NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of A11peals for the FederaI Circuit CHARLES G. JOHNSON, Petition,er, V. MERIT SYSTEMS PROTEC'I‘ION BOARD, Resp0ndent. 2011-313O .. Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection B0ard in case n0. DE0353100501-I-1. ON MOTION PER CURlAM. 0 R D E R The court treats Charles G. Johns0n’s c0rrespondence, received on September 22, 2011, as a motion for leave to file a supplement to his informal reply brief lt does not appear that the supplemental material is discussed in J0hns0n‘s briefs Thus, we determine that it JOHNSON V. MSPB 2 is not appropriate to treat it as a supplement to his reply brief Up0n consideration thereof, IT ls ORDERED THAT: J0hnson’s motion is denied. FOR THE CoURT ' 1 4 fs/ Jan Horbal},[ Date J an Horbaly Clerk cci Charles G. J0hnson _ F"_Eo _ U.S. COURT OF APPEALS FOR Jeff``rey A. Gauger, Esq me FEDERAt clRCUn, 320 ocr 14 2011 .lANHORBALY C|.ERK