State Of Washington v. Christopher N. Maynard ( 2013 )

  •                                                                                                                i -ED
    O k''I Idi, if
    2013        X
    STATE OF WASHINGTON,                                                           No. 43204 -8 -II
    CHRISTOPHER NELSON MAYNARD,                                           PART PUBLISHED OPINION
    JOHANSON, A. C. J. —      This case involves the loss of juvenile court jurisdiction. The State
    initially charged 17- year -old Christopher Nelson Maynard in juvenile court with six counts of
    malicious mischief. Although Maynard turned 18 while the case was pending, the juvenile court
    did    not extend   jurisdiction.     Accordingly, the juvenile court dismissed, without prejudice, the
    charges for lack of jurisdiction. The State refiled the charges in adult criminal court. That court
    dismissed, with prejudice; the charges based on the State' s preaccusatorial. delay and ineffective -
    assistance of defense counsel.
    The State    appeals,   arguing that ( 1)   the trial court erred by concluding that there was
    preaccusatorial        delay, ( 2) dismissal is not the appropriate remedy for ineffective assistance of
    counsel, and (    3)   substantial evidence     does not    support several   factual findings. In the published
    portion, we hold that ineffective assistance of counsel and not preaccusatorial delay caused the
    loss   of   juvenile   court   jurisdiction;   we reverse   because   retrial, not   dismissal, is the   appropriate
    No. 43204 -8 - II
    remedy for     a successful           ineffective     assistance claim.      In the unpublished portion, we hold that
    substantial evidence supports the court' s factual findings.
    Police arrested 17- year -old Maynard in August 2010, for painting graffiti on several
    businesses'        and               in Woodland.             The prosecutor' s office received the police report in
    September 2010.              The prosecutor asked the police for more information about the specific
    locations of painted property and requested photos in order to obtain probable cause to support a
    diversion     referral.       In November 20103, the prosecutor forwarded the police reports to the
    juvenile   court probation           department for       consideration    for diversion. On December 10, 20104, the
    juvenile    court     rejected       Maynard'    s     case    for diversion.    After reviewing the case again, the
    prosecutor determined that it needed more information to file charges and requested this
    information from            police.    Between January and June 2011, the State corresponded with police
    about   restitution      amounts        owed     to    victims.     The State charged Maynard with six counts of
    malicious mischief on           July    7, 2011.      Maynard was summoned to appear on July 12.
    At Maynard' s July 12 appearance, the juvenile court appointed counsel and scheduled an
    arraignment        for the    next week.        On July 19, Maynard appeared and pleaded not guilty, and the
    court set pretrial       for August 9,        and     trial   for September 15. At Maynard' s initial appearance and
    Woodland Auto Supply and Columbia Mega Storage ( a U -haul location).
    Rolling Freedom Skate Park and a shed, both located in Horseshoe Lake Park and owned by the
    city of Woodland, and also Baseball fields of Woodland Little League.
    Finding   of   fact 8   states    the   year as   2011. This is a scrivener' s error.
    Finding   of   fact 9   states    the   year as   2011.     This is a scrivener' s error.
    No. 43204 -8 - II
    arraignment,    nobody     mentioned     that he   would      turn 18    on   August 1.    On July 25, the prosecutor
    sent an offer   to Maynard'      s   attorney recommending           a   deferred disposition.          The offer was set to
    expire   on   August 9.     Maynard told his attorney that he would accept a deferred disposition.
    After sending the       offer,   the    prosecutor       noticed    that     Maynard      was   about     to turn    18.   The
    prosecutor then e- mailed Maynard' s attorney asking how she wanted to proceed, but Maynard' s
    attorney did    not respond.     On August 1, Maynard turned 18 years old. At the pretrial hearing on
    August 9, the juvenile court dismissed, without prejudice, the charges for lack of jurisdiction.
    The State filed an information with the same charges in superior court, and the court
    appointed     Maynard      a new     attorney.    Maynard moved to dismiss all charges, arguing negligent
    preaccusatorial     delay     and    ineffective       assistance   of   counsel.        The trial court dismissed the
    charges, with prejudice,         finding that the delay violated Maynard' s due process rights and that
    defense counsel was ineffective. The State appeals.
    The State argues that the trial court erred by dismissing Maynard' s charges with
    prejudice due to preaccusatorial delay. We agree because preaccusatorial delay did not cause the
    loss of juvenile court jurisdiction.
    We review de novo whether preaccusatorial delay violates a party' s due process rights.
