State of West Virginia v. Paul Darren Spinks , 239 W. Va. 588 ( 2017 )

    January 2017 Term
    _______________                           FILED
    June 16, 2017
    No. 15-1145                             released at 3:00 p.m.
    _______________                         RORY L. PERRY II, CLERK
    Plaintiff Below, Respondent
    Defendant Below, Petitioner
    Appeal from the Circuit Court of Nicholas County
    The Honorable Gary L. Johnson, Judge
    Criminal Action No. 14-F-87
    Submitted: May 3, 2017
    Filed: June 16, 2017
    J. Steven Hunter, Esq.                            Patrick Morrisey, Esq.
    Robert P. Martin, Esq.                            Attorney General
    Steve Hunter Associates, l.c.                     Zachary Aaron Viglianco, Esq.
    Lewisburg, West Virginia                          Assistant Attorney General
    Counsel for Petitioner                            Charleston, West Virginia
    Counsel for Respondent
    JUSTICE WALKER delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    1.     “Except for willful, intentional fraud the law of this State does not
    permit the court to go behind an indictment to inquire into the evidence considered by the
    grand jury, either to determine its legality or its sufficiency.” Syllabus, Barker v. Fox,
    160 W.Va. 749
    238 S.E.2d 235
    2.     “‘Most courts hold that as a general rule, a trial court should not
    grant a motion to dismiss criminal charges unless the dismissal is consonant with the
    public interest in the fair administration of justice.’ Syl. Pt. 12, in part, Myers v. Frazier,
    173 W.Va. 658
    319 S.E.2d 782
    , 786 (1984).” Syllabus Point 4, State ex rel. Pinson v.
    181 W.Va. 662
    383 S.E.2d 844
    3.     “‘Dismis[s]al of [an] indictment is appropriate only ‘if it is
    established that the violation substantially influenced the grand jury’s decision to indict’
    or if there is ‘grave doubt’ that the decision to indict was free from substantial influence
    of such violations.’ Bank of Nova Scotia v. United States, 
    487 U.S. 250
    , 261-62, 
    108 S.Ct. 2369
    101 L.Ed.2d 228
    , 238 (1988) (citing United States v. Mechanik, 
    475 U.S. 66
    106 S.Ct. 938
    , 945, 
    89 L.Ed.2d 50
     (1986) (O’Connor, J., concurring)).” Syllabus
    Point 6, State ex rel. Pinson v. Maynard, 
    181 W.Va. 662
    383 S.E.2d 844
    4.     “‘[A] trial court’s evidentiary rulings, as well as its application of the
    Rules of Evidence, are subject to a review under an abuse of discretion standard.’ Syl. Pt.
    4, State v. Rodoussakis, 
    204 W.Va. 58
    511 S.E.2d 469
     (1998)).” Syllabus Point 1, State
    v. Varlas, 
    237 W.Va. 399
    787 S.E.2d 670
    5.     “‘Generally, out-of-court statements made by someone other than
    the declarant while testifying are not admissible unless: 1) the statement is not being
    offered for the truth of the matter asserted, but for some other purpose such as motive,
    intent, state-of-mind, identification or reasonableness of the party’s action; 2) the
    statement is not hearsay under the rules; or 3) the statement is hearsay but falls within an
    exception provided for in the rules.’ Syl. Pt. 1, State v. Maynard, 
    183 W.Va. 1
    393 S.E.2d 221
     (1990).” Syllabus Point 3, State v. Morris, 
    227 W.Va. 76
    705 S.E.2d 583
    6.     “It is within a trial court’s discretion to admit an out-of-court
    statement under Rule 803(1), the present sense impression exception, of the West
    Virginia Rules of Evidence if: (1) The statement was made at the time or shortly after an
    event; (2) the statement describes the event; and (3) the event giving rise to the statement
    was within a declarant’s personal knowledge.” Syllabus Point 4, State v. Phillips, 
    194 W.Va. 569
    461 S.E.2d 75
    7.     “When offering evidence under Rule 404(b) of the West Virginia
    Rules of Evidence, the prosecution is required to identify the specific purpose for which
    the evidence is being offered and the jury must be instructed to limit its consideration of
    the evidence to only that purpose. It is not sufficient for the prosecution or the trial court
    merely to cite or mention the litany of possible uses listed in Rule 404(b). The specific
    and precise purpose for which the evidence is offered must clearly be shown from the
    record and that purpose alone must be told to the jury in the trial court’s instruction.”
    Syllabus Point 1, State v. McGinnis, 
    193 W.Va. 147
    455 S.E.2d 516
    8.     “Where an offer of evidence is made under Rule 404(b) of the West
    Virginia Rules of Evidence, the trial court, pursuant to Rule 104(a) of the West Virginia
    Rules of Evidence, is to determine its admissibility. Before admitting the evidence, the
    trial court should conduct an in camera hearing as stated in State v. Dolin, 
    176 W.Va. 688
    347 S.E.2d 208
     (1986). After hearing the evidence and arguments of counsel, the
    trial court must be satisfied by a preponderance of the evidence that the acts or conduct
    occurred and that the defendant committed the acts. If the trial court does not find by a
    preponderance of the evidence that the acts or conduct was committed or that the
    defendant was the actor, the evidence should be excluded under Rule 404(b). If a
    sufficient showing has been made, the trial court must then determine the relevancy of
    the evidence under Rules 401 and 402 of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence and
    conduct the balancing required under Rule 403 of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence. If
    the trial court is then satisfied that the Rule 404(b) evidence is admissible, it should
    instruct the jury on the limited purpose for which such evidence has been admitted. A
    limiting instruction should be given at the time the evidence is offered, and we
    recommend that it be repeated in the trial court’s general charge to the jury at the
    conclusion of the evidence.” Syllabus Point 2, State v. McGinnis, 
    193 W.Va. 147
    455 S.E.2d 516
    9.     “It is presumed a defendant is protected from undue prejudice if the
    following requirements are met: (1) the prosecution offered the evidence for a proper
    purpose; (2) the evidence was relevant; (3) the trial court made an on-the-record
    determination under Rule 403 of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence that the probative
    value of the evidence is not substantially outweighed by its potential for unfair prejudice;
    and (4) the trial court gave a limiting instruction.” Syllabus Point 3, State v. LaRock, 
    196 W.Va. 294
    470 S.E.2d 613
    10.    “The plain error doctrine contained in Rule 30 and Rule 52(b) of the
    West Virginia Rules of Criminal Procedure is identical. It enables this Court to take
    notice of error, including instructional error occurring during the proceedings, even
    though such error was not brought to the attention of the trial court. However, the
    doctrine is to be used sparingly and only in those circumstances where substantial rights
    are affected, or the truth-finding process is substantially impaired, or a miscarriage of
    justice would otherwise result.” Syllabus Point 4, State v. England, 
    180 W.Va. 342
    376 S.E.2d 548
    11.    “‘The question of whether a defendant is entitled to an instruction on
    a lesser included offense involves a two-part inquiry. The first inquiry is a legal one
    having to do with whether the lesser offense is by virtue of its legal elements or definition
    included in the greater offense. The second inquiry is a factual one which involves a
    determination by the trial court of whether there is evidence which would tend to prove
    such lesser included offense. State v. Neider, 
    170 W.Va. 662
    295 S.E.2d 902
    Syl. Pt. 1, State v. Jones, 
    174 W.Va. 700
    329 S.E.2d 65
     (1985).” Syllabus Point 3, State
    v. Wilkerson, 
    230 W.Va. 366
    738 S.E.2d 32
    12.    “‘Jury instructions on possible guilty verdicts must only include
    those crimes for which substantial evidence has been presented upon which a jury might
    justifiably find the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.’ Syl. pt. 5, State v.
    165 W.Va. 572
    270 S.E.2d 649
     (1980).” Syllabus Point 1, State v. Leonard,
    217 W.Va. 603
    619 S.E.2d 116
    13.    “The function of an appellate court when reviewing the sufficiency
    of the evidence to support a criminal conviction is to examine the evidence admitted at
    trial to determine whether such evidence, if believed, is sufficient to convince a
    reasonable person of the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Thus, the relevant
    inquiry is whether, after viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the crime
    proved beyond a reasonable doubt.” Syllabus Point 1, State v. Guthrie, 
    194 W.Va. 657
    461 S.E.2d 163
    14.    “A criminal defendant challenging the sufficiency of the evidence to
    support a conviction takes on a heavy burden. An appellate court must review all the
    evidence, whether direct or circumstantial, in the light most favorable to the prosecution
    and must credit all inferences and credibility assessments that the jury might have drawn
    in favor of the prosecution. The evidence need not be inconsistent with every conclusion
    save that of guilt so long as the jury can find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Credibility
    determinations are for a jury and not an appellate court. Finally, a jury verdict should be
    set aside only when the record contains no evidence, regardless of how it is weighed,
    from which the jury could find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. To the extent that our
    prior cases are inconsistent, they are expressly overruled.” Syllabus Point 2, State v.
