NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit MCKESSON TECHNOLOGIES INC. (f0rmerly McKeSs0n Inf0rmati0n S0lutions, LLC), Plaintiff-Appellan,t, V. `` EPIC SYSTEMS CORPORATION, Defendcm,t-Appellee, 2010-1291 Appea1 from the United States District C0urt for the Northern District of Georgia in case no. 06-CV-2965, Chief Judge Jack T. Carnp. ON MOTION ORDER McKess0n I11formation So1utions LLC moves without opposition for McKesson Technol0gies Inc. to be substi- tuted for McKesson Inf0rmat;io11 S01utions LLC and to reform the caption Accordingly, I'r ls ORDERED TH_AT: MCKESSON TECH V. EPIC SYSTEMS The motion to substitute and reform the caption granted to the extent that the revised official caption reflected aboVe. JUl_ 0 9 2010 cc: Pau1D. Clement, Esq. Wi1Iiam H. Boice, Esq. S Date FoR THE CoUR'r lsi J an HorbaIy J an H0rbaly C1erk l D u.s. c0uR1E0lFEPPEALs FOR me l=rnERAL macon JUL 09 2010 lAN HORBAL\' CLERK