NOTE: This order is nonprecedential Um'ted States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit MERIAL LIMITED AND MERIAL SAS, Plaintiffs-Appellees, V. VELCERA, INC. AND FIDOPHARM, INC., Defendants-Appellants. 2012-1505 Appeal from the United States District Court for the Middle District of Georgia in case no. 12-CV-O075, Judge Clay D. Land. ON MOTION Before PROST, MAYER and REYNA, Circuit Judges. PROST, C'ircuit Judge. O R D E R Velcera, Inc. and FidoPharm, Ino. (“Velcera") move for "summary reversal of preliminary injunction; alterna- tively to stay preliminary injunction or expedite appeal." Merial Limited and Merial SAS ("Merial") 0pp0se. Vel- ceta replies MERIAL LIMITED V. VELCERA, INC. 2 Without prejudicing the ultimate disposition of this case by a merits panel, we conclude that Velcera has not satisfied its burden to justify summary reversal or a stay pending appeal. Furthermore, while Velcera could significantly speed up the appeal by filing its own briefs early, Velcera has not shown a need to expedite either Merial’s briefing schedule or scheduling of oral arguments in this case. No extensions of time should be anticipated by either side, however. The case will be placed on the next available oral argument calendar after the briefing is completed, which is the usual course, and thus, no motion is neces- sary to obtain that relief. IT Is ORDERED THAT: The motion is denied. FoR THE CoURT 1 0 /sf Jan Horbaly Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: George C. Lombardi, Esq. Gregory A. Castanias, Esq. 923 "'s``ri\ll=eneni\.c':liii:'iiifon AUG 1 0 2012 JAN HOHBALY CLERK