SER Dr. Todd Tallman, M.D. v. Hon. Susan B. Tucker, Judge , 234 W. Va. 713 ( 2015 )

    January 2015 Term
    _____________              February 12, 2015
    released at 3:00 p.m.
    No. 14-0948               SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS
    Submitted: February 4, 2015
    Filed: February 12, 2015
    Stephen R. Brooks                              Frances C. Whiteman
    Travis A. Prince                               Kristine A. Burdette
    Flaherty Sensabaugh Bonasso                    Whiteman Burdette
    Morgantown, West Virginia                      Fairmont, West Virginia
    Attorneys for Petitioner                       Attorneys for Respondents
    JUSTICE DAVIS delivered the Opinion of the Court.
    CHIEF JUSTICE WORKMAN and JUSTICE LOUGHRY concur and reserve the
    right to file concurring opinions.
    1.      Under Rule 26(e)(1) of the West Virginia Rules of Civil Procedure, a
    party responding to a discovery request is under a continuing duty to make a seasonable
    supplementation to its original answers to any question asking for the identity of an expert
    witness expected to be called at trial, the subject matter on which the expert will testify, and
    the substance of his or her testimony.
    2.      Factors that may assist a court in deciding whether to permit late
    supplemental expert witness disclosure include: (1) the explanation for making the
    supplemental disclosure at the time it was made; (2) the importance of the supplemental
    information to the proposed testimony of the expert, and the expert=s importance to the
    litigation; (3) potential prejudice to an opposing party; and (4) the availability of a
    continuance to mitigate any prejudice.
    Davis, Justice:
    Petitioner, Dr. Todd Tallman (ADr. Tallman@), invokes this Court=s original
    jurisdiction seeking a writ of prohibition to prevent enforcement of an order of the Circuit
    Court of Monongalia County that precludes his experts from rendering opinions that were
    set out in a supplemental discovery disclosure. The Respondent, Patricia Powell (AMs.
    Powell@), contends that the circuit court=s order is correct and that Dr. Tallman has failed to
    satisfy the standard for issuance of the writ. Upon our review of the parties= briefs and
    oral arguments, the appendix records designated for our consideration, and the pertinent
    authorities, we find that Dr. Tallman has demonstrated sufficient grounds to warrant
    issuance of the requested writ of prohibition. Therefore the writ is granted.
    On July 27, 2012, Ms. Powell filed the instant medical malpractice action
    against Dr. Tallman.1 The complaint alleged that Dr. Tallman was medically negligent in
    causing the death of Ms. Powell=s spouse, Robert L. Powell.2 Specifically, the complaint
    alleged that Dr. Tallman failed to diagnose Mr. Powell=s appendicitis, which resulted in
    complications that caused his death on October 28, 2010.
    An amended complaint was filed in August 2012.
    Ms. Powell filed the action individually and as executrix of the estate of Mr.
    After the pleadings were filed, the trial court entered a scheduling order.
    Relevant to this proceeding, the scheduling order required Ms. Powell to disclose her
    experts by May 31, 2013, and Dr. Tallman was required to disclose his experts by July 12,
    2013. The discovery cut-off date was set for January 24, 2014. The record indicates that
    Ms. Powell did not comply with the scheduling order=s expert disclosure deadline. It
    appears that Ms. Powell did not mail expert disclosure information to Dr. Tallman=s
    counsel until July 3, 2013. A letter in the record of this case, dated July 3, 2013, and
    drafted by counsel for Dr. Tallman, appears to suggest that the parties had a telephone
    conversation wherein it was Aagreed that [Dr. Tallman] shall have a six (6) week extension
    to provide his expert witness designation.@ This extension appears to relate to Ms.
    Powell=s late disclosure of her experts.
    In a letter addressed to counsel for Ms. Powell and dated July 31, 2013,
    counsel for Dr. Tallman acknowledged receipt of the expert disclosure information.
    However, the letter indicated Ms. Powell=s expert disclosure was insufficient and did not
    meet the requirements of Rule 26(b)(4) of the West Virginia Rules of Civil Procedure.