    194 W.Va. 657
    461 S.E.2d 163
    15.    “When a criminal defendant undertakes a sufficiency challenge, all
    the evidence, direct and circumstantial, must be viewed from the prosecutor’s coign of
    vantage, and the viewer must accept all reasonable inferences from it that are consistent
    with the verdict. This rule requires the trial court judge to resolve all evidentiary conflicts
    and credibility questions in the prosecution’s favor; moreover, as among competing
    inferences of which two or more are plausible, the judge must choose the inference that
    best fits the prosecution’s theory of guilt.” Syllabus Point 3, State v. LaRock, 
    196 W.Va. 294
    470 S.E.2d 613
    WALKER, Justice:
    Petitioner Paul Darren Spinks (“Petitioner”) appeals the November 1, 2015,
    order of the Circuit Court of Nicholas County sentencing him to life imprisonment
    without the possibility of parole for the 2007 murder of his wife. Petitioner asserts that
    the trial court erred by: (1) refusing to dismiss the indictment returned by the grand jury
    based upon fraud; 2) improperly admitting evidence of prior domestic violence, marital
    discord, and threats made by Petitioner against his wife; 3) refusing to instruct the jury on
    lesser included offenses; and 4) denying his motion for judgment of acquittal when the
    evidence presented at trial was insufficient to support his conviction. Upon consideration
    of the parties’ briefs and arguments, the submitted record and pertinent authorities, we
    affirm Petitioner’s conviction.
    The evidence presented at trial was that at 1:06 p.m. on October 31, 2007,
    Petitioner placed a 911 call claiming that he and his wife, Elizabeth Spinks, had been shot
    from a distance by an unknown shooter while seated on the front porch of their home.
    According to Petitioner’s recorded statement taken by police at the hospital, Petitioner
    and Elizabeth were seated on their front porch smoking when Petitioner heard what he
    thought was a “firecracker”, and Elizabeth “stood up and grabbed her . . . neck and fell
    down on the porch in front of [him].”1 Petitioner stated that upon seeing Elizabeth drop
    to the ground, he ran into the house to get their cell phone to call 911, came back out onto
    the porch, and while bending over Elizabeth to check her and talking to the 911
    dispatcher, he likewise sustained a gunshot wound to his left thigh.
    Petitioner stated that after calling 911, he went back into the house and into
    their bedroom, where he continued to talk with the dispatcher and tell her what had
    occurred. According to his recorded statement, Petitioner then got Elizabeth’s gun, a
    .300 Winchester Magnum, out of the gun cabinet and went into the bathroom to hide for
    fear that the shooter would come into the house and try to kill him. He remained in his
    home and made other telephone calls while waiting for an ambulance and officers to
    respond to the scene.2 He contended that during the wait, he passed out twice. He also
    stated that he dropped the phone and had to look for it in the pool of blood on his
    bathroom floor.
    Elizabeth was shot in the upper left chest. Petitioner stated that at the time of the
    shooting, he and Elizabeth were sitting face-to-face on the porch. He described that
    Elizabeth was sitting with her back facing the house and he was sitting with his back
    away from the house.
    Pursuant to the evidence admitted at trial, Petitioner’s cell phone records
    revealed that he made thirteen phone calls between the time of his initial 911 call and
    when he exited his house to meet law enforcement officers and first responders. Three of
    those calls were made to 911. The other calls were made to Petitioner’s mother and
    father, BB&T bank, and two other unidentified numbers.
    Petitioner was still inside the residence when emergency personnel arrived.
    He emerged from the home when the 911 dispatcher instructed him to exit the house.
    The officers who responded to the scene, West Virginia State Police Sergeants Ron Lilly
    and Anthony Webb, testified that when Petitioner exited the residence, his hands
    appeared to be clean despite the fact that his leg was bleeding very heavily. Moreover,
    while Petitioner was lying on his back as paramedics prepared to transport him from the
    scene, Petitioner, stretching back and pointing up over his head, called Sergeant Lilly’s
    attention to a bullet hole located on the front of the house. Petitioner was flown to the
    hospital for medical treatment.
    In his recorded statement taken at the hospital by Corporal B.J. Wriston, a
    West Virginia State Police trooper, Petitioner indicated that when he was out on the
    porch calling 911, he saw an older model white Chevrolet truck sitting in the lower end
    of the parking lot of a nearby elementary school. He surmised that the shots possibly
    may have come from that truck.        When Corporal Wriston asked if Petitioner and
    Elizabeth had been having any marital problems, Petitioner denied any. When Corporal
    Wriston asked if they had any problems with anyone else in the past, Petitioner stated that
    a man named Harvey Hersman had been calling Elizabeth’s cell phone in the last six
    months threatening Petitioner, claiming that he was going to burn down their house and
    garage.   Petitioner indicated, however, that Mr. Hersman had not made any calls
    threatening him for approximately the last month. When asked if Mr. Hersman had ever
    specifically threatened to shoot Petitioner during these calls, Petitioner replied that “[h]e
    had told some other people that, and it got word back around to me, but he – he’s the type
    of person I figure he’d get somebody else to do it. . . . But my wife never done nothing.”
    Before concluding the statement, Corporal Wriston asked whether Petitioner had
    anything to add, and Petitioner said, “I’d like you to check my hands for powder or
    whatever they do . . . because I didn’t fire no gun. She didn’t fire no gun.”
    At approximately 4:15 p.m., a West Virginia State Police crime scene
    response team arrived at the Spinks’ residence and thoroughly investigated the scene,
    collecting numerous pieces of evidence. Corporal H.C. Mitchell, a West Virginia State
    Police trooper, testified that he collected a fired .22 caliber bullet from a bookcase located
    in the living room of the residence, which appeared to have traveled through a plastic
    chair on the porch and the siding on the front of the house.         Corporal Mitchell also
    recovered a Savage Model 110E, caliber .222, Remington rifle from a gun cabinet in the
    bedroom. West Virginia State Police Sergeant Robert Richards collected a second fired
    .22 caliber bullet from the front porch and another gun, a .300 Winchester Remington
    Model 700, located on the bathroom floor.3            Sergeant Ron Lilly, a detachment
    commander for the West Virginia State Police who was the custodian of the evidence in
    Darren Francis, an employee of the West Virginia State Police Forensic
    Laboratory (“State Forensic Lab”), testified that he tested both of the bullets retrieved
    from the scene, and neither had any blood on them.
    this case, testified that several other guns were seized and taken from Petitioner’s
    residence. However, only three were submitted to the West Virginia State Forensic Lab
    for testing because the wound that Elizabeth suffered appeared to be from a smaller
    caliber gun.
    West Virginia State Police Sergeant Bruce Clendenin, the lead investigator
    on the case, testified that there was a significant amount of Petitioner’s blood inside the
    house, on the floor of the bathroom, and in the bedroom. Moreover, various witnesses
    testified that although there was no trail of blood leading from the porch into the house,
    there was a pool of blood in the bathroom leading into the master bedroom and less
    toward the front door. Sergeant Clendenin testified that one thing that stood out as odd to
    him that day was that the bathroom sink was wet, freshly used. Sergeant Clendenin took
    several measurements at the crime scene, in particular of the bullet hole in the siding of
    the house in relation to the green lawn chair that also appeared to have a bullet hole in it.
    He noted that there was no blood on any of the porch furniture or the walls, and that the
    majority of the blood was underneath Elizabeth’s body and nowhere else.
    Sergeant Clendenin also testified that when he and other officers were
    searching Petitioner’s home, he observed a small hump or “puffed up” disturbance in the
    carpet on the bathroom floor, so the carpet was cut back in that area and he observed
    what he believed to be an apparent bullet hole in the bathroom floor. The portion of the
    particle board floor containing this hole was cut out by Sergeant Anthony Webb and was
    placed into evidence. Sergeant Lilly testified that the piece of carpet laying over the
    bullet hole did not have a hole in it. Sergeant Clendenin also testified that officers
    conducted a search underneath the home to retrieve a bullet, but because there was a large
    amount of nails and metal debris underneath it, their metal detectors were unable to
    locate anything.
    The question of whether the hole in the bathroom floor was caused by a
    bullet was in dispute at trial.    Philip Cochran, a firearm and tool-mark examiner
    employed with the State Forensic Lab, testified that he could not confirm by the presence
    of chemical residue that the hole was caused by a bullet. However, he testified that the
    damage to the wood and the size of the hole were not inconsistent with having been
    caused by a bullet. He stated that if a bullet had passed through carpet or padding before
    going through the wood, any of the residues that he would have been looking for would
    have been removed, and thus, he did not rule out the possibility that the hole in the
    bathroom floor was caused by a bullet. He also determined that of the guns submitted to
    the State Forensic Lab for testing, none of the firearms matched the two bullets that were
    found at the scene.
    Additionally, Koren Powers, an employee of the State Forensic Lab who
    worked in the trace evidence section, conducted gunshot residue testing and determined
    that no gunshot residue was found on either Petitioner, Elizabeth, or the piece of carpet
    that was removed from the bathroom floor by investigators. Meredith Chambers, a DNA
    analyst employed with the State Forensic Lab, testified that she tested swabs collected
    from the bathroom carpet, the Remington 700 rifle taken from the bathroom floor, and
    Petitioner’s cell phone and that the results identified from the swabs collected were
    consistent with Petitioner’s DNA.
    Petitioner subsequently gave another recorded statement to police on
    January 7, 2008, and provided details about the events that occurred on the night of the
    crime that were consistent with his prior recorded statement. In that second recorded
    statement, Petitioner offered, among other things, further details regarding the nature of
    his strained relationships with Elizabeth’s father and sister. However, Petitioner again
    denied having any prior domestic violence incidents with Elizabeth. He also offered
    further details about his relationship with Harvey Hersman and his belief that he was
    responsible for the shooting.