    State    v.   Oppelt,   
    172 Wash. 2d 285
    ,    290,      
    257 P.3d 653
    ( 2011).         To    determine     whether
    preaccusatorial     delay   violates a    party'   s   due   process rights, courts        apply   a    three -
    prong test: (   1)
    the defendant       must   show      actual   prejudice      from the       delay; (   2) if the defendant shows actual
    prejudice, the court must determine the reasons for the delay; and ( 3) the court must then weigh
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    the reasons and the prejudice to determine whether fundamental conceptions of justice would be
    violated by allowing prosecution. 
    Oppelt, 172 Wash. 2d at 295
    Although a defendant has no constitutional right to be tried in juvenile court, the loss of
    juvenile jurisdiction subjects a defendant to higher penalties and the loss of juvenile system
    benefits. State       v.   Hodges, 28 Wn.           App.       902, 904, 
    626 P.2d 1025
    ( 1981).        Thus, a defendant has
    carried his burden of showing actual prejudice when a delay causes loss of juvenile court
    jurisdiction. State v. Dixon, 
    114 Wash. 2d 857
    , 860 -61, 
    792 P.2d 137
    ( 1990).
    But, as the State argues, all cases affirming dismissal for preaccusatorial delay involve
    the loss of juvenile court jurisdiction before the State filed charges, and here, the juvenile court
    did   not   lose jurisdiction       until after      the State filed       charges.    That is   a significant   difference. The
    concept      of " preaccusatorial          delay" means before the accusation, or, stated another way, delay
    before the charging.           See,      e. g.,   State   v.   Calderon, 
    102 Wash. 2d 348
    , 353, 
    684 P.2d 1293
    ( 1984)
    Preaccusatorial           delay   in   bringing     charges       may     violate   due   process).   Importantly, the Oppelt
    court derived the three -prong test we use to determine if a delay violates due process from
    Calderon. 172 Wash. 2d at 289
    -90.         Thus, under those cases, if the State files charges before
    juvenile jurisdiction expires and there is still an opportunity for the defendant to extend
    jurisdiction, then the Oppelt three -prong test is inapplicable.                             See 
    Oppelt, 172 Wash. 2d at 290
    Calderon, 102 Wash. 2d at 353
    Here, because the State filed charges 24 days before juvenile jurisdiction expired and
    Maynard had           an   opportunity to         extend    jurisdiction, the Oppelt test is inapplicable.          The juvenile
    court lost jurisdiction because of defense counsel' s failure to request a simple extension of
    juvenile      court   jurisdiction       at   Maynard'      s arraignment or         any time before his 18th     birthday.   The
    No. 43204 -8 -II
    juvenile      court   did   not   lose jurisdiction because           of   the State'   s   delay   in   filing   the   charges.   While
    the trial court pointed out that everybody missed Maynard' s birth date in the necessary rush to
    get through the juvenile docket, defense counsel maintained a duty to provide competent
    representation to Maynard and reasonably inform him about matters affecting his case. See RPC
    1. 1, 1. 4.   We do not require prosecutors to give special treatment to juvenile defendants and keep
    track of every         juvenile'       s   birthday.    
    Dixon, 114 Wash. 2d at 866
    .    The first opportunity to extend
    jurisdiction was at Maynard' s July 12 appearance, although it is uncertain whether defense
    counsel       was     present     at       that time.   But, certainly his counsel was present on July 19, when
    Maynard appeared and pleaded not guilty, and during this time Maynard' s attorney should have
    moved to extend juvenile court jurisdiction; but at no time while Maynard' s case was pending
    did his attorney make that motion.
    We reject the conclusion that preaccusatorial delay caused the loss of juvenile court
    jurisdiction when the State filed the charges 24 days before Maynard' s 18th birthday.
    Additionally, we note that all cases cited by the parties involve instances in which the State did
    not   file    charges until after             the defendant'   s   18th   birthday,   an    important distinction here.            Thus,
    because the juvenile court did not lose jurisdiction because of preaccusatorial delay, the trial
    court erred by dismissing Maynard' s charges with prejudice.
    Next, the parties agree that defense counsel was ineffective, but they disagree whether the
    proper       remedy is      remand or           dismissal   with prejudice.      We agree with the State that the proper
    remedy for a successful ineffective assistance of counsel claim is remand for a new trial.
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    Generally, the remedy for ineffective assistance of counsel is remand for a new trial. See
    State   v.   Sutherby,      
    165 Wash. 2d 870
    , 888, 
    204 P.3d 916
    ( 2009); State v. Thomas, 
    109 Wash. 2d 222
    743 P.2d 816
    ( 1987); State                   v.    Powell, 150 Wn.             App. 139,      158, 
    206 P.3d 703
    ( 2009).
