NOTE: This order is n{)nprecedenti:1l. United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit EDWARD W. VAN ROMER and BASIC CONCEPTS, INC., Plaimfiffs-App€1lees, V. INTERSTATE PRODUCTS, INC., Defen.dant-Appellcmt. 2010-1361 Appcz11 from the Unit.0d St-ames District C0urt for the District. of S0uth Car0lina in case n0. 06-CV-2861 M;1gis- trade Judge Wi1liarn M. Cat0e, Jr. ON MOTION 0 R D E R Up0n consideration of Int01'Stat0 Pr0ducts, Inc.’s rnu- ti0n for 21 60-day stay of pr0c0edings, to pursue esctt1cn1en1; diScuSsi0nS, I’I‘ ls 0R:)1M~1H1) THA“F: VAN ROMER V. INTERSTATE PRODUCTS 2 The motion is granted The briefing schedule is stayed for 60 days from the date of filing of this order The parties are directed to file a status report within 30 days of the date of filing of this orderand every 30 days thereafter, or, if settlement is co1npleted, within 14 days of the date the settlement becomes final FoR THE CoURT JU}_ 09 2010 lsi J an Horbaly Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Cort R. Flint, Jr., Esq. Timothy D. St. Clair, Esq. s19 FIL D u.s. collar oFEPPEALs ron me FEOERAL clRcun‘ JUL 09 2010 1101 HORBALY CLHiK