    Mr. Hersman was interviewed by Sergeant Clendenin, who determined that
    Mr. Hersman had a plausible alibi at the time of the murder because he was with his wife
    that day. Sergeant Clendenin interviewed Mr. Hersman’s wife and she confirmed Mr.
    Hersman’s alibi. Sergeant Clendenin also testified that Mr. Hersman’s cell phone records
    indicated that he had not called either Elizabeth’s or Petitioner’s phone, contrary to
    Petitioner’s statement. Thus, Mr. Hersman was ruled out as a suspect.4 No arrests were
    made following the initial investigation of the crime.
    Seven years later, James Milam, Nicholas County Prosecuting Attorney,
    wrote a letter in June of 2014 to Lieutenant Colonel Jack Chambers with the West
    Virginia State Police requesting that they reopen the investigation of Elizabeth’s murder
    on the basis of “evidence which has come to light in another murder in the Birch River
    area.” The case was re-investigated by Corporal D.P. White, a West Virginia State Police
    cold case investigator. He testified before the grand jury on September 9, 2014.
    At the grand jury hearing, Corporal White testified that although Petitioner
    bled heavily on the day Elizabeth was shot, and although he told police that he dropped
    his phone while hiding in the bathroom and fumbled to recover it in his blood pools, his
    hands were relatively clean when he met officers at the door. He testified that prior to
    leaving the residence for the hospital, Petitioner pointed out a bullet hole on the side of
    the house and said that he believed the shooter was in a white pickup truck in the parking
    Sergeant Walter Shafer, an officer with the Nicholas County Sheriff’s
    Department, saw an individual who he believed to possibly be Harvey Hersman walking
    past the Go-Mart on Route 82 near Petitioner’s home as he was responding to the scene
    Petitioner’s 911 call. However, after reviewing mug shots of both Mr. Hersman and Mr.
    Hersman’s brother, Sonny Propps, Sergeant Walters determined that the individual he
    saw that day was Mr. Propps.
    lot of the school adjacent to his house. He also testified that a bullet recovered from the
    vicinity of Elizabeth’s body adjacent to her head, and another recovered from the side of
    the house, had no human tissue and blood on them.
    Corporal White testified that pursuant to the autopsy report, the projectile
    track of the bullet recovered from Elizabeth’s body was inconsistent with the manner in
    which Petitioner described the incident. The projectile tract was from front to back, left
    to right and downward. Although there was a pool of blood underneath where Elizabeth
    laid on the porch, there was no blood spatter anywhere. Furthermore, no blood spatter
    was found on the porch where Petitioner stated he was shot, and there was no path of
    blood where Petitioner stated that he turned toward the door. Corporal White testified
    that there was also what appeared to be a bullet hole in the bathroom floor where
    Petitioner told police he hid, along with a substantial amount of blood. There was also a
    blood trail from the bathroom leading back out to the front porch.
    Corporal White also testified that following the murder, Petitioner’s house
    burned down, and it remained an unsolved arson case. However, despite the fire, the
    original concrete porch remained intact and a new mobile home had been attached. He
    testified that using a laser rangefinder, the distance to Petitioner’s porch from the school
    was 262 yards, and would have required the rifle to be held “three inches high” to hit
    Elizabeth as it did.    However, automobiles were parked between the school and
    Petitioner’s porch when Elizabeth was shot. He testified that Petitioner’s pants were
    found to be negative for gunshot residue and positive for LeadFree. He testified that he
    believed LeadFree was a cleaning solvent used to clean firearms. The bullets that passed
    through both Elizabeth and Petitioner were not recovered.
    Corporal White testified regarding the domestic violence petition that
    Elizabeth had filed against him in April of 2007, wherein she stated that Petitioner had
    shoved her around, slammed her to the floor, and threatened her, making her fear for not
    only her life but for the safety of their kids. He also testified regarding the divorce papers
    that were found hidden in the springs underneath the driver’s seat in Elizabeth’s car that
    indicated that his Elizabeth was planning to file for a divorce.
    With respect to Petitioner’s allegations that he believed Harvey Hersman
    had shot them, Corporal White stated those allegations were not true. He indicated that
    Mr. Hersman, who had an alibi, was now deceased and had been killed in an unrelated
    case. Although Petitioner told police that the shot that wounded him came approximately
    twenty seconds after the shot that killed Elizabeth, Corporal White told the grand jury
    that upon his re-interview of every witness, neighbor and various teachers at the adjacent
    school, these witnesses told police that they heard shots approximately three to eight
    minutes apart, with the first shot being loud, as if it was outside, and the second shot
    muffled, as if it was inside.
    Corporal White also testified about the allegations Petitioner made in a
    third recorded statement given in 2014, after Corporal White told Petitioner that based
    upon the trajectory of their wounds, they could not have been shot from the school
    parking lot. Petitioner surmised that his neighbor, Mike Butcher, a known alcoholic, may
    have shot them from an upstairs window in his home. Corporal White indicated that
    although Mr. Butcher was deceased, having died from natural causes, he interviewed the
    woman that Mr. Butcher lived with at the time of the murder, Lexy Cutlip. Ms. Cutlip
    remembered that Mr. Butcher was heavily intoxicated on the day in question. She
    granted Corporal White permission to come into their home and operate a laser
    rangefinder from the upstairs window targeting Petitioner’s front porch. Corporal White
    testified that he determined, once again, that it was physically impossible for the bullet to
    strike Petitioner and Elizabeth from that location, based on the trajectories.
    Corporal White testified that he never received any specific information
    from the prosecutor regarding the new evidence that had come to light in another murder
    investigation in the Birch River area, other than that he was told “it was due to receiving
    a conversation with one of the defense attorneys here on – on another murder, and that’s
    what led him to bring this to me.” While Corporal White knew that there was only one
    other open murder investigation in the Birch River area, he did not obtain any evidence
    from that investigation or speak with the attorneys involved in that case. Based on the
    testimony of Corporal White, the Nicholas County Grand Jury returned an indictment in
    September 2014.
    In December 2014, Petitioner filed a motion to dismiss the indictment on
    the ground that the grand jury testimony of Corporal White was speculative, misleading
    and tantamount to fraud. During a hearing held by the trial court on January 16, 2015,
    Petitioner’s counsel provided lengthy argument concerning portions of the grand jury
    transcript and the State objected to the motion. In an order entered March 25, 2015, the
    trial court denied Petitioner’s motion finding that Petitioner had not shown that Corporal
    White’s grand jury testimony was willfully or intentionally fraudulent, and therefore, the
    court was not permitted to “go behind an indictment” to inquire into the evidence
    considered by the grand jury.
    Prior to trial, the State filed a motion to admit intrinsic evidence of
    domestic abuse.    Specifically, the State sought to introduce evidence of: (1) prior
    domestic violence between Petitioner and Elizabeth that occurred on April 22, 2007,
    resulting in an emergency domestic violence protective order obtained by Elizabeth, and
    other prior incidents of domestic violence occurring in November 2006 and March 2007;
    (2) ongoing marital problems between them; and (3) threats made by Petitioner to
    Elizabeth. Petitioner opposed the motion, arguing that the April 22, 2007, incident was
    isolated, the domestic violence proceeding was voluntarily dismissed by Elizabeth, and
    that Elizabeth told the family court that she was “angry” when she filed her petition. An
    in camera hearing was conducted on June 12, 2015, and the court heard testimony from
    Sergeant William Nunley, a Nicholas County Sheriff’s Department officer, who
    responded to the April 22 domestic call; Tabitha Hooker, a domestic violence advocate
    who assisted Elizabeth in filing the petition for domestic violence protective order;
    Catherine Gregory (“Catherine”), Elizabeth’s sister; and Michelle Cowger (“Michelle”),
    Elizabeth’s daughter.
    On August 7, 2015, the circuit court entered an order granting the State’s
    motion and admitting the evidence, finding the evidence of domestic violence on April
    22, 2007, intrinsic. However, the court found statements made by Elizabeth to Sergeant
    Nunley and Ms. Hooker regarding the April 22, 2007, incident to be testimonial in nature
    and barred by the confrontation clause. Each of the four witnesses presented were
    permitted to testify as to their observations and actions. The court determined that
    Catherine and Michelle were permitted to testify at trial about statements Elizabeth made
    to them. The court found the instances occurring prior to that event to be “too remote to
    be intrinsic” and engaged in a Rule 404(b) analysis, ultimately determining that
    petitioner’s prior violence against Elizabeth was relevant and more probative than
    prejudicial. 5
    At trial, the State elicited testimony from Dr. Zia Sabet, the State medical
    examiner who conducted Elizabeth’s autopsy, indicating that the entrance wound on
    Elizabeth’s body was near her clavicle and the exit wound on her “mid-lower back.” No
    bullet was found in Elizabeth’s body upon autopsy examination. Dr. Sabet opined that if
    she had been sitting upright when the bullet struck her, as Petitioner alleged in his prior
    statements, and if the shot was fired from the distance Petitioner claimed, the only way a
    bullet could have entered and exited Elizabeth’s body in the manner it did was if that
    bullet had been fired “from the top or . . . third or fourth floor on some building or maybe
    [from an] airplane.” When asked if Dr. Sabet could determine what size bullet likely
    killed Elizabeth, he testified that he could not make a determination due to the skin’s
    The circuit court also concluded that three exhibits offered by the State during
    the hearing (the police report prepared by Sergeant Nunley, Ms. Hooker’s notes from her
    meeting with Elizabeth, and the domestic violence protective order) would not be
    admissible at trial. In determining that the Rule 404(b) evidence was admissible, the
    court ordered that the proper limiting instructions required by State v. McGinnis, 
    193 W.Va. 147
    455 S.E.2d 516
     (1994) and Rule 105 of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence
    would be provided.