    Similarly, where an adult trial court errs and a juvenile court has since lost jurisdiction, the
    remedy is to         remand   to the      adult   trial    court   for further    proceedings.       See In re Pers. Restraint of
    152 Wash. 2d 772
    , 786 -87, 
    100 P.3d 279
    ( 2004).                                   In Dalluge, Dalluge challenged his
    superior court felony convictions, arguing that because he was 17 years old when the State
    charged him with crimes that did not automatically mandate adult court jurisdiction, the trial
    court erred         by failing   to   remand      to juvenile       court   for   a   decline   
    hearing. 152 Wash. 2d at 776
    Our Supreme Court held that although the trial court erred by not remanding for a decline
    hearing, because Dalluge turned 18 and the juvenile court no longer had jurisdiction over him,
    the   proper       remedy   was    to   remand      to the    adult   trial   court    for further   proceedings.   
    Dalluge, 152 Wash. 2d at 786
    Here, Maynard' s attorney failed to move to extend jurisdiction before Maynard turned
    18. Like Dalluge, because the juvenile court no longer has jurisdiction over Maynard, the proper
    remedy is to         remand      to the   adult    trial    court   for further       proceedings.    Therefore, we reverse and
    remand for proceedings consistent with this opinion.
    A majority of the panel having determined that only the foregoing portion of this opinion
    will be printed in the Washington Appellate Reports and that the remainder shall be filed for public
    record       in   accordance with     RCW 2. 06. 040, it is         so ordered.
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    Finally, the State argues that substantial evidence did not support many of the trial court' s
    findings of fact.5 We hold that substantial evidence supports the findings of fact, in all material
    respects, and where they are not supported, they do not materially affect a conclusion of law.
    Thus, reversal is not necessary on this ground.
    We review findings of fact to determine whether substantial evidence supports them.
    State   v.    Stevenson, 128 Wn.          App. 179,      193,    
    114 P.3d 699
    ( 2005).           Substantial evidence is
    evidence sufficient           to   persuade a   fair -
    minded,    rational person of       the   finding' s   truth.   Stevenson,
    128 Wn.         App.     at    193.    Circumstantial evidence receives the same consideration as direct
    evidence.       State    v.   Delmarter, 
    94 Wash. 2d 634
    , 638, 
    618 P.2d 99
    ( 1980).                 An erroneous finding of
    fact that does not materially affect a conclusion of law is not prejudicial and does not warrant
    reversal. State v. Caldera, 
    66 Wash. App. 548
    , 551, 
    832 P.2d 139
    ( 1992).
    The State argues that finding of fact 10 is erroneous because it indicates the prosecutor
    already had the information it             continued     to   request   from the   police.      Although the first August
    26, 2010 police report did not contain all of the damage information for all of the victims, any
    error in finding of fact 10 is harmless because it does not materially affect the court' s conclusion
    that there was preaccusatorial delay.
    Finding of fact 10 states:
    Between           December     10,   2011,       and   June    16,    2011,     the     prosecutor
    exchanged a number of e -mails with the Woodland Police [ D] epartment, seeking
    more information, specifically in regards to restitution amounts owed to the
    victims."        The [ S] tate made these repeated requests in spite of the fact that the
    Specifically, the State argues that substantial evidence does not support the following findings
    of fact: 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, and 21.
    No. 43204 -8 -II
    police reports and the probable cause statements already provided contained a
    detailed statement of the damages each victim has sustained.
    Clerk'    s   Papers ( CP)       at   108 (   citations omitted).      The information filed in juvenile court lists four
    victims:       the city of Woodland, Woodland Little League, Woodland Auto Supply, and Columbia
    Mega Storage ( U- Haul). The                   police report   lists   restitution amounts     for three   of   the victims:   the
    city   of     Woodland, Woodland Little League,                  and    Columbia Mega Storage ( U- Haul).             The State
    argues that it needed information on all of the victims before making a charging decision. But,
    the final       police      report    filed in    superior   court     on   September 21, 2011,        does not contain any
    estimates additional             to those included in the initial        police report.   CP   at   108 ( FF 11); compare CP
    at   57   with   CP    at   9.   Moreover, the trial court concluded that, even if the prosecutor could justify
    the    delay,    the    prejudice       to Maynard       outweighed         it.   Thus, although the first probable cause
    statement and police reports did not contain estimates for all of the victims, the error in finding
    of fact 10 is not prejudicial because it does not materially affect the trial court' s conclusion about
    preaccusatorial delay.