    The letter further indicated that Dr. Tallman would not make his expert disclosure Auntil
    such time as the required information is received from you.@ In a follow-up letter to
    counsel for Ms. Powell, dated November 12, 2013, counsel for Dr. Tallman complained
    that he had not received the requested supplemental expert disclosure.         The letter
    concluded: AIf we do not receive a supplemental expert witness disclosure from you by
    November 18, 2013, we will be forced to file a motion to compel the same with the Court.@
    The record indicates that, even though Dr. Tallman had not received the
    requested supplemental expert witness disclosure, he served Ms. Powell with his expert
    witness disclosure via mail on November 15, 2013. On or about November 19, 2013, Dr.
    Tallman filed a motion to strike and preclude testimony by Ms. Powell=s expert witnesses
    or, in the alternative, to compel complete expert witness disclosure. While this motion
    was pending, it appears that the circuit court entered a new scheduling order on March 6,
    2014. Under the new scheduling order, the discovery deadline was extended to July 14,
    On or about April 9, 2014, a hearing was held on Dr. Tallman=s pending
    motion. At the conclusion of the hearing, an agreed order was entered on May 27, 2014.
    In the agreed order, the circuit court denied Dr. Tallman=s motion to strike and preclude
    testimony by Ms. Powell=s expert witnesses. However, the agreed order also indicated
    with regard to [Ms. Powell=s] expert witness disclosure of Dr.
    Leonard Milewski, the parties, in an effort to compromise,
    have agreed to permit [Ms. Powell=s] counsel to supplement
    her expert witness disclosure of Dr. Leonard Milewski by
    using the contents of the screening certificate of merit prepared
    and signed by Dr. Leonard Milewski.
    Ms. Powell served the supplemental disclosure of her expert, Dr. Milewski,
    on June 3, 2014. Dr. Tallman thereafter deposed Dr. Milewski on June 19, 2014.
    Subsequent to obtaining a transcript of Dr. Milewski=s deposition, Dr. Tallman had his two
    experts review the transcript. Dr. Tallman=s experts revised their opinions after reading
    Dr.   Milewski=s    deposition    and    reviewing   additional   discovery   information.
    Consequently, on July 29, 2014, Dr. Tallman served Ms. Powell with a supplemental
    expert witness disclosure that contained revised opinions by his expert witnesses.
    Ms. Powell filed a motion to exclude from trial the opinions contained in Dr.
    Tallman=s supplemental expert witness disclosure. The basis for the motion was that
    A[t]he disclosure was made to [Ms. Powell=s] counsel a significant time after the deadline
    for making any such disclosures.@ The trial court granted the motion. Dr. Tallman
    thereafter instituted this proceeding.
    Our standard for determining whether to issue a writ of prohibition has been
    formulated as follows:
    In determining whether to entertain and issue the writ of
    prohibition for cases not involving an absence of jurisdiction
    but only where it is claimed that the lower tribunal exceeded its
    legitimate powers, this Court will examine five factors: (1)
    whether the party seeking the writ has no other adequate
    means, such as direct appeal, to obtain the desired relief; (2)
    whether the petitioner will be damaged or prejudiced in a way
    that is not correctable on appeal; (3) whether the lower
    tribunal=s order is clearly erroneous as a matter of law; (4)
    whether the lower tribunal=s order is an oft repeated error or
    manifests persistent disregard for either procedural or
    substantive law; and (5) whether the lower tribunal=s order
    raises new and important problems or issues of law of first
    impression. These factors are general guidelines that serve as
    a useful starting point for determining whether a discretionary
    writ of prohibition should issue. Although all five factors need
    not be satisfied, it is clear that the third factor, the existence of
    clear error as a matter of law, should be given substantial
    Syl. pt. 4, State ex rel. Hoover v. Berger, 
    199 W. Va. 12
    483 S.E.2d 12
    (1996). We will
    consider these factors in our analysis of the parties= argument.
    This case presents a single issue for resolution. That issue is whether the
    trial court=s decision to exclude the additional opinions by Dr. Tallman=s experts was
    clearly erroneous as a matter of law.3 We believe that it was.
    Ms. Powell argues unpersuasively that Dr. Tallman cannot satisfy any of the
    factors under Berger. We disagree and find that the third factor in Berger is applicable in this
    It has been recognized, and we now hold, that, under Rule 26(e)(1) of the
    West Virginia Rules of Civil Procedure,
    Aa party responding to a discovery request is under a
    continuing duty to make a seasonable supplementation to its
    original answers to any question asking for the identity of an
    expert witness expected to be called at trial, the subject matter
    on which the expert will testify and the substance of his
    Franklin D. Cleckley, Robin Jean Davis, and Louis J. Palmer, Jr., Litigation Handbook on
    West Virginia Rules of Civil Procedure, ' 26(e)(1) (4th ed. 2012) (quoting Hancock v.
    967 F.2d 462
    (11th Cir. 1992)). In other words, the rule Aplaces an affirmative
    duty on an attorney to . . . supplement disclosure to his adversary.@ Arthur v. Atkinson
    Freight Lines Corp., 
    164 F.R.D. 19
    , 20 (S.D.N.Y. 1995). See Estate of Fout-Iser ex rel.
    Fout-Iser v. Hahn, 
    220 W. Va. 673
    , 680, 
    649 S.E.2d 246
    , 253 (2007) (Davis, C.J.,
    dissenting) (A[W]hen a party has disclosed the identity of an expert witness and the subject
    matter about which the expert is expected to testify, he/she is bound, also, to disclose any
    new information he/she acquires in this regard.@). Moreover, the rule has an express
    enforcement provision. Rule 26(e)(1) provides Athat if supplementation is not made as
    required by the rule, the court, upon motion or upon its own initiative, may impose an
    appropriate sanction as provided for under Rule 37.@           Cleckley, et al., Litigation
    Handbook, ' 26(e)(1). See Jenkins v. CSX Transp., Inc., 
    220 W. Va. 721
    , 727, 
    649 S.E.2d 294
    , 300 (2007) (affirming trial court decision to prohibit certain testimony by expert
    witness because of failure to supplement discovery response). See also Williams v.
    202 F.R.D. 294
    , 296-97 (M.D. Ala. 2001) (AIf a party does not seasonably
    supplement its disclosures, a court does not abuse its discretion by limiting the witness=s
    testimony to what has been timely disclosed.@). Finally, and we so hold, factors that may
    assist a court in deciding whether to permit late supplemental expert witness disclosure
    (1) the explanation for making the supplemental disclosure at
    the time it was made; (2) the importance of the supplemental
    information to the proposed testimony of the expert, and the
    expert=s importance to the litigation; (3) potential prejudice to
    an opposing party; and (4) the availability of a continuance to
    mitigate any prejudice.
    Tucker v. Ohtsu Tire & Rubber Co., 
    49 F. Supp. 2d 456
    , 461 (D. Md. 1999).
    Based upon the procedural facts of this case, we find as a matter of law that
    Dr. Tallman Aseasonably@ supplemented his expert witness disclosure.
    We begin by noting that the circuit court=s order finds fault with Dr. Tallman
    for supplementing his expert witness disclosure fifteen days after the discovery cut-off
    date. However, the order implicitly pardons Ms. Powell for not filing her initial expert
    witness disclosure until thirty-three days after the deadline for making such disclosure. The
    bedrock of our judicial system is fairness to all parties. In our view of the record, fairness
    was not shown to Dr. Tallman.4
    In addition to Ms. Powell disclosing her experts thirty-three days after the
    circuit court=s initial scheduling order required her to make such disclosure, Dr. Tallman
    found Ms. Powell=s expert disclosure was deficient. As a result of the inadequacy of Ms.
    Powell=s expert disclosure, Dr. Tallman was forced to file a motion to compel disclosure in
    a manner that was required by Rule 26(b)(4). We find the late and inadequate disclosure
    by Ms. Powell was the cause of Dr. Tallman=s inability to fully disclose the opinions of his
    experts within the initial and subsequent discovery cut-off dates.
    The circuit court=s order does not give any weight to the fact that its approval
    of the May 27 agreed order required Ms. Powell to furnish Dr. Tallman with an expert
    witness disclosure that was in compliance with Rule 26(b)(4), as expressly required in the
    Under the facts of this case, it is of no moment that Dr. Tallman may have
    acquiesced in Ms. Powell submitting her initial expert disclosure after the cut-off date. It is
    common practice for lawyers to mutually agree to conduct discovery in a manner that is not
    always consistent with a circuit court=s scheduling order. The critical issue here is that Dr.
    Tallman and Ms. Powell appear to have reached an understanding that allowed late disclosure
    by her, but she sought to have Dr. Tallman sanctioned for a supplemental disclosure that was
    outside the time frame of the scheduling order. It is simply unacceptable for the trial court to
    allow Ms. Powell to manipulate the litigation process in this manner.
    initial scheduling order. The circuit court determined that, because Ms. Powell was only
    restating information found in her screening certificate of merit, this did not justify Dr.