    The State’s trajectory and blood spatter expert, Sergeant Michael Lynch
    with the West Virginia State Police, presented various trigonometry calculations to the
    jury to demonstrate that if Petitioner had been sitting upright when she was shot, from the
    distance Petitioner claimed in his statements, the shooter would have had to have fired
    from at least several hundred feet above Elizabeth. Sergeant Lynch stated that the
    location of Elizabeth’s wounds were consistent with her being shot from a much closer
    distance while she was in a different position such as bent over to tie her shoes, getting
    ready to leave. He also noted the lack of blood in the photographs despite the fact that he
    opined she would have bled immediately. With respect to Petitioner’s injuries, Sergeant
    Lynch testified that the location of the entry and exit wounds that Petitioner suffered were
    inconsistent with his own sketched representations that he drew posturing himself on the
    porch. He testified that there should have been blood trails and stains visible on the front
    porch if Petitioner was shot in the manner in which he claimed.
    With respect to Petitioner’s claim that he was shot shortly after Elizabeth
    was hit, the State presented testimony from Donna Park, JoAnn Davis, Betsy Strickland,
    and Mitzi Frame, who were inside the nearby elementary school at the time of the
    shooting. Donna Park testified that she was teaching in a classroom on the backside of
    the building near the playground when she heard one loud gunshot that sounded like it
    came from behind the building. When she looked out the window to determine whether
    someone had shot at the school, she did not see any people or movement anywhere. The
    other three witnesses were also working at the school and were located in the multi­
    purpose room on the other end of the building, near the parking lot. When they heard the
    first shot, which they testified sounded very loud and close, they looked at the window
    and observed an older model white truck. They each testified that there was a delay of
    approximately five minutes between when they heard the initial shot and when they heard
    the later one. Each of the witnesses had different recollections regarding whether the
    white truck was still present at the time they heard the second shot fired.6
    Finally, Michelle testified that she observed several arguments between
    Elizabeth and Petitioner. During two of those arguments, one in November 2006 and the
    other in March 2007, Petitioner struck or was otherwise physically aggressive toward
    Elizabeth. She also testified about two separate occasions on which Petitioner threatened
    Elizabeth’s life. One incident occurred on April 22, 2007, when Michelle was supposed
    to drive Petitioner’s Camaro to the prom. At some point throughout the night, Michelle
    JoAnn Davis, who worked part-time as a parent coordinator at the school,
    testified that the truck was moving when she observed it and she heard the second
    gunshot five minutes later. Betsy Strickland, a special education teacher, testified that the
    white truck was still in the parking lot at the time the second shot was fired. Mitzi Frame,
    who worked as a tutor, testified that when she saw the truck after hearing the first
    gunshot, it was rolling, headed down towards Birch River. The State also presented
    testimony from Petitioner’s neighbor, Katie Coffman, who testified that while she was
    sitting near a partially opened glass door in her dining room on the day of the shooting,
    she heard two shots from the direction of Petitioner’s house. Like the teachers that
    testified, Mrs. Coffman testified that she heard the second shot five minutes after she
    heard the first shot.
    and Petitioner got into a dispute over her use of the car and Michelle decided to take
    Catherine’s car instead. Michelle testified that once Petitioner found out that they had
    left his car parked at her grandfather’s house, he threatened that “Catherine or anybody in
    [her] family better not move the car, or he was going to kill [Elizabeth].” Catherine
    testified that Elizabeth also called her that night and when she learned that Catherine gave
    Michelle her own car and had then driven Petitioner’s Camaro to their father’s house to
    park it, Elizabeth told her “[h]e can’t know you drove it down there. Don’t tell him. . . .
    He’s on his way home. Don’t call here. He can’t know.” Elizabeth filed a domestic
    violence petition on the same night. Michelle also testified that subsequently, in the
    summer of 2007, Elizabeth got into a shouting match with Petitioner, during which
    Elizabeth said she was “gonna pack her bags” and Petitioner replied that “he was gonna
    bury her before . . . she left him.”
    Michelle further testified that in either August or September of 2007, she
    went with Elizabeth to pick up divorce papers, started filling them out, and then hid them
    under the Dale Earnhardt seat covers in Elizabeth’s car. Those divorce papers, which
    were discovered when Petitioner sold Elizabeth’s car, were the subject of testimony and
    exhibited at trial. Catherine testified that because she knew Elizabeth was going to
    divorce Petitioner, she had the name on Elizabeth’s gravestone changed to reflect her
    maiden name. Michelle also provided testimony about the various types of guns that
    Petitioner kept in the home and in his vehicle. She testified specifically that Petitioner
    kept a .22 and a .9 millimeter handgun in his truck.
    At the conclusion of the evidence, the jury found Petitioner guilty of
    murder in the first degree. He was sentenced to a term of life imprisonment in the state
    penitentiary without the possibility of parole. Petitioner now appeals his conviction.
    Petitioner presents four issues for this Court’s consideration, each of which
    have specific review standards.7 Accordingly, instead of setting forth a general standard
    of review, we will discuss the specific standards of review separately as we address each
    issue presented.
    A.     Refusal to Dismiss the Indictment
    While Petitioner’s brief asserts six assignments of error, the last two assignments
    merely provide: (1) that the cumulative effect of all error assigned denied his right to a
    fair trial and (2) that all other error apparent from the face of the record should be
    considered. Because Petitioner fails to address, factually or legally, either of these two
    errors, we deem them waived.
    Petitioner alleges that the State obtained the indictment against him by
    making several critical fraudulent misrepresentations before the grand jury. Specifically,
    Petitioner identifies four pieces of evidence presented to the grand jury that he contends
    are indicative of the State’s fraudulent efforts to obtain an indictment.
    First, Petitioner argues that none of the “bullet holes” that Corporal White
    identified were ever tested or confirmed to be bullet holes, with the exception of the piece
    of flooring cut out of the bathroom, which he alleges was determined not to contain a
    bullet hole. Second, he alleges that there was no gunshot residue located on either
    Elizabeth or Petitioner, or any of the items submitted to the State Forensic Lab for
    gunshot residue testing, including the piece of carpet removed from the bathroom,
    Elizabeth’s red shirt, and Petitioner’s blue jeans.       He maintains that significantly,
    Petitioner’s blue jeans did not test positive for LeadFree, as Corporal White told the
    grand jury. Rather, they tested positive for “lead wipe” and Mr. Cochran, the State
    Forensic Lab examiner, testified that, “I did find lead wipe around those defects to show
    that those were consistent with the passage of a bullet.” Petitioner argues that contrary to
    the grand jury testimony of Corporal White, Mr. Cochran testified that the substance
    identified on Petitioner’s blue jeans was not a substance used to wipe off lead or gun
    powder residue.
    Third, Petitioner alleges that Corporal White’s representation that Petitioner
    “shot himself in the leg to try and make himself look like a victim” was willfully and
    intentionally fraudulent because this theory was not supported by the evidence presented
    at trial.   Fourth, Petitioner contends that Corporal White’s testimony concerning
    Petitioner’s alleged motive that he did not want Elizabeth to divorce him and statements
    related to a domestic violence protective order that was initially obtained but
    subsequently dropped by Elizabeth were also misrepresentations. Petitioner also alleges
    that the basis for the reinvestigation of this case was based upon a false representation
    made by the prosecuting attorney of Nicholas County in a letter indicating that new
    evidence had been discovered when Corporal White testified during the grand jury
    hearing that no such evidence was discovered or pursued by him. In response, the State
    asserts that Petitioner failed to make a prima facie showing of fraud.
    “Our standard of review of a motion to dismiss an indictment is generally
    de novo.” State v. Davis, 
    205 W.Va. 569
    , 578, 
    519 S.E.2d 852
    , 861 (1999). The well-
    settled rule in West Virginia is that “[e]xcept for willful, intentional fraud the law of this
    State does not permit the court to go behind an indictment to inquire into the evidence
    considered by the grand jury, either to determine its legality or its sufficiency.” Syllabus,
    Barker v. Fox, 
    160 W.Va. 749
    238 S.E.2d 235
    In State ex rel. Pinson v. Maynard, 
    181 W. Va. 662
    383 S.E.2d 844
    we observed that:
    Criminal defendants have frequently sought to challenge the
    validity of grand jury indictments on the ground that they are
    not supported by adequate or competent evidence. (citations
    omitted). This contention, however, often runs counter to the
    function of the grand jury, which is not to determine the truth
    of the charges against the defendant, but to determine whether
    there is sufficient probable cause to require the defendant to
    stand trial. (citations omitted).
    Pinson at 665, 
    383 S.E.2d at 847
    . Thus, we have held that: “‘[m]ost courts hold that as a
    general rule, a trial court should not grant a motion to dismiss criminal charges unless the
    dismissal is consonant with the public interest in the fair administration of justice.’ Syl.
    Pt. 12, in part, Myers v. Frazier, 
    173 W.Va. 658
    319 S.E.2d 782
    , 786 (1984).” 
     at Syl.
