State of West Virginia v. Herbert L. Shearer ( 2018 )

  •                              STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA
    State of West Virginia,
    Plaintiff Below, Respondent                                                        FILED
    April 6, 2018
    vs) No. 16-1209 (Wayne County 15-F-126)                                       EDYTHE NASH GAISER, CLERK
    Herbert L. Shearer,
    Defendant Below, Petitioner
    Petitioner Herbert L. Shearer, by counsel Jason D. Parmer, appeals the order of the
    Circuit Court of Wayne County, entered on November 28, 2016, sentencing petitioner to
    incarceration for twelve months upon his conviction of the misdemeanor offense of battery, and
    ordering him to register as a sex offender based on the circuit court’s finding that the battery was
    sexually motivated. Respondent State of West Virginia appears by counsel Robert L. Hogan.
    This Court has considered the parties’ briefs and the record on appeal. The facts and legal
    arguments are adequately presented, and the decisional process would not be significantly aided
    by oral argument. Upon consideration of the standard of review, the briefs, and the record
    presented, the Court finds no substantial question of law and no prejudicial error. For these
    reasons, a memorandum decision affirming the order of the circuit court is appropriate under
    Rule 21 of the Rules of Appellate Procedure.
    After having been tried in 2016 on an indictment charging first-degree sexual abuse,
    petitioner was found guilty by a jury of the lesser-included offense of battery. Petitioner’s
    conviction was based on an incident wherein T.B., the daughter of his then-girlfriend, accused
    petitioner of isolating himself in a room with her, rubbing his hand over her vagina on the
    outside of her clothing, and asking whether she was prepared to have an orgasm. T.B., who was
    fourteen years old at the time of the incident, testified to these details. T.B.’s mother, now
    married to petitioner, testified that she left petitioner and T.B. alone in a room so that she could
    make coffee, but that petitioner did not close the door to the room, and that she, the mother, did
    not hear a disturbance in the brief time she was out of petitioner’s and T.B.’s presence.
    Petitioner testified that, after T.B.’s mother left the room, he and T.B. had a disagreement
    concerning T.B.’s relationship with petitioner’s son, and that T.B. attempted to block petitioner’s
    exit from the room, whereupon petitioner physically moved T.B. from his path. Upon
    consideration of this evidence, the jury convicted petitioner of battery.1 The State requested a
    determination by the circuit court that the battery was sexually motivated. The court so found,
    and it ordered petitioner to register as a sex offender pursuant to West Virginia Code § 15-12-
    2(c). The circuit court later suspended petitioner’s incarceration and placed him on probation for
    three years.
    In addition to the testimony described herein, the State offered the testimony of the
    investigating officer and a counselor who interviewed T.B.
    Petitioner asserts two assignments of error on appeal. First, he argues that the circuit
    court instructed the jury using an incorrect definition of battery. Second, he argues that the
    circuit court abused its discretion in finding that petitioner was sexually motivated to commit the
    We begin with petitioner’s contention that the jury was incorrectly instructed. The
    question of whether a jury was properly instructed is a question of law, and our review is de
    novo. Syl. Pt. 1, State v. Hinkle, 
    200 W. Va. 280
    , 281, 
    489 S.E.2d 257
    , 258 (1996). Petitioner
    explains that the circuit court informed the jury: “Battery is committed when any person
    unlawfully, and intentionally, makes physical contact of an insulting, or provoking, nature with
    the person of another [or, sic] who unlawfully, and intentionally, causes physical harm to another
    person.” At the time of the events giving rise to the indictment, however, our statute provided
    that “[a]ny person who unlawfully and intentionally makes physical contact with force capable
    of causing physical pain or injury to the person of another or unlawfully and intentionally causes
    physical pain or injury to another person . . . is guilty of a misdemeanor. . . .” W.Va. Code § 61-
    2-9(c) (2014). Petitioner asserts that the instruction “severe[ly]” prejudiced him.
    In this instance, petitioner asks that we review his argument pursuant to the “plain error”
    doctrine, because he failed to object to the instruction when the circuit court gave it.2 This Court
    has consistently held: “[t]o trigger application of the ‘plain error’ doctrine, there must be (1) an
    error; (2) that is plain; (3) that affects substantial rights; and (4) seriously affects the fairness,
    integrity, or public reputation of the judicial proceedings.” Syl. Pt. 7, State v. Miller, 194 W.Va.
