NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. 'lMntteb ~tate5 Qtourt of ~peal5 for !be jfeberal Qttrcutt WILLIAM L. CAMPBELL, JR., Claimant-Appellant, v. ERIC K. SHINSEKI, SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, Respondent-Appellee_ 2010-7123 Appeal from the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims in case no. 08-1511, Judge William A. Moorman. ON MOTION ORDER Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary of Veterans Mfairs, moves for a 14-day extension of time, until October 4, 2010, to file his informal response brief. Campbell opposes. Upon consideration thereof, IT IS ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted. CAMPBELL v. DVA 2 FOR THE COURT SEP 202010 /s/ Jan Horbaly Date Jan Horbaly Clerk cc: William L. Campbell, Jr. J. Hunter Bennett, Esq. s21 u.s. eeUnmMLS!'OR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT SE~ 20 ZOIO JAN HORBAlY ClERK