NOTE: This order is n0nprecedentia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit THE C.W. ZUMBIEL COMPANY, INC., Appellant, - V. DAVID J. KAPPOS, DIRECTOR, UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK 0FFICE, Appellee, AND `` GRAPHIC PACKAGING INTERNATIONAL, INC., Cr0ss Appellcmt. 2011-1332, -1333 (Reexaminati0n N0. 95/000,077) Appea1s from the United States Patent and Trade mark Ofiice, B0ard of Patent Appea1s and Interferences. ON MOTION ORDER CW ZUMBIEL V. KAPPOS 2 The Director moves without opposition for a 10-day extension of time, until March 29, 2012, to file his brief Upon consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted N0 further extensions should be anticipated FoR THE CoURT MAR 1 6 /s/ J an Horba1y __ Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Gregory F. Ahrens, Esq. James F. Vaughan, Esq. Raymond T. Chen, Esq. F"_ED U.$. COURT 0F APPEAI.S FOR s21 1'H:FEosnALc1ncun HAR 1 6 2012 .lANHORBA\.Y CLBK