NOTE: ThiS order is n0npreceder1tia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit BANCORP SERVICES, L.L.C., Plaintiff-Appellant, 4 V. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA (U-S-), Defendan.t-Appellee, AND ANALE CT LLC, Defen,dant. 2011-1467 Appea1 from the United StateS District C0ur1; for the Eastern District of Miss0uri in case n0. 00-CV-1073, Judge Car0l E. Jacks0n. ON MOTION ORDER BANCORP SERVICES V. SUN LIFE 2 Bancorp Services, LLC moves without opposition for a 21-day extension of time, until March 16, 2012, to file its reply brief Upon consideration thereof IT ls 0RDERE:o THAT: The motion is g‘rar1ted. FOR THE CoURT 0 2 /s/ Jan Ho1'ba1}[ Date J an Horba1y Cle1'k ccc Charles K. Verhoeven, Esq. MattheW B. LoWrie, Esq. _ F"_ED u.s. couR1oF APPEAis mn s21 rHEl=EnEaALclncun l``1AR U2 2012 JAN HORBALV CLEHK