NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit CONVOLVE, INC. AND MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, Plain,tiffs-Appellants, V. COMPAQ COMPUTER CORPORATION, Defen,dant-Appellee, ' AND SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY, LLC AND SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY, INC., Defendants-Appellees. 2012-1074 Appea1 from the Un_ited States District C0urt for the S0uthern District of New Y0rk in case n0. 00-CV-5141, Judge Ge0rge B. Danie1s. ON MOTION ORDER Seagate Techn010gy, LLC, Seagate Techn0l0gy, Inc., and C0mpaq C0mputer C0rp. move without opposition for CONVOLVE V. COMPAQ COMPUTER 2 a 60-day extension of time, until July 2, 2012, to file their principal briefs C0nv0lve, Inc. and Massachusetts lnsti- tute of Tecl1nology move without opposition for an exten- sion of time, until Aug11st 15, 2012, to file their reply brief. Upon consideration tl1ereof, IT ls ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted FoR THE CoURT _ APR 1 0 /s/ Jan H0rba1y Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Gregory A. l\/Iarkel, Esq. Carter G. Phillips, Esq. Christopher D. Landgraff, Esq. FILED S21 u.s.counToFAPPEALs ron rHsFEnE11m. omni APR 1 0 2012 0RBA\X JANC\iEBK