United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit __________________________ August 28, 2012 ERRATA ______________________ 2011-3207 JOHN BERRY, DIRECTOR, OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, Petitioner, v. RHONDA K. CONYERS AND DEVON HAUGHTON NORTHOVER, Respondents, and MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD, Respondent. ___________________________ Decided: August 17, 2012 Precedential Opinion __________________________ Please make the following change: Page 2, ANDRES M. GRAJALES, American Federation of Government Employees, of Washington, DC, argued for respondents Rhoda K. Conyers and Devon Haughton Northover. With “him” on the brief were DAVID A. BORER, General Counsel, and JOSEPH F. HENDERSON, Deputy General Counsel.