    I                 The State next assigns error to findings of fact 11 and 15 because they misstate the
    number of charges.                Finding of fact 11 states that Maynard was charged with five counts of
    malicious mischief when he was actually charged with six counts of malicious mischief, and
    finding of fact 15 states that the State' s recommendation of deferred disposition required
    Maynard to plead guilty to two of the charges when it actually required him to plead guilty to all
    of    the charges.          Those errors do not affect any of the trial court' s conclusions of law; thus, they
    are    harmless.
    No. 43204 -8 -II
    The State assigns error to finding of fact 12 because the finding states that Maynard was
    summoned            19 days before he turned 21                  years    old.     That finding is in error because he was
    summoned            19 days before he turned 18                 years     old.    But, that is a harmless scrivener' s error.
    Other findings correctly state Maynard' s age and birth date.
    Next, the State assigns error to finding of fact 13 because it argues that there is not
    substantial evidence to show ( 1) what the normal procedure of the court is or (2) that none of the
    parties mentioned Maynard' s age. We disagree. Finding of fact 13 states, in relevant part,
    Although the normal procedure during the first appearance would have been for
    the court to extend jurisdiction for an offender such as the defendant who was
    close to turning eighteen years of age, the court did not do so in this case. Neither
    the      court,     the    prosecutor[,       nor]   the probation officer in charge of the case
    mentioned that the defendant would be eighteen years old within a few weeks.
    WWIT- lug
    Substantial evidence supports the finding that the court' s normal procedure is to extend
    jurisdiction        at   the defendant'      s   first   appearance.         Maynard' s juvenile court counsel testified that-
    the normal-procedure when a juvenile is nearing his 18th birthday is for the probation officer to
    move      to   extend     jurisdiction     at    the juvenile'    s    initial   appearance.   Although defense counsel was
    not present at Maynard' s initial appearance, she had worked as either a prosecutor or defense
    counsel        in juvenile      court    for     over    10   years.    Given her experience and testimony, substantial
    evidence supports the finding that the normal procedure is to move to extend jurisdiction at the
    initial    appearance.               Substantial evidence also supports the finding that no one mentioned
    Maynard'        s   age   at   his initial       appearance.       As defense counsel testified, the probation officer
    would normally have moved to extend jurisdiction if he knew that Maynard' s 18th birthday was
    No. 43204 -8 -II
    approaching,      and    he did        not   do    so   here.      Additionally, the first mention in the record of
    Maynard' s approaching birthday was the e -mail the prosecutor sent at the end of July 2011.
    Similarly, the State argues that substantial evidence does not support findings of fact 14
    and   20 because they         require    the   court    to   speculate.    Both findings state that the court could have
    entered    an   order    extending jurisdiction              and    note   that this      would     be the       usual   practice.   As
    discussed       above,   substantial evidence shows that the juvenile court could have extended
    jurisdiction and that the usual practice was to do so when the juvenile' s 18th birthday was
    approaching.       Additionally, finding of fact 20 states that Maynard could have entered into a plea
    agreement with        the State       and obtained a         deferred    sentence.     This is also supported by substantial
    evidence:       the State     sent    Maynard       an offer       recommending           a   deferred disposition.         Substantial
    evidence supports both findings.
    The State next argues that there is not substantial evidence to support finding of fact 16
    because defense         counsel could not remember when she read                          the   prosecutor' s e -mail.      Finding of
    fact 16   states, "   The defendant' s attorney did not read [ the prosecutor' s e -mail notifying her that
    Maynard     was       about    to turn 18]        until   after    the   defendant'   s       eighteenth   birthday."      CP at 109.
    Defense counsel testified that she could not remember when she received this e -mail, but she
    also testified that she did not know Maynard had turned 18 until he came into her office on
    August 3, two days            after   his   birthday. If defense counsel had read the e -mail before Maynard' s
    have known he. had turned 18 before he                               her   on   August 3.   There
    birthday,   then   she would                                                                     visited
    is substantial evidence to support finding of fact 16.
    Finally, the State assigns error to findings of fact 19 and 21 because they contain
    conclusions of        law.     We treat incorrectly labeled findings of fact as conclusions of law if they
    No. 43204 -8 -I1
    resolve the ultimate issue. In re Det. ofM.K., 
    168 Wash. App. 621
    , 623 n.3, 
    279 P.3d 897
    ( 2012).
