NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit DARLENE M. CROAL-MANUEL, Petiti0ner, . V. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, Respondent. 2012-3070 _ Petiti0n for review of the Merit Systems Protection B0ard in case no. AT0752110612-I-1. ON MOTION ORDER Dar1ene M. Croa1-Manue1 moves for leave to proceed in forma pauperis Up0n consideration thereof, IT ls ORI)ERED THAT: The motion is granted CROAL-MANUEL V. TRANSPORTATION 2 FOR THE COURT HAR lsi Jan Horbaly Date J an Horbaly ccc Dar1ene M. Croa1-Manue1 S J0shua A. Mand1ebau.m, Esq. 24 C1erk F U.S. COURT !JlFEAlI?PEALS FGH Tl~IE FEUERAL C|RCUIT MAR 01sz012 JAN HORBAlY CLERK ~