    Tallman=s late disclosure. We disagree.
    The critical issue was not that Ms. Powell was merely restating information
    found in her screening certificate of merit. Rather, the critical issue for Dr. Tallman was
    that he now knew exactly who Ms. Powell=s expert was and what opinions he would rely
    upon. While it is true that Dr. Tallman could have deposed Dr. Milewski as soon as he was
    listed as an expert, a party is not required to depose an expert in the dark. The very basis of
    expert disclosure under Rule 26(b)(4) is so that a party does not have to go on a fishing
    expedition in trying to determine what opinions the expert will rely upon at trial.
    We have reviewed Ms. Powell=s initial expert witness disclosure, and we
    agree with Dr. Tallman that this disclosure falls completely below the minimal disclosure
    requirements of Rule 26(b)(4). We tersely addressed this issue in Kincaid v. Southern
    West Virginia Clinic, Inc., 
    197 W. Va. 145
    475 S.E.2d 145
    (1996). In Kincaid, the trial
    court dismissed the plaintiff=s claim for discovery violations, including failure to provide
    expert witness disclosure. On the date the trial court dismissed the action, the plaintiff
    filed an expert witness disclosure. This Court rejected the disclosure for the following
    The Appellant=s response to repeated orders to disclose Rule
    26(b)(4) information, when finally filed on the day the court
    dismissed the action, merely listed four doctors and their
    addresses and specialties, and concluded:
    The above physicians have reviewed the
    medical records in this case and concluded that,
    to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, the
    defendants herein failed to timely diagnose the
    plaintiff=s decedent=s condition.
    Such a summary cannot be said to Astate the subject matter on
    which the expert is expected to testify,@ or to Astate the
    substance of the facts and opinions to which the expert is
    expected to testify and a summary of the grounds for each
    opinion,@ . . . as ordered by the circuit court.
    Kincaid, 97 W. Va. at 148
    , 475 S.E.2d at 148.
    In the instant proceeding, Ms. Powell=s expert witness disclosure merely
    listed the names of six medical experts and a few curriculum vitae. Apparently it was not
    until the hearing on the motion to compel that it was determined that only one of the six
    physicians named as experts by Ms. Powell, Dr. Milewski, was actually going to be treated
    as an expert. Most importantly, it was only after the hearing concluded that Ms. Powell
    complied with the initial scheduling order by tendering an expert witness disclosure that set
    out a summary of Dr. Milewski=s findings and opinions. Had Ms. Powell presented her
    expert witness disclosure in compliance with Rule 26(b)(4), as required by the initial
    scheduling order and within the time period of the scheduling order, not thirty-three days
    late, Dr. Tallman could have timely deposed Dr. Milewski and thereafter rendered a
    timely expert witness disclosure without having to provide supplemental disclosure.
    Moreover, even if we assumed that Ms. Powell was not at fault in causing Dr.
    Tallman to supplement his expert witness disclosure after the discovery cut-off date, we
    still would be hard-pressed to find that his experts should be prevented from rendering the
    additional opinions.      There was no evidence showing that Ms. Powell suffered any
    prejudice as a result of the late disclosure. The supplemental disclosure was made only
    fifteen days after the discovery deadline, and six weeks from the trial date. Even though
    the record supports Dr. Tallman=s assertion that Ms. Powell did not engage in any
    meaningful discovery,5 she still had sufficient time to prepare for the additional expert
    opinions. Moreover, Ms. Powell could have ultimately sought a continuance if she
    wished to finally engage in discovery by taking the depositions of Dr. Tallman=s experts.
    Finally, we also find that the supplemental disclosure information was
    relevant and important to the litigation. The supplement disclosed eleven additional
    opinions by Dr. Tallman=s experts.
    Ms. Powell failed to depose Dr. Tallman=s experts based upon their initial
    The record in this case demonstrates that the circuit court committed error as
    a matter of law in precluding Dr. Tallman=s experts from presenting their additional
    opinions at trial.   Therefore, the writ prayed for herein is issued, and we prohibit
    enforcement of the circuit court=s September 19, 2014, order granting Ms. Powell=s motion
    in limine to exclude the additional opinions of Dr. Tallman=s experts.
    Writ Granted.