NOTE: This order is n0nprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit EDWARD G. TROST, Claimant-Appellan,t, V. ~ ERIC K. SHINSEKI, SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, Responclent-Appellee. 2011~7192 `` Appeal from the United States Court of Appea1s for Veterans Claims in case n0. 10-0093, Judge A1an G. Lance, Sr. ON MOTION ORDER Edward G. Trost moves without opposition to file a corrected principal and reply brief with corrected briefs attached Upon consideration thereof IT ls OR1)ERED THAT: The motion is granted TROST V. DVA 2 FOR THE COURT 1 8 2012 /s/ Jan Horba1y Date J an H0rba1y cc: G1enn W. Tr0st, Esq. Clerk Douglas G. Edelschick, Esq. FlLED U.S. COURT 0F AP?EALS FDR 33 1 ms »=5nEnAL macon APR 182U12 JAN HORBALY C\.ERK