    Pt. 4. Furthermore,
    “[D]ismis[s]al of [an] indictment is appropriate only ‘if it is
    established that the violation substantially influenced the
    grand jury’s decision to indict’ or if there is ‘grave doubt’ that
    the decision to indict was free from substantial influence of
    such violations.” Bank of Nova Scotia v. United States, 
    487 U.S. 250
    , 261-62, 
    108 S.Ct. 2369
    101 L.Ed.2d 228
    , 238
    (1988) (citing United States v. Mechanik, 
    475 U.S. 66
    , 78,
    106 S.Ct. 938
    , 945, 
    89 L.Ed.2d 50
     (1986) (O’Connor, J.,
     at Syl. Pt. 6. See also State v. Slie, 
    158 W.Va. 672
    213 S.E.2d 109
     (1975); State v.
    151 W.Va. 364
    151 S.E.2d 308
     (1966). Moreover, “[t]he mere fact that some
    illegal or improper evidence has been received before the grand jury. . . will not
    invalidate an indictment where other legal evidence was received in its support.” State v.
    64 W. Va. 625
    63 S.E. 402
    , 403 (1908).
    The question before this Court is whether Petitioner made a prima facie
    case that such fraud occurred before this grand jury. With respect to Corporal White’s
    comment related to the bullet hole in the bathroom floor and his representation that
    Petitioner shot himself in the leg in an effort to deceive law enforcement, these
    statements are not fraudulent simply because they are inconsistent with statements of the
    accused. As previously stated, the issue of whether the hole in the bathroom floor was
    actually caused by a bullet was in dispute at trial. Although Mr. Cochran, the State’s
    firearms expert, could not confirm the presence of chemical residue demonstrating that
    the hole was caused by a bullet, he testified that the damage to the wood and the size of
    the hole were not inconsistent with having been caused by a bullet. He stated that if a
    bullet had passed through carpet or padding before going through the wood, any of the
    residues that he would have been looking for would have been removed, and thus, he did
    not rule out the possibility that the hole in the bathroom floor was caused by a bullet.
    Additionally, the other evidence introduced before the grand jury concerning the lack of
    blood spatter on the front porch and the location of the blood trails and pools at the crime
    scene supported the State’s theory that Petitioner was attempting to cover up his
    involvement. Accordingly, Petitioner has failed to establish that these statements were
    In addition, with respect to Corporal White’s statement that Elizabeth
    obtained a domestic violence petition in April of 2007 against her husband in which she
    stated a genuine fear for her life, the fact that she stated in a subsequent family court
    hearing that she was “more angry than fearful” when she initially filed the petition and
    ultimately asked the family court judge not to issue a protective order does not make her
    initial statements in the petition irrelevant. This Court has recognized that “domestic
    violence cases inherently present a combination of circumstances that obstruct, yet
    simultaneously intensify the need for, successful criminal prosecutions: low victim
    cooperation and high same-victim recidivism.” State v. Mechling, 
    219 W. Va. 366
    , 379,
    633 S.E.2d 311
    , 324 (2006) (citing Tom Lininger, “Prosecuting Batterers after
    Crawford,” 91 Va.L.Rev. 747, 768–71 (2005)). For example, “[a]ccording to one recent
    estimate, eighty to ninety percent of domestic violence victims who appeal to the criminal
    justice system for help recant or otherwise fail to assist the prosecution at some point in
    the proceedings.” 
     (quoting Lininger, 91 Va.L.Rev. at 768 n. 103; Douglas E. Beloof
    & Joel Shapiro, “Let the Truth Be Told: Proposed Hearsay Exceptions to Admit
    Domestic Violence Victims’ Out of Court Statements as Substantive Evidence,” 
    11 Colum. J. Gender & L., 1
    , 3 (2002)). Moreover, Corporal White explained to the grand
    jury that Elizabeth subsequently dropped the domestic violence petition. Thus, White’s
    statements about the domestic violence petition were not fraudulent.
    Likewise, Corporal White did not lie or misrepresent to the grand jury that
    Petitioner knew that Elizabeth was planning to divorce him. The following exchange
    occurred between the prosecutor and Corporal White during the grand jury proceeding:
    Q: And that this was a premeditated murder in your opinion
    based on his finding out that she was planning to divorce or
    separation (sic)?
    A: Yes, sir. I’m not sure exactly what caused this. I don’t
    know if he knew about the divorce or not. To my knowledge,
    he still doesn’t know that we discovered the divorce papers.
    What makes me as a police officer believe that it was a
    premeditated killing is the great steps he has taken in the last
    six and a half years to conceal what happened on that front
    Thus, Petitioner fails to show how Corporal White’s statements regarding Petitioner’s
    alleged motive to kill Elizabeth were fraudulent.
    With respect to Corporal White’s statement that Petitioner’s pants tested
    positive for LeadFree, he told the grand jury:
    [Petitioner’s] pants was cut off him . . . They was collected by
    our crime scene team, and they was sent to our lab, and . . .
    they tested negative for gunshot residue. What they did test
    positive for, however, was something our crime lab referred
    to as LeadFree. Anybody that hunts and has firearms, you
    have to clean those firearms, do you not? . . . Again, I’m no
    expert, but my cleaning solvents . . . contains a substance
    called LeadFree.”
    The State contends that given the technical nature of the term “lead wipe,” and taking
    into account both White’s admission that he is not a ballistics expert and his considerable
    familiarity with firearms in general as a police officer and hunter, it is understandable that
    he might misconstrue this particular piece of evidence.
    The characterization of this evidence was undoubtedly incorrect. Despite
    this, “the mere fact that some illegal or improper evidence has been received before the
    grand jury . . . will not invalidate an indictment where other legal evidence was received
    in its support.” Clark, 64 W. Va. at 625, 63 S.E. at 403; see also United States v. Estes,
    793 F.2d 465
    , 466 (2d Cir. 1986) (holding that “the mere fact that some incompetent or
    privileged testimony is heard by a . . . grand jury” will not “invalidate an indictment
    returned by it”); State v. Bonham, 
    184 W. Va. 555
    , 558, 
    401 S.E.2d 901
    , 904 (1990)
    (holding that “although the Court believes that the chief investigating officer’s testimony
    was improper, the State did introduce substantial legal and competent evidence upon
    which the grand jury reasonably could have found the indictment against the defendant”
    and therefore the Court “cannot conclude that the testimony of the chief investigating
    officer was so prejudicial as to invalidate the indictment”).
    Despite the fact that Corporal White’s testimony concerning LeadFree was
    incorrect, this statement alone was not so prejudicial as to invalidate the indictment.
    There was other substantial and legal evidence presented to the grand jury upon which it
    could have indicted Petitioner, including: (1) the projectile track of the bullet wounds on
    Elizabeth’s body being inconsistent with Petitioner’s description of the incident; (2) the
    lack of blood spatter, although there was a pool of blood underneath where Elizabeth laid
    on the porch; (3) the lack of any blood spatter on the porch where Petitioner stated he was
    shot and no path of blood was found where Petitioner stated that he turned toward the
    door; (4) the existence of blood leading from the bathroom to the porch where Petitioner
    met police; and (5) the fact that Petitioner told police that the shot that wounded him
    came approximately twenty seconds after the shot that killed Elizabeth, although multiple
    other witnesses told police that they heard shots several minutes apart. This evidence
    was substantially similar to the evidence eventually presented at trial. Thus, the incorrect
    evidence did not substantially influence the decision to indict. Pinson at Syl. Pt. 6.
    Accordingly, we conclude that the circuit court’s denial of Petitioner’s motion to dismiss
    the indictment was proper.
    B.     Admission of Evidence Regarding Prior Domestic Violence and Marital Discord
    Petitioner challenges the circuit court’s admission of evidence regarding
    prior domestic violence and marital discord. We will discuss each of these types of
    evidence in turn.
    i.      Testimony Regarding Incident on April 22, 2007
    Both Michelle and Catherine testified about the events on April 22, 2007,
    when Michelle borrowed Petitioner’s car and Elizabeth spoke with both her sister and
    daughter by telephone because she was concerned that Petitioner would be angry.
    Michelle testified that she heard Petitioner threaten to kill Elizabeth while the two were
    on the phone that day. The circuit court found that (1) this evidence was intrinsic and not
    too remote in time to be considered because it occurred close in time to Elizabeth’s
    murder and was reflective of the violent relationship between her and Petitioner; and (2)
    the statements made by Elizabeth to Michelle and Catherine regarding the events
    occurring on April 22, 2007, were “out-of-court statements made by someone other than
    the declarant while testifying” but were nevertheless admissible at trial because they were
    not offered for the truth of the matter asserted, but were rather admitted solely for the
    purpose of showing Elizabeth’s state of mind and the reasonableness of her actions in
    fleeing her home, calling 911 and obtaining a domestic violence protective order. The
    circuit court determined that alternatively, the statements fell within the present sense
    impression exception to the hearsay rule under Rule 803(1) of the West Virginia Rules of
    Additionally, the circuit court ruled that the testimony of Michelle and Catherine
    did not violate the Confrontation Clause. Petitioner asserts that he disagrees with the
    circuit court’s determination on this issue, however, he fails to set forth any reasoning
    supporting this assertion. Because Petitioner fails to develop this argument, we will not
    address it on appeal. State v. LaRock, 
    196 W.Va. 294
    , 302, 
    470 S.E.2d 613
    , 621 (1996)
    (“Although we liberally construe briefs in determining issues presented for review, issues
    which are not raised, and those mentioned only in passing [which] are not supported with
    pertinent authority, are not considered on appeal.” (emphasis added) (citation omitted));
    see also Ohio Cellular RSA Ltd. P’ship v. Bd. of Pub. Works of W.Va., 
    198 W.Va. 416
    424 n. 11, 
    481 S.E.2d 722
    , 730 n. 11 (1996) (refusing to address issue on appeal that had
    not been adequately briefed).
