NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. tate~ QCourt of ~peaI~ for tbe jfeberaI QCircuit KNOWLES ELECTRONICS LLC AND MOUSER ELECTRONICS, INC. Appellants, v. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellee, AND ANALOG DEVICES, INC., Intervenor. 2011-1565 On appeal from the United States International Trade Commission in Investigation No. 337-TA-700. ON MOTION ORDER Upon consideration of the unopposed motion of Analog Devices, Inc. for leave to intervene, IT Is ORDERED THAT: KNOWLES ELECTRONICS v. ITC 2 The motion is granted. The revised official caption is reflected above. FOR THE COURT OCT 0"1 2m1 /s/ Jan Horbaly Date Jan Horbaly Clerk cc: Steven M. Bauer, Esq. Richard L. Rainey, Esq. Clint A. Gerdine, Esq. FILED u.s. COUfIT OF APPEALS FOR s20 THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT OCT 072011 JANHORBAlY • ClERK