United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI C1rcu1t ' NOTE: This order is nonprecedential SYNQOR, INC., Plaintiff-Appellee, V. ARTESYN TECHNOLOGIES, INC. AND ASTEC AMERICA, INC., _ Defendants»Appellan,ts, AND BEL FUSE, INC., - Defen,dant-Appellan,t, AND DELTA ELECTRONICS, INC., DELTA PRODUCTS CORP., AND POWER-ONE, INC., Defen,dants-Appellan,ts, AND MURATA ELECTRONICS NORTH AMERICA, INC., MURATA MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., AND MURATA POWER SOLUTIONS, INC., Defen,dants~Appellants, AND CHEROKEE INTERNATIONAL CORP. AND LINEAGE POWER CORP., Defendcmts. SYNQOR V. ARTESYN TECH 2 Appeals from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas in case no. 07-CV-0497, Judge T. John Ward. 2011-1191, -1192, -1194, 2012-1{)7(), -1071, -1072 ON MOTION ORDER The appellants move for an extension of time, until March 20, 2()12, to file their initial briefs. SynQ0r, Inc. opposes. The appellants reply. Bel Fuse, Inc. moves without opposition to withdraw Steven N.a Wi11iams as principal counsel, and to substitute Andrew J. Pincus as principal counsel. `` Upon consideration thereof, IT ls ORDERE1) THAT: The motions are granted The appellants should not anticipate any further extensions FOR THE COURT NAR 0 5 2012 Date lsi J an Horbaly J an Horbaly Clerk FlLED u.s. counter APPEALs F0 1145 renew craculT NAR 05 2012 .IAN l-l0RBAlY C|.ERK 3 cc: D0nald R. Dunner, Esq. Constantine L. Trela, Jr., Esq. Gary M. Hnath, Esq. Alan D. Smith, Esq. William F. Lee, Esq. AndreW J. Pincus, Esq. s19 SYNQOR V. ARTESYN TECH