    Petitioner first asserts that the circuit court’s ruling that the events of April
    22, 2007, were intrinsic was erroneous because the testimony presented at the evidentiary
    hearing and trial was that Elizabeth subsequently recanted the allegations and statements
    she had made to the State’s witnesses in filing a domestic violence protective order.
    Moreover, when questioned by the family law judge about seeking to voluntarily dismiss
    the domestic violence petition, Elizabeth stated that she was simply “angry”, rather than
    fearful, at the time of the complaint. Petitioner likewise asserts that the circuit court
    erroneously concluded that evidence of the events on April 22, 2007, was inextricably
    intertwined with the crime charged and was therefore admissible, as this was an isolated
    “A trial court’s evidentiary rulings, as well as its application of the Rules of
    Evidence, are subject to a review under an abuse of discretion standard.” Syl. Pt. 1, State
    v. Varlas, 
    237 W.Va. 399
    787 S.E.2d 670
     (2016) (citing Syl. Pt. 4, State v. Rodoussakis,
    204 W.Va. 58
    511 S.E.2d 469
     (1998)). With respect to a trial court’s determination that
    evidence is intrinsic, this Court has explained that:
    Our cases have “consistently held that evidence which
    is ‘intrinsic’ to the indicted charge is not governed by Rule
    404(b).” State v. Harris, 
    230 W.Va. 717
    , 722, 
    742 S.E.2d 133
    , 138 (2013). In [State v.] LaRock, [
    196 W.Va. 294
    470 S.E.2d 613
     (1996)], we noted that other bad acts “evidence is
    intrinsic when the evidence of the other act and the evidence
    of the crime charged are ‘inextricably intertwined’ or both
    acts are part of a ‘single criminal episode’ or the other acts
    were necessary preliminaries to the crime charged.” LaRock,
    196 W.Va. at 312 n. 29, 
    470 S.E.2d at
    631 n. 29 (internal
    quotations and citation omitted). In Syllabus point 3 of State
    v. Ferguson, 
    165 W.Va. 529
    270 S.E.2d 166
    overruled on other grounds by State v. Kopa, 
    173 W.Va. 43
    311 S.E.2d 412
     (1983), we held:
    Events, declarations and circumstances which
    are near in time, causally connected with, and
    illustrative of transactions being investigated
    are generally considered res gestae and
    admissible at trial.
    State v. McKinley, 
    234 W. Va. 143
    , 155, 
    764 S.E.2d 303
    , 315 (2014). We have further
    held that:
    If the proffer fits into the “intrinsic” category, evidence of
    other crimes should not be suppressed when those facts come
    in as res gestae—as part and parcel of the proof charged in
    the indictment. See United States v. Masters, 
    622 F.2d 83
    , 86
    (4th Cir. 1980) (stating evidence is admissible when it
    provides the context of the crime, “is necessary to a ‘full
    presentation’ of the case, or is . . . appropriate in order ‘to
    complete the story of the crime on trial by proving its
    immediate context or the “res gestae”’”). (Citations omitted).
    State v. Bowling, 
    232 W. Va. 529
    , 547, 
    753 S.E.2d 27
    , 45 (2013)(quoting LaRock, 196
    W. Va. at 312 n.29, 
    470 S.E.2d at
    631 n.29).
    As the circuit court properly determined, in the six months leading up to her
    death, Elizabeth’s relationship with Petitioner was “marked by a pattern of domestic
    violence, marital discord and threats of violence,” and the events on April 22, 2007, were
    “illustrative of that relationship and not too remote in time to be intrinsic.” Because the
    State’s theory of the case was that marital issues and domestic violence between
    Petitioner and Elizabeth provided his motive to kill her, the circuit court properly
    determined that testimony of Michelle and Catherine regarding the events on April 22,
    2007 demonstrated the motive and setup of the crime and was “necessary to a full
    presentation of the case, . . . [and] is appropriate in order ‘to complete the story of the
    crime on trial . . . .’”9 
    With respect to the circuit court’s hearsay ruling, Petitioner asserts that the
    circuit court erroneously concluded that the statements made by Elizabeth to Michelle
    and Catherine were admissible at trial because the State’s purpose in admitting such
    evidence showed Elizabeth’s state of mind and the reasonableness of Elizabeth’s actions.
    Petitioner asserts that because Elizabeth testified that she was simply angry with
    Petitioner when she sought the domestic violence protective order, seeking such an order
    was certainly “not reasonable” under any analysis. Petitioner further contends that in
    order to determine that this testimony constituted a present sense impression Rule 803(1)
    of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence, the circuit court had to erroneously disregard this
    evidence and also ignore the openly hostile relationship between Michelle and Petitioner
    as well as her sketchy recollections on the events that she testified about.
    The trial court also ruled in the alternative that if it had not found the evidence to
    be intrinsic it would have been properly admitted under Rule 404(b) of the West Virginia
    Rules of Evidence to show motive and intent to kill.
    Hearsay is defined in the West Virginia Rules of Evidence as “a statement,
    other than one made by the declarant while testifying at the trial or hearing, offered in
    evidence to prove the truth of the matter asserted.” W. Va. R. Evid. 801(c). Ordinarily,
    hearsay is inadmissible. W. Va. R. Evid. 802. This Court has held that:
    “Generally, out-of-court statements made by someone
    other than the declarant while testifying are not admissible
    unless: 1) the statement is not being offered for the truth of
    the matter asserted, but for some other purpose such as
    motive, intent, state-of-mind, identification or reasonableness
    of the party’s action; 2) the statement is not hearsay under the
    rules; or 3) the statement is hearsay but falls within an
    exception provided for in the rules.” Syl. Pt. 1, State v.
    183 W.Va. 1
    393 S.E.2d 221
    Syl. Pt. 3, State v. Morris, 
    227 W.Va. 76
    705 S.E.2d 583
    Based on the evidence presented in this case, we conclude that the circuit
    court did not abuse its discretion in determining that the statements made by Elizabeth to
    Michelle and Catherine regarding the incidents occurring on April 22, 2007, were
    admissible because they were not offered for the truth of the matter asserted, but were,
    rather admitted solely for the purpose of showing Elizabeth’s state of mind. Because the
    statements were used for that limited purpose, they did not constitute inadmissible
    Moreover, as the lower court alternatively recognized, Elizabeth’s
    comments to Michelle and Catherine were made when she was describing the ongoing
    events that led her decision to seek a domestic violence protective order. Thus, these
    comments, even if hearsay, would have still been admissible under the “present sense
    impression” exception in Rule 803(1) of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence, which
    provides that “[a] statement describing or explaining an event or condition made while
    the declarant was perceiving the event or condition, or immediately thereafter” is not
    excluded by the hearsay rule. 
    This Court has stated that:
    It is within a trial court’s discretion to admit an out-of-court
    statement under Rule 803(1), the present sense impression
    exception, of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence if: (1) The
    statement was made at the time or shortly after an event; (2)
    the statement describes the event; and (3) the event giving
    rise to the statement was within a declarant’s personal
    Syl. Pt. 4, State v. Phillips, 
    194 W. Va. 569
    461 S.E.2d 75
     (1995), overruled on other
    grounds by State v. Sutherland, 
    231 W. Va. 410
    745 S.E.2d 448
    In properly considering the factors outlined in Phillips, the circuit court
    noted that (1) the statements made by Elizabeth were directly after the occurrence of the
    incident of domestic violence; (2) the statements described the event; and (3) the event
    giving rise to the statement was within Elizabeth’s personal knowledge.          See 
    Accordingly, we conclude that the circuit court’s admission of this testimony was not an
    abuse of discretion.
    ii.    Testimony Regarding Incidents in November 2006 and March 2007
    The circuit court also addressed the State’s request to admit testimony
    regarding some alleged incidents of domestic violence allegedly witnessed by Michelle in
    November 2006 and March 2007. Specifically, Michelle testified that she witnessed a
    physical altercation between Petitioner and Elizabeth in November 2006 when she pulled
    up in the driveway and saw Petitioner grab Elizabeth’s arms “and stuff” and hit her in the
    arm “a couple times.” Michelle testified that she did not intervene but, instead, sat in her
    car in the driveway. She also testified about another incident that occurred in March
    2007 involving an altercation that was related to one of Petitioner’s sons. Michelle
    testified that there was a lot of yelling during the incident and that she witnessed
    Petitioner shove Elizabeth before the couple continued back into another room and shut
    the door.
    The circuit court determined that Michelle’s testimony regarding these
    incidents of domestic violence in November 2006 and March 2007 were admissible, but
    that they were too remote to be intrinsic, as they occurred seven to eleven months before
    Elizabeth’s death.   Accordingly, the circuit court conducted an analysis under Rule
    404(b) of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence and determined that these prior incidents
    were relevant to show motive and intent to kill Elizabeth, that the incidents were reliable
    and highly probative of the relationship between Petitioner and Elizabeth, and that the
    probative value of this evidence outweighed any danger of unfair prejudice under Rule
    Petitioner asserts that the probative value of this proposed evidence is
    substantially outweighed by the danger of unfair prejudice because it was duplicative and
    cumulative of the testimony concerning the incident that took place on April 22, 2007.