    459 S.E.2d 114
    (1995); see also Syl. Pt. 2, State v. White, 231 W.Va. 270, 
    744 S.E.2d 668
    (2013). However, we went on to explain in White that
    [u]nder the “plain error” doctrine, “waiver” of error must be distinguished from
    “forfeiture” of a right. A deviation from a rule of law is error unless there is a
    The State argues that the instruction is not reviewable because the error, if any, was
    “Invited error” is a cardinal rule of appellate review applied to a wide range of
    conduct. It is a branch of the doctrine of waiver which prevents a party from
    inducing an inappropriate or erroneous response and then later seeking to profit
    from that error. The idea of invited error is not to [legitimize the error] but to
    protect principles underlying notions of judicial economy and integrity by
    allocating appropriate responsibility for the inducement of error. Having induced
    an error, a party in a normal case may not at a later stage of the trial use the error
    to set aside its immediate and adverse consequences.
    State v. Crabtree, 198 W.Va. 620, 627, 
    482 S.E.2d 605
    , 612 (1996). We disagree that there is
    evidence that petitioner invited error in this case. Nevertheless, invited error would not
    necessarily preclude review. The Court has, in “rare instances . . . used the plain error doctrine to
    review an error that was invited.” State v. Pullin, 216 W.Va. 231, 234, 
    605 S.E.2d 803
    , 806
    (2004)(citations omitted).
    waiver. When there has been a knowing and intentional relinquishment or
    abandonment of a known right, there is no error and the inquiry as to the effect of
    a deviation from the rule of law need not be determined. By contrast, mere
    forfeiture of a right—the failure to make timely assertion of the right—does not
    extinguish the error. In such a circumstance, it is necessary to continue the inquiry
    and to determine whether the error is “plain.”
    231 W.Va. at 
    280, 744 S.E.2d at 678
    quoting Miller, 194 W.Va. at 
    7, 459 S.E.2d at 117
    , syl. pt.
    8. Upon review of the record below, it is clear that the petitioner knowingly and intentionally
    relinquished the right to have the jury instructed in the manner in which he now argues on
    appeal. Prior to charging the jury, the circuit court inquired of counsel:
    The court:              I have a charge to the jury that we actually used [in a prior
    trial of this case that resulted in a mistrial]. Have you all
    seen that?
    [The State]:            Yes, sir.
    The court:              Any objection from the State?
    [The State]:            No, sir.
    The court:              Any objection from the defense?
    [Defense counsel]:      No.
    The circuit court further inquired:
    The court:              That’s the elements instruction that is, instead of three
    separated instructions, is now combined into one. I read it; I
    think it is a correct statement of the law and probably flows
    better than reading three separate instructions.
    [Defense counsel]:      More concise.
    The court:              Yes.
    [Defense counsel]:      Yes, sir.
    The court:              Okay. So, these are the [e]lements. So, that’s going to be
    State’s Number 1, I think. I’ve read it.
    Any objection from the defense?
    [Defense counsel]:      No.
    It is apparent that petitioner reviewed the charge and assured the trial court that he was
    satisfied with its contents and had no objection. Therefore, petitioner knowingly and
    intentionally waived any right to have the jury differently instructed. Accordingly, the plain error
    doctrine does not apply.
    We turn to the second assignment of error, wherein petitioner contends that the circuit
    court abused its discretion in finding that the battery was sexually motivated. We have explained
    the circuit court’s responsibility: “‘The evidentiary standard for a finding of “sexual motivation”
    pursuant to W.Va.Code § 15–12–2(c) (2001) is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, and a
    defendant must be given the opportunity to oppose and contest such a proposed finding with
    evidence and argument.’ Syl. Pt. 2, State v. Whalen, 214 W.Va. 299, 
    588 S.E.2d 677
    Syl. Pt. 4, State v. Seen, 
    235 W. Va. 174
    772 S.E.2d 359
    , 361 (2015). With regard to our review
    of the circuit court’s finding, we have held:
    “In reviewing challenges to the findings and conclusions of the circuit court, we
    apply a two-prong deferential standard of review. We review the final order and
    the ultimate disposition under an abuse of discretion standard, and we review the
    circuit court’s underlying factual findings under a clearly erroneous standard.
    Questions of law are subject to a de novo review.” Syl. Pt. 2, State v. Hinchman,
    214 W.Va. 624, 
    591 S.E.2d 182
    Syl. Pt. 1, Seen, 235 W.Va. at 
    174, 772 S.E.2d at 359
    . The circuit court’s finding is not clearly
    erroneous. West Virginia Code § 15-12-2(c) places the responsibility for determining the sexual
    nature of criminal motivation squarely in the hands of the sentencing judge. T.B. testified that
    petitioner touched her genital area while asking if she was prepared to have an orgasm. It is
    apparent from the circuit court order that the sentencing judge credited T.B.’s testimony, which
    unequivocally establishes sexual motivation. The sentencing judge was in a position to assess
    witness testimony, as expressly contemplated by the statute, and we will not disturb the judgment
    on appeal.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm.
    ISSUED: April 6, 2018
    Chief Justice Margaret L. Workman
    Justice Menis E. Ketchum
    Justice Allen H. Loughry II
    Justice Elizabeth D. Walker
    Justice Robin Jean Davis