State of West Virginia v. Corey Christopher Samuel ( 2013 )

  •                              STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA
    State of West Virginia,                                                            FILED
    Plaintiff Below, Respondent                                                     November 8, 2013
    vs) No. 13-0273 (Mercer County 11-F-325)                                       OF WEST VIRGINIA
    Corey Christopher Samuel,
    Defendant Below, Petitioner
    Petitioner Corey Christopher Samuel, by counsel Henry L. Harvey and Joseph T. Harvey,
    appeals the order imposing sentence and denying petitioner’s post-trial motions following his
    conviction for murder in the first degree. Respondent the State of West Virginia, by counsel
    Scott E. Johnson, filed its response.
    This Court has considered the parties’ briefs and the record on appeal. The facts and legal
    arguments are adequately presented, and the decisional process would not be significantly aided
    by oral argument. Upon consideration of the standard of review, the briefs, and the record
    presented, the Court finds no substantial question of law and no prejudicial error. For these
    reasons, a memorandum decision is appropriate under Rule 21 of the Rules of Appellate
    During the late night and early morning hours of September 12 and 13, 2009, petitioner
    was at Club Savoy in Mercer County with his friend, Marvin “Hammer” Hill. Shortly after
    everyone left the club, a girl returned to the club and told the co-owner, Deborah “Trixie”
    Brown, that there was a problem in the street and that the police may be needed. Ms. Brown
    called police and followed the other co-owner out of the club. Ms. Brown’s nephew, Stephen
    Brown, Jr. (“Mr. Brown”), walked to the scene of the argument ahead of his aunt because they
    heard that Ms. Brown’s son may be involved. Mr. Brown walked toward petitioner, and
    petitioner told Mr. Brown not to “run up on [him].” Mr. Brown replied that he just wanted to see
    if his cousin was alright. Petitioner pulled a chrome gun from his waistband, pointed it at Mr.
    Brown, and fired.1 The bullet did not hit Mr. Brown, but it passed close enough to his head to
    leave ringing in his right ear. The bullet also reportedly passed by Ms. Brown’s face. According
    to Ms. Brown, petitioner then got into a car and sped away. After petitioner left the scene, Ms.
    Brown stood up and saw a body on the ground. Ms. Brown and a relative rolled the body over
    and discovered that it was Dwayne Steptoe. Ms. Brown and another person attempted to revive
    In his brief, Petitioner fails to set forth his version of the events on September 13, 2009,
    but it is clear from the latter part of his brief that he contends a friend fired the gun on
    petitioner’s behalf.
    Mr. Steptoe, but they were unsuccessful. The medical examiner confirmed that Mr. Steptoe died
    from a gunshot wound to the upper right chest.
    Petitioner left the area and went to North Carolina where he was arrested on unrelated
    charges. Petitioner was indicted in Mercer County for one count of murder in the first degree and
    one count of unlawful possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. In May of 2012, petitioner
    was tried before a jury which found him guilty of murder in the first degree. The jury
    recommended mercy.2
    Petitioner requested a new trial, and the circuit court held a hearing on that motion on
    February 20, 2013. On that same date, the circuit court signed an order denying petitioner’s
    motion for a new trial. In that order, the circuit court imposed sentence for murder in the first
    degree, ordering that he be sentenced to a term of incarceration for life with mercy, making him
    eligible for parole in fifteen years, with credit for time served. It is from that order that petitioner
    This Court reviews sentencing orders “under a deferential abuse of discretion standard,
    unless the order violates statutory or constitutional commands. Syl. Pt. 1, in part, State v. Lucas,
    201 W.Va. 271, 
    496 S.E.2d 221
    (1997).” Syl. Pt. 1, in part, State v. James, 227 W.Va. 407, 
    710 S.E.2d 98
    (2011). Further, “[s]entences imposed by the trial court, if within statutory limits and if
    not based on some [im]permissible factor, are not subject to appellate review.’ Syllabus Point 4,
    State v. Goodnight, 169 W.Va. 366, 
    287 S.E.2d 504
    (1982).” Syl. Pt. 6, State v. Slater, 222
    W.Va. 499, 
    665 S.E.2d 674
    (2008). In addition,
    “‘“[a]lthough the ruling of a trial court in granting or denying a motion for a new
    trial is entitled to great respect and weight, the trial court’s ruling will be reversed
    on appeal when it is clear that the trial court has acted under some
    misapprehension of the law or the evidence.” Syl. pt. 4, Sanders v. Georgia–
    Pacific Corp., 159 W.Va. 621, 
    225 S.E.2d 218
    (1976).’ Syllabus point 1, Andrews
    v. Reynolds Memorial Hospital, Inc., 201 W.Va. 624, 
    499 S.E.2d 846
    Syllabus point 1, Lively v. Rufus, 207 W.Va. 436, 
    533 S.E.2d 662
    Syl. Pt. 1, State v. White, 228 W.Va. 530, 
    722 S.E.2d 566
    In his appeal, petitioner asserts four assignments of error. First, petitioner argues that the
    State infringed upon his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and shifted the burden of proof
    by asking a law enforcement officer witness about what petitioner “did not tell [him].” Petitioner
    asserts that the during the questioning of law enforcement officer Jarred Waddell, the State
    engaged in impermissible burden shifting by asking the officer about things petitioner did not
    say. The testimony at issue relates to whether petitioner told the officer whether his friend shot
    The jury also found that a firearm was used in the commission of the crime. The State
    filed a habitual offender information against petitioner on May 24, 2012, and an amended
    habitual offender information on May 30, 2012. Petitioner was arraigned on that information and
    waived his right to a speedy trial as to the charge of unlawful possession of a firearm by a felon.
    On September 19, 2012, the circuit court dismissed the information without objection from the
    another person to whom petitioner owed money or petitioner’s fear of going to Bluefield due to
    the outstanding debt. Petitioner contends that these questions were meant to infer that petitioner
    was required to go to police and tell them who shot Mr. Steptoe. He argues that this questioning
    violated his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent. Although trial counsel for petitioner failed
    to object to this line of questioning, petitioner argues that plain error applies in this instance.
    Officer Waddell testified that as a Greensboro, North Carolina, police officer, he had
    occasion to interview petitioner on July 6, 2010.3 According to Officer Waddell’s testimony,
    petitioner told the officer that he fled to North Carolina due to an altercation with subjects to
    whom he owed money and that during that altercation, petitioner’s associate shot and killed
    someone on petitioner’s behalf in Bluefield, West Virginia. Officer Waddell also testified that
    petitioner told him that he fled in fear for his life. Petitioner does not contest the fact that his
    statement to Officer Waddell was voluntary, subsequent to waiving his Miranda rights.
    “‘A litigant may not silently acquiesce to an alleged error . . . and then raise that error as a
    reason for reversal on appeal.’ Syl. Pt. 1, in part, Maples v. W.Va. Dep’t of Commerce, Div. of
    Parks and Recreation, 197 W.Va. 318, 
    475 S.E.2d 410
    (1996).” Syl. Pt. 4, PNGI Charles Town
    Gaming, LLC v. Reynolds, 229 W.Va. 123, 
    727 S.E.2d 799
    (2011). Due to the fact that petitioner
    did not object to the line of questioning at issue below, petitioner has waived his objection to this
    issue. For this reason, petitioner asserts that the plain error doctrine is applicable.
    7. To trigger application of the “plain error” doctrine, there must be (1) an error;
    (2) that is plain; (3) that affects substantial rights; and (4) seriously affects the
    fairness, integrity, or public reputation of the judicial proceedings.
    8. Under the “plain error” doctrine, “waiver” of error must be distinguished from
    “forfeiture” of a right. A deviation from a rule of law is error unless there is a
    waiver. When there has been a knowing and intentional relinquishment or
    abandonment of a known right, there is no error and the inquiry as to the effect of
    a deviation from the rule of law need not be determined. By contrast, mere
    forfeiture of a right - the failure to make timely assertion of the right - does not
    extinguish the error. In such a circumstance, it is necessary to continue the inquiry
    and to determine whether the error is “plain.” To be “plain,” the error must be
    “clear” or “obvious.”
    9. Assuming that an error is “plain,” the inquiry must proceed to its last step and a
    determination made as to whether it affects the substantial rights of the defendant.
    To affect substantial rights means the error was prejudicial. It must have affected
    the outcome of the proceedings in the circuit court, and the defendant rather than
    the prosecutor bears the burden of persuasion with respect to prejudice.
    Syl. Pts. 7, 8 & 9, State v. Miller, 194 W.Va. 3, 
    459 S.E.2d 114
    (1995). In this case, petitioner
    fails to present sufficient grounds to support the application of the plain error doctrine. Despite
    his contention to the contrary, the State’s questions regarding what petitioner did and did not tell
    While in North Carolina, petitioner was arrested during the course of an unrelated
    burglary investigation.
    Officer Waddell were proper under the circumstances. Because there is no plain error, the plain
    error doctrine is inapplicable to the facts of this case.