    He additionally argues that while Michelle presented testimony concerning the parties’
    arguments over petty things, the trial court made a significant leap when it characterized
    these incidents as violence inflicted upon her. Further, as to the court’s finding that these
    statements tended to show Petitioner’s motive and intent, he contends that there is no
    evidence in the record of the June 12, 2015 hearing, nor of the trial, that he had any
    knowledge as to the existence of the divorce packet or of any plans that Elizabeth had of
    pursuing a divorce.
    With respect to the standard applicable to our review of a Rule 404(b)
    ruling, we held in LaRock that:
    The standard of review for a trial court’s admission of
    evidence pursuant to Rule 404(b) involves a three-step
    analysis. First, we review for clear error the trial court’s
    factual determination that there is sufficient evidence to show
    the other acts occurred. Second, we review de novo whether
    the trial court correctly found the evidence was admissible for
    a legitimate purpose. Third, we review for an abuse of
    discretion the trial court’s conclusion that the “other acts”
    evidence is more probative than prejudicial under Rule 403.
    Larock at 310, 
    470 S.E.2d at 620
     (footnotes and citations omitted). In syllabus point one
    of State v. McGinnis, 
    193 W. Va. 147
    455 S.E.2d 516
     (1994), we held that:
    When offering evidence under Rule 404(b) of the West
    Virginia Rules of Evidence, the prosecution is required to
    identify the specific purpose for which the evidence is being
    offered and the jury must be instructed to limit its
    consideration of the evidence to only that purpose. It is not
    sufficient for the prosecution or the trial court merely to cite
    or mention the litany of possible uses listed in Rule 404(b).
    The specific and precise purpose for which the evidence is
    offered must clearly be shown from the record and that
    purpose alone must be told to the jury in the trial court’s
     at Syl. Pt. 1. We have provided the following guidance for how a trial court must
    consider proposed Rule 404(b) evidence:
    Where an offer of evidence is made under Rule 404(b) of the
    West Virginia Rules of Evidence, the trial court, pursuant to
    Rule 104(a) of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence, is to
    determine its admissibility. Before admitting the evidence, the
    trial court should conduct an in camera hearing as stated in
    State v. Dolin, 
    176 W.Va. 688
    347 S.E.2d 208
     (1986). After
    hearing the evidence and arguments of counsel, the trial court
    must be satisfied by a preponderance of the evidence that the
    acts or conduct occurred and that the defendant committed the
    acts. If the trial court does not find by a preponderance of the
    evidence that the acts or conduct was committed or that the
    defendant was the actor, the evidence should be excluded
    under Rule 404(b). If a sufficient showing has been made, the
    trial court must then determine the relevancy of the evidence
    under Rules 401 and 402 of the West Virginia Rules of
    Evidence and conduct the balancing required under Rule 403
    of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence. If the trial court is
    then satisfied that the Rule 404(b) evidence is admissible, it
    should instruct the jury on the limited purpose for which such
    evidence has been admitted. A limiting instruction should be
    given at the time the evidence is offered, and we recommend
    that it be repeated in the trial court’s general charge to the
    jury at the conclusion of the evidence.
     at Syl. Pt. 2. We have further explained that:
    It is presumed a defendant is protected from undue prejudice
    if the following requirements are met: (1) the prosecution
    offered the evidence for a proper purpose; (2) the evidence
    was relevant; (3) the trial court made an on-the-record
    determination under Rule 403 of the West Virginia Rules of
    Evidence that the probative value of the evidence is not
    substantially outweighed by its potential for unfair prejudice;
    and (4) the trial court gave a limiting instruction.
    Syl. Pt. 3, LaRock, 
    196 W.Va. 294
    470 S.E.2d 613
    In the present case, the trial court conducted an in camera hearing on June
    12, 2015, and heard the proposed evidence of alleged prior abuse. The circuit court’s
    order, which thoroughly analyzes each of the factors required in McGinnis, made the
    proper determination that evidence that Petitioner previously abused Elizabeth would
    have the tendency to make it more probable that Petitioner intended to and did cause her
    death, and therefore, it was relevant to show his motive or intent.
    In LaRock, we elaborated on the importance of evidence of prior violence
    in a murder prosecution:
    The theory underlying the introduction of evidence regarding
    a prior violent relationship in a murder prosecution is not that
    the assailant is a bad person and that bad people are likely to
    commit the charged offense. It is precisely this train of
    thought that Rule 404 prohibits. Instead, the theory under
    which such evidence is allowed arises from the idea that,
    when a defendant has demonstrated the same type of violence
    towards a victim on a recent occasion, it is probative of his or
    her intent, motive, malice, and premeditation. Thus, in the
    present case, the prosecutor understandably attempted to
    demonstrate some prior animosity to explain why the accused
    had a motive to do the illegal acts charged in the indictment. .
    . . . Not only is evidence of the prior relationship between the
    defendant and his deceased son relevant, it also is considered
    crucial evidence in proving premeditation.
     at 311-12 n.27, 
    470 S.E.2d at
    631 n.27 (emphasis added).           Thus, the fact that
    Petitioner had demonstrated the same type of violence toward Elizabeth on a recent
    occasion was relevant and highly probative of the nature of their relationship and
    Petitioner’s motive and intent, and weighing those factors in favor of admissibility, the
    circuit court’s determination that the probative value of this evidence outweighed any
    danger of unfair prejudice was not an abuse of discretion. Id. at 312, 
    470 S.E.2d at 631
    For these reasons, we conclude that this testimony was neither unfair nor duplicative in
    nature. In addition, while the jury heard Michelle’s testimony regarding the fact that
    Elizabeth planned to divorce Petitioner, Petitioner vehemently denied any knowledge of
    her plans in closing arguments and the jury heard evidence that the divorce packet had
    been hidden under the seat covers in Elizabeth’s vehicle. The jury weighed all of this
    evidence accordingly. Thus, the circuit court’s admission of this testimony was not an
    abuse of discretion.
    iii.   Testimony Regarding Marital Discord
    The circuit court next addressed the State’s request to introduce evidence of
    the marital relationship between Petitioner and Elizabeth. Michelle and Catherine offered
    testimony regarding other marital problems between the couple, the history of their
    relationship, and Petitioner’s controlling behavior. However, because their testimony
    covered issues that arose as early as 2001 through 2005, the circuit court determined that
    historical relationship evidence was too remote in time to be admissible as extrinsic
    Michelle also offered relationship testimony related closer in time to
    Elizabeth’s death. She testified regarding arguments during the summer of 2007 over
    petty things, Elizabeth’s plans to divorce Petitioner, and the divorce packet that she and
    Elizabeth picked up. The circuit court determined that Michelle’s testimony regarding
    their relationship during the six months preceding Elizabeth’s death was relevant and
    admissible as intrinsic evidence, concluding that “‘it seem[ed] doubtful that this case
    could [be] appropriately presented without such sufficient background information.’
    State v. Dennis, 
    216 W. Va. 331
    , 352, 
    607 S.E.2d 437
    , 458 (2004)” and was necessary to
    “‘complete the story of the violence [Petitioner] inflicted upon her.’ State v. McKinley,
    234 W. Va. 143
    764 S.E.2d 303
    , 316 (2014).” The circuit court also concluded that
    these statements were non-testimonial in nature and did not constitute inadmissible
    hearsay because they were admitted for the purpose of showing Petitioner’s motive and
    intent, and Elizabeth’s state of mind.      Petitioner asserts that this testimony was
    duplicative and cumulative and that these incidents were not indicative of any violence
    inflicted upon her. However, for the reasons stated by the circuit court, we conclude that
    the circuit court’s admission of these statements was not an abuse of discretion.
    Accordingly, we affirm the circuit court’s ruling on this issue.
    C. Refusal to Give Instruction on Lesser Included Offenses
    Petitioner alleges that the circuit court failed to instruct the jury on the
    lesser-included offenses of second degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, and
    involuntary manslaughter.       Although Petitioner alleges that he requested these
    instructions at trial, he admits that the record reveals no such request and that counsel did
    not submit such proposed jury instructions to the trial court. Accordingly, Petitioner
    alleges that this was plain error as contemplated by Rules 30 and 52(b) of the West
    Virginia Rules of Criminal Procedure. This Court has held that:
    The plain error doctrine contained in Rule 30 and Rule
    52(b) of the West Virginia Rules of Criminal Procedure is
    identical. It enables this Court to take notice of error,
    including instructional error occurring during the
    proceedings, even though such error was not brought to the
    attention of the trial court. However, the doctrine is to be used
    sparingly and only in those circumstances where substantial
    rights are affected, or the truth-finding process is substantially
    impaired, or a miscarriage of justice would otherwise result.