    Finding      of   fact 19   states, "   Juvenile court defense counsel' s failure to note the defendant' s age at
    arraignment and failure to then move to extend jurisdiction fell below the standard of a
    reasonably         prudent   attorney."      CP   at    110.   Finding    of   fact 21   states, "   Juvenile court defense
    counsel' s failure to note the defendant' s age at arraignment and failure to then move to extend
    jurisdiction caused prejudice to the defendant through ( 1) the loss of juvenile court jurisdiction,
    and (   2) the loss    of an    opportunity to     obtain a    deferred   sentence."     CP   at   110. The' State is correct
    that these findings          are    actually legal     conclusions.      But, the State does not assign error to the
    conclusions; it merely argues that they are improperly labeled. None of the errors in the findings
    here    require reversal.
    Johanson, A.C.J.
    I concur:
    Fearilw, J.
    The State also argues that substantial evidence does not support finding of fact 7. But, the State
    does     not      provide    any    argument - to       support   this   claim.     We do not consider unsupported
    assignments          of error.      RAP 10. 3(   a)(   6); State v. Goodman, 
    150 Wash. 2d 774
    , 782, 
    83 P.3d 410
    No. 43204 -8 -II
    PENOYAR, J. ( Dissent) —                I write separately because it is clear from the record that the
    main cause for Christopher Maynard' s loss of a chance to have his case resolved as a juvenile
    was unjustified pre -                               delay.      The trial court correctly applied the Oppelt test and
    dismissed the case.
    The State argues that all the cases affirming dismissal for pre -accusatorial delay involved
    situations where the juvenile court lost jurisdiction before the information was filed, and here,
    the juvenile        court      did   not     lose jurisdiction   until after   the information   was   filed. But it offers no
    reason why this should change the test from Oppelt. I conclude that the test is the same and the
    fact that the information was filed before Maynard turned 18 only goes to the issue of actual
    prejudice, which the trial court addressed in its conclusion of law 2.
    While a defendant has no constitutional right to be tried in juvenile court, the loss of
    juvenile jurisdiction subjects a defendant to higher penalties and the loss of juvenile system
    benefits.       State     v.   Hodges, 28 Wn.            App.    902, 904, 
    626 P.2d 1025
    ( 1981).        Thus, our Supreme
    Court has held that a defendant has carried his burden of showing actual prejudice when a delay
    causes       loss   of   juvenile       court    jurisdiction.     State v. Dixon, 
    114 Wash. 2d 857
    , 861, 
    792 P.2d 137
    Here, pre -accusatorial delay combined with other factors caused the loss of juvenile court
    jurisdiction.        As the trial            court pointed out "[     e] verybody missed [ Maynard' s birth date] in the
    the juvenile docket."   1 Report        Proceedings         51.   But,
    necessary       rush     to    get through a       day   on                                      of                 at
    clearly, the delay in filing was largely responsible for the loss ofjurisdiction, which occurred less
    than     three      weeks            after    Maynard'    s    arraignment.       Maynard   had       agreed   to   the     State' s
    State v. Oppelt, 
    172 Wash. 2d 285
    257 P.3d 653
    ( 2011).
    No. 43204 -8 -II
    recommendation,       a   fact that   would   have     come out at          the August      9   hearing.    Resolution of the.
    case would      have followed     soon   thereafter.     But the delay in filing meant there simply was not
    enough time for the mistake to be noticed and rectified.
    Because Maynard        can show prejudice,           I    now consider        the     reasons    for the   delay.   The
    State argues that it needed additional information about the victims before charging Maynard.
    Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the prosecutor' s need for more information and the prejudice
    to Maynard in losing his right to be tried in juvenile court.
    Here, the prejudice to Maynard is considerable and the State' s reason for delay is
    unjustified.     The State had offered Maynard a deferred disposition, which he was willing to take.
    Instead, because of the State' s delay, Maynard is now faced with a possible felony conviction in
    adult criminal court.       Further, the State'      s reason       for. delay is    not   justified.     The police included
    victim   information in the      report written on       August 26, 2010.             The State received this report on
    September 15, 2010, but did           not charge   Maynard          until   July   7, 2011.     The State argues that it was
    waiting for more information from the police, but the probable cause statement filed in superior
    court on September 21, 2011, does not contain any additional victim information. The trial court
    did   not err   by dismissing   Maynard'      s case   for   pre -accusatorial       delay. I would not reach the issue
    of ineffective assistance of counsel and would affirm the trial court' s dismissal.