    Petitioner’s second and fourth assignments of error relate to comments made by the
    prosecutor during trial. Petitioner argues that the State’s use of his nickname, “Murder,” for
    purposes other than identification was highly inflammatory because it was designed to portray
    him as a dangerous individual and solely to appeal to the jury’s emotions, passions, and
    prejudices. Petitioner filed a motion prior to trial to prevent the State from referring to petitioner
    by his nickname. In response, the State argued that the nickname would be used solely for
    identification purposes. Petitioner’s counsel then withdrew the objection to the use of the
    nickname. When witness Marvin Hill was questioned during trial, the State established that Mr.
    Hill knew petitioner by the nickname “Murder”, but continued to refer to petitioner as “Corey
    Murder” and “Murder Corey Samuels” at different times during Mr. Hill’s testimony.
    In his fourth assignment of error, petitioner argues that in closing argument the State
    impermissibly implied that petitioner was not allowed to use the defense of self-defense because
    he was a “drug dealer.” During closing argument, the prosecutor said, “And it is a reasonable
    prudent person, not a self-described drug dealer. Review the Court’s instructions. There is no
    self-defense here.”
    Four factors are taken into account in determining whether improper prosecutorial
    comment is so damaging as to require reversal: (1) the degree to which the
    prosecutor’s remarks have a tendency to mislead the jury and to prejudice the
    accused; (2) whether the remarks were isolated or extensive; (3) absent remarks,
    the strength of competent proof introduced to establish the guilt of the accused;
    and (4) whether the comments were deliberately placed before the jury to divert
    attention to extraneous matters.
    Syl. Pt. 6, State v. Sugg, 193 W.Va. 388, 
    456 S.E.2d 469
    (1995). Further, “[a] judgment of
    conviction will not be set aside because of improper remarks made by a prosecuting attorney to a
    jury which do not clearly prejudice the accused or result in manifest injustice.” Syl. Pt. 5, 
    Id. Due to
    the fact that counsel failed to object to the use of petitioner’s nickname or the comment made
    by the prosecutor during closing argument, this Court will only consider the claimed errors if the
    plain error doctrine applies. See Miller at 
    7, 459 S.E.2d at 118
    . The prosecutor’s use of
    petitioner’s nickname was isolated to the questioning of a single witness who admitted that he
    knew petitioner by that nickname. Counsel for petitioner had the opportunity during that
    questioning to object, but he failed to do so. The isolated remark by the prosecutor during closing
    that is arguably a misstatement of the law included the direction from the prosecutor to review
    the circuit court’s instructions. Those instructions include an instruction that attorney arguments
    are not evidence. Based on the record before this Court, we conclude that the alleged errors were
    waived during trial by petitioner’s failure to object to the same. We further find that the plain
    error doctrine is inapplicable under the facts of this case.
    Finally, petitioner argues that the State placed a non-existent duty to retreat upon
    petitioner. During trial, the State repeatedly referenced petitioner’s failure to jump in a car and
    flee from the alleged attackers, including asking why petitioner did not just leave without
    shooting the victim. Petitioner argues that West Virginia Code § 55-7-22(c) permitted him to use
    deadly force outside of his residence because he felt threatened by the approaching crowd;
    therefore, he did not have a duty to retreat under the law. In support of this argument, petitioner
    points to his own testimony that he saw pipes or sticks in people’s hands and that he had no
    doubt that those people intended to hurt him. Again, petitioner failed to object to these questions
    during trial. While West Virginia Code § 55-7-22(c) does permit the use of deadly force,
    petitioner ignores the portion of the statute that states that a person not engaged in unlawful
    activity who is attacked may use deadly force. Further, West Virginia Code § 55-7-22 addresses
    civil relief for persons resisting certain criminal activities. Therefore, the requirement that the
    killing be necessary is a restrictive condition placed upon the use of deadly force in self-defense.
    Under the facts of this case, the plain error doctrine is also inapplicable to this assignment of
    Because the sentence imposed by the circuit court was within statutory limits and
    petitioner does not challenge the sentence itself, we conclude that the circuit court did not abuse
    its discretion in imposing sentence upon petitioner as set forth in its December 20, 2013 order. In
    addition, we find that the circuit court did not err in refusing to grant a new trial to petitioner.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm.
    ISSUED: November 8, 2013
    Chief Justice Brent D. Benjamin
    Justice Robin Jean Davis
    Justice Margaret L. Workman
    Justice Menis E. Ketchum
    Justice Allen H. Loughry II