NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit NATHANIEL COOPER, Petiti0ner, V. DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, Resp0ndent. 2011-3240 Petiti0n for review of the Merit SyStemS Protection Board in case no. DC1221110320-W-1. ON MOTION ORDER Nathaniel Cooper moves for leave to proceed in forma pauperis Upon consideration thereof IT ls 0RDERED THAT: The motion is granted COOPER V. ARMY 2 FoR THE CoURT 0 6 fsi Jan Horba1y Date cc: Nathanie1 Co0per S Jeanne E. DavidSon, ESq. J an Horbaly C1erk 'FELED v.s. confer or APPsALs F0R 11-re FEnEnAL macon 0CT 0 5 2011 .!AN HORBA!.Y CLERK