NOTE: ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit ASPEX EYEVVEAR, INC. AND CONTOUR OPTIK, INC., ‘ Plain,tiffs-Appellees, V. ALTAIR EYEW'EAR, INC., Defen,dan,t-Appellant. 2012-1137 `` Appea1 from the United States DiStrict C0urt for the DiStrict of MassachuSetts in case n0. 10-CV-12202, Judge William G. Y0ung. ASPEX EYEWEAR, INC. AND CONTOUR OPTIK, INC., Plaintiffs-Appellants, V. ALTAIR EYEWEAR, INC., Defendcmt-Appellee. 2012-1102 ASPEX EYEWEAR V. ALTAIR EYEWEAR 2 Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts in case no. 10-CV-12202, Judge WilliaIn G. Young. ON MOTION ORDER Altair EyeWear, Inc. moves without opposition to dis- miss cross appeal n0. 2012-1137. Upon consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT: `` (1) The motion to dismiss 2012-1137 iseg1'anted. The revised official caption in 2012-1102 is reflected ab0Ve. (2) Each side shall bear its own costs in 2012-1137. FoR THE CoURT APR 1 8 2012 /s/ Jan H0rbaly Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: Michael A. Nicodema, Esq. Tracy Zurzol0 Quinn, Esq. s21 Issued As A Mandate (as to 2012-1137 only): APR 1 8 F|LED U.S. C{.``IUHT 0F APPEALS FDR THE FEDERAL C|RCUlT APR 18'ZU12 JAN HURBALY [``.LEBK