    Syl. Pt. 4, State v. England, 
    180 W. Va. 342
    376 S.E.2d 548
     (1988). This Court has held
    that, generally:
    “The question of whether a defendant is entitled to an
    instruction on a lesser included offense involves a two-part
    inquiry. The first inquiry is a legal one having to do with
    whether the lesser offense is by virtue of its legal elements or
    definition included in the greater offense. The second inquiry
    is a factual one which involves a determination by the trial
    court of whether there is evidence which would tend to prove
    such lesser included offense. State v. Neider, 
    170 W.Va. 662
    295 S.E.2d 902
     (1982).” Syl. Pt. 1, State v. Jones, 
    174 W.Va. 700
    329 S.E.2d 65
    Syl. Pt. 3, State v. Wilkerson, 
    230 W. Va. 366
    738 S.E.2d 32
    As to the first inquiry identified in Wilkerson, there is no question that
    second degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, and involuntary manslaughter are lesser
    included offenses of murder. See 
    W. Va. Code §§ 61-2-1
     through 61-2-5 (2014). With
    respect to the second inquiry, we must determine whether there was sufficient evidence
    introduced at trial to support a verdict on one of the lesser-included offenses. “‘Jury
    instructions on possible guilty verdicts must only include those crimes for which
    substantial evidence has been presented upon which a jury might justifiably find the
    defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.’ Syl. pt. 5, State v. Demastus, 
    165 W.Va. 572
    270 S.E.2d 649
     (1980).” Syl. Pt. 1, State v. Leonard, 
    217 W. Va. 603
    619 S.E.2d 116
     (2005). “When there is no evidence to support giving a particular instruction the trial
    court is not obligated to give that instruction.” State v. Sapp, 
    207 W. Va. 606
    , 615, 
    535 S.E.2d 205
    , 214 (2000).
    We conclude that in this case, there was no evidence to support giving an
    instruction on these lesser included offenses because Petitioner presented an identity of
    the shooter defense. In doing so, Petitioner did not present any evidence from which the
    jury could have concluded that Petitioner killed Elizabeth without premeditation. Nor did
    he claim that he was suddenly provoked by something Elizabeth said or did. See e.g.,
    Sapp, 207 W. Va. at 615, 535 S.E.2d at 214 (“The defendant does not claim he was
    suddenly provoked by something [the victim] said or did; he claims he did not kill him,
    [someone else] did. Based upon this evidence, an instruction on voluntary manslaughter
    was not warranted.”). The State offered ample evidence of premeditation and deliberation
    in demonstrating that Petitioner had committed prior acts of violence against Elizabeth,
    that Elizabeth had planned to divorce Petitioner, and that Petitioner had threatened to kill
    her if she tried to leave him. Because there was no evidence relating to second-degree
    murder or manslaughter introduced at trial, the circuit court was not required to give an
    instruction on lesser-included offenses and its failure to do so was not plain error.
    D.     Sufficiency of the Evidence
    Petitioner alleges that the circuit court erred in denying his motion for
    judgment of acquittal because the evidence presented by the State was insufficient to
    convince a reasonable jury that Petitioner was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
    Specifically, he asserts that despite the State’s theory that Petitioner shot Elizabeth and
    then shot himself in the bathroom, no gunshot residue, flashing or stippling was found on
    either Petitioner or Elizabeth, and there was no mixing or crossing of the locations where
    Petitioner and Elizabeth’s blood was found. He also maintains that (1) none of the
    alleged bullet holes were confirmed to be bullet holes; (2) no one was seen coming or
    leaving the residence around the time of the shooting; and (3) although multiple officers
    were in exclusive possession of the crime scene for eight hours conducting an extensive
    investigation using metal detectors, none of this evidence that the law enforcement
    officers presented at trial implicated Petitioner. Furthermore, he contends that the State
    failed to establish any motive to kill his wife, as one incident of domestic violence six
    months prior to the murder wherein she later recanted her statements, and a couple of
    other arguments, did not establish motive. In response, the State contends that it is
    evident from the record that the State introduced more than enough direct evidence
    related to Petitioner’s willingness to harm Elizabeth, and a copious amount of
    circumstantial evidence from which a jury could infer that Petitioner shot her.
    We apply a de novo standard of review to the denial of a motion for
    judgment of acquittal based upon the sufficiency of the evidence. LaRock, 196 W.Va. at
    470 S.E.2d at 623
    . With regard to the standard of review applied to challenges to
    the sufficiency of the evidence, this Court has explained as follows:
    The function of an appellate court when reviewing the
    sufficiency of the evidence to support a criminal conviction is
    to examine the evidence admitted at trial to determine
    whether such evidence, if believed, is sufficient to convince a
    reasonable person of the defendant’s guilt beyond a
    reasonable doubt. Thus, the relevant inquiry is whether, after
    viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the
    prosecution, any rational trier of fact could have found the
    essential elements of the crime proved beyond a reasonable
    Syl. Pt. 1, State v. Guthrie, 
    194 W. Va. 657
    461 S.E.2d 163
     (1995). Accordingly, we
    have held that:
    A criminal defendant challenging the sufficiency of the
    evidence to support a conviction takes on a heavy burden. An
    appellate court must review all the evidence, whether direct
    or circumstantial, in the light most favorable to the
    prosecution and must credit all inferences and credibility
    assessments that the jury might have drawn in favor of the
    prosecution. The evidence need not be inconsistent with every
    conclusion save that of guilt so long as the jury can find guilt
    beyond a reasonable doubt. Credibility determinations are for
    a jury and not an appellate court. Finally, a jury verdict
    should be set aside only when the record contains no
    evidence, regardless of how it is weighed, from which the
    jury could find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. To the extent
    that our prior cases are inconsistent, they are expressly
     at Syl. Pt 3 (emphasis added). In emphasizing the necessity to view all evidence in
    the light most favorable to the prosecution and to resolve all evidentiary conflicts in favor
    of the prosecution, we have stated:
    When a criminal defendant undertakes a sufficiency
    challenge, all the evidence, direct and circumstantial, must be
    viewed from the prosecutor’s coign of vantage, and the
    viewer must accept all reasonable inferences from it that are
    consistent with the verdict. This rule requires the trial court
    judge to resolve all evidentiary conflicts and credibility
    questions in the prosecution’s favor; moreover, as among
    competing inferences of which two or more are plausible, the
    judge must choose the inference that best fits the
    prosecution’s theory of guilt.
    Syl. Pt. 2, LaRock, 
    196 W.Va. 294
    470 S.E.2d 613
    This Court has previously ruled that we may accept any adequate evidence,
    including circumstantial evidence, as support for a conviction. Guthrie, 194 W.Va. at
    668, 461 S.E.2d at 174. It was noted in Guthrie that:
    Circumstantial evidence . . . is intrinsically no different from
    testimonial evidence. Admittedly, circumstantial evidence
    may in some case point to a wholly incorrect result. Yet this
    is equally true of testimonial evidence. In both instances, a
    jury is asked to weigh the chances that the evidence correctly
    points to guilt against the possibility of inaccuracy or
    ambiguous inference. In both, the jury must use its experience
    with people and events in weighing the probabilities. If the
    jury is convinced beyond a reasonable doubt, we can require
    no more.
    Id. at 668, 461 S.E.2d at 174 (quoting Holland v. United States, 
    348 U.S. 121
    , 139-40
    In the case at bar, the State introduced significant evidence from which a
    rational jury could have relied in order to satisfy the elements of first-degree murder. The
    State introduced evidence sufficient to prove the elements of malice and premeditation,
    including various threats the Petitioner made toward Elizabeth, their history of violence,
    and Elizabeth’s plans to divorce Petitioner.
    Furthermore, the State provided ample evidence to implicate Petitioner
    circumstantially and to discredit his version of the events. The State’s trajectory expert
    and the medical examiner opined that based upon the location of Elizabeth’s entry and
    exit wounds, it was virtually impossible for Elizabeth to have been shot in the manner in
    which Petitioner claimed at the time of the shooting. Additionally, the State presented
    undisputed testimony regarding the lack of a blood trail on the front porch and the lack of
    blood on any furniture or walls, along with the existence of blood leading from the
    interior bathroom and bedroom to the front door. Unexplainably, the two bullets that
    were recovered from the scene had no human blood or DNA on them. This evidence,
    combined with all of the witness testimony regarding whether the hole in the bathroom
    floor was actually a bullet hole, and the heavy amount of Petitioner’s blood found in the
    bathroom, all circumstantially implicated the Petitioner.
    The jury heard the testimony of Petitioner’s crime scene reconstruction and
    ballistics expert, Mark McMillian, who countered the State’s experts’ opinions and
    provided his own opinions regarding the manner in which the responding officers
    investigated the crime scene, gunshot range and distance determinations, and gunshot
    residue testing, among other things, and the jury weighed all of this evidence accordingly.
    Additionally, the jury heard a great deal of testimony from various witnesses in and
    around the elementary school that day concerning the gunshots that they heard and the
    fact that they all remembered hearing the second gunshot approximately five minutes
    after the first gunshot.
    Moreover, although Petitioner argues that no gunshot residue was found on
    Petitioner’s hands, the State introduced evidence that the bathroom sink was wet and
    Petitioner’s hands were noticeably clean when he emerged from his home after the arrival
    of emergency personnel.      The jury also heard evidence that directly following the
    incident, Petitioner asked to have his hands tested for gunshot residue to demonstrate that
    he “didn’t shoot no gun.” Further, Petitioner called Sergeant Lilly’s attention to a bullet
    hole located on the front of the house as he was lying on his back while paramedics
    prepared to transport him from the scene.
    All of this evidence supported the State’s theory that Petitioner took efforts
    to cover up his involvement, clean the gunshot residue off of his hands, and then bring his
    lack of gunshot residue to the attention of law enforcement, and these were all credibility
    determinations that the jury properly made. Based upon the evidence presented, we find
    no error in the circuit court’s conclusion that the evidence was sufficient to support the
    jury’s verdict.
    We affirm the judgment of the Circuit Court of Nicholas County convicting
    Petitioner of first-degree murder and sentencing him to life in prison without the
    possibility of parole.