007)) ( Yousoufian III) (internal         quotation marks omitted).         Trial
    courts must also consider the importance of the information to the public at large, whether the
    violation caused foreseeable economic loss to the requestor, and deterrence of future agency
    misconduct. Yousoufian V, 168 Wn.2d at 461 -63.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    Here, the trial court expressly considered all 16 Yousoufian V factors, including the
    Department' s degree of culpability, the public importance and time sensitivity of the matter, any
    economic loss to Francis, and the amount necessary to deter future violations. The trial court
    found ( 1) "   no recklessness or      intentional   noncompliance"     on   the   part of   the Department; ( 2) that
    the matter was not especially time -sensitive or of great public importance, but of interest to only
    a restricted class of        incarcerated   persons; (   3) that Francis sustained no actual personal economic
    loss; and ( 4) that " the penalty amount is sufficient to put [ the Department] on notice that this
    kind   of   delay   is   not acceptable."   RP at 5, 7, 9. Although near the bottom of the range, the
    penalty imposed was more than the statutory minimum.
    Because it applied the correct legal standard, the trial court did not act for untenable
    reasons. Because evidence before it supported the findings of facts, and the findings properly
    supported the penalty determination, the court did not act on untenable grounds. With the
    court' s findings and the evidence to support them, a reasonable person could conclude that a
    4, 495 penalty satisfies the requirements of the PRA and is consistent with the Yousoufian V
    factors. We hold that the trial court did not abuse its discretion, and we affirm the penalty
    b.          The Trial Court' s Refusal To Award Francis Costs
    We review PRA cost awards under the same abuse of discretion standard discussed
    above. Kitsap County Prosecuting Attorney' s Guild, 156 Wn. App. at 120. The PRA contains a
    broadly worded, mandatory cost -shifting provision:
    Any person who prevails against an agency in any action in the courts
    seeking the right to inspect or copy any public record or the right to receive a
    response to a public record request within a reasonable amount of time shall be
    awarded all costs ...      incurred in connection with such legal action.
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    RCW 42. 56. 550( 4) (     emphasis added).               A party prevails if " records should have been
    immediately      disclosed    on request."          Spokane Research &         Def.Fund v. City ofSpokane, 
    155 Wash. 2d 89
    , 103, 
    117 P.3d 1117
     ( 2005).
    Here, neither party disputes that the Department should have disclosed the records to
    Francis, but the trial court still denied Francis' s request for costs. The trial court explained its
    reasoning only     by   stating, " I   should add a footnote that, based on the award that I' m giving, I' m
    not   going to include    costs   in that." RP           at   11.   However, the amount of the penalty has no bearing
    on a   prevailing party'   s right     to   costs.    See RCW 42. 56. 550( 4) ( " In    addition [ to all costs],   it shall
    be   within   the discretion   of   the     court   to   award such person"      statutory   penalties.) ( emphasis
    The Department directs our attention to a case where we held that a trial court did not
    abuse its discretion in limiting an inmate' s costs to clerk' s fees and postage because the trial
    court found that the inmate had used the PRA " as a vehicle [ for] personal profit through false,
    inaccurate, [   and]   inflated   costs."      Br. of Resp' t at 20 ( citing Mitchell v. Wash. State Inst. ofPub.
    Policy,   153 Wn.      App.   803, 830, 
    225 P.3d 280
     ( 2009)).              That case is inapposite because the trial
    court   here expressly found Francis'               s request "     legitimate," did not discuss the reasonableness of
    any specific amounts, and denied Francis' s request entirely rather than merely limiting it.
    The Department also argues that Francis is not entitled to costs because he did not submit
    a cost bill to the trial court. According to CR 54( d),
    i] f the party to whom costs are awarded does not file a cost bill or an affidavit
    detailing disbursements within 10 days after the entry of the judgment, the clerk
    shall tax costs and disbursements pursuant to CR 78( e).
    No. 42712 -5 - II
    CR 78(    e),   in turn, only allows limited types of costs if "the party to whom costs are awarded"
    fails to file a cost bill within the same 10 -day period. As just noted, the trial court did not award
    costs   to Francis.       Therefore,      neither of     these   provisions applies    to him   at   this   point.   Further, we
    have held that "[        a] bsent clear language to the contrary, we will not mechanically apply CR 78( e)
    to   deprive    a   litigant   of costs   to   which   he is justly   entitled."   Mitchell, 153 Wn. App. at 823.
    Francis      was entitled       to an award of costs under RCW 42. 56. 550( 4), and he was under no
    duty to file a cost bill when the court denied him costs. We therefore reverse the denial of costs
    and remand with instructions to award Francis his reasonable costs incurred in litigating this
    C.        Costs on Appeal
    Francis also requests costs on appeal. A PRA penalty award in the trial court supports an
    award of costs or attorney fees on appeal. See Yousoufian V, 168 Wn.2d at 470. Francis has
    complied with the procedural requirements of RAP 18. 1 and prevails on his claim that he was
    entitled to costs below. We therefore award Francis the reasonable costs he incurred in this
    We affirm the trial court' s rulings on summary judgment that the Department acted in
    bad faith and that Francis is entitled to a penalty award under the PRA. We hold that the trial
    court did not abuse its discretion in setting the amount of the penalty award and uphold that
    amount. We reverse the trial court' s denial of costs to Francis and remand with instructions to
    award him reasonable costs incurred in litigating this matter. Finally, we award Francis the
    No. 42712 -5 -II
    reasonable costs he incurred in this appeal.
    M ,
    BJC' ZGEN, J,
    I,J.     C1 71 1
    AR, J.