NOTE; This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit ALLERGAN, INC., Plaintiff-Cr0ss Appellant, ' V. SANDOZ INC., ALCON LABORATORIES, INC., ALCON RESEARCH, LTD., ALCON, INC., AND FALCON PHARMACEUTICALS, LTD., Defendan,ts-Appellants, AN1) _ APOTEX, INC. AND APOTEX, CORP., Defendants-Appellants, AND WATSON LABORATORIES, INC., Defendan.t-Appellant, 2011-1619, -1620, -1635, -1639, 2012-1005, -1013 Appeals from the United States District C0urt for the Easte1'n District of Texas in consolidated case n0. ()9-CV- 0097, Judge T. J0hn Ward. ON MOTION TROPP V. CONAIR CORPORATION 2 AND MAGELLAN’S INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL CORPORATION, Defen,dant-Appellee, AND TUMI, INC., Defendo:n,t-Appellee, AND WORDLOCK, INC., Defendcmt-Appellee, AND EAGLE CREEK, A DIVISION 0F VF OUTDOOR, INC. AND OUTPAC DESIGNS INC., Defendcmts. 2011-1583 Appea1 from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York in case no. 08-CV»4446, Judge Eric N. Vitalian0. ON MOTION ORDER Turni, lnc. moves to withdraw Gary M. Butter as counsel of record and to substitute Neil Sirota as principal attorney Up0n consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT: