NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit E. HAFFNER FOURNIER, JOANNE D. FOURNIER, JOAN HEARLEY (INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEE OF THE HEARLEY FAMILY TRUST), KEVIN P. REGAN, SHARON M. REGAN, ROBERT L. SPERLING, DARLENE J. SPERLING, JEFFREY STRUIKSMA AND CYNTHIA STRUIKSMA, -- Plain,tiffs-Appellants, V. UNITED STATES, `` Defendan.t-Appellee. 2012-5056 Appeal from the United States C0urt of Federa1 C1aimS in case n0. 06~CV-933, Judge Th0n1as C. Whee1e1'. ROBERT G. MARTIN AND BERNICE V. MARTIN, Plaintiffs-Appellants, V. UNITEI) STATES, Defen,dant-Appellee. 2012-5057 FOURN``IER V. US 2 Appeal from the United States C0urt of Federa1 C1ai1ns in case no. 03-CV-2272, Judge Edward J. Damich. IRA H. BARRY, JANE E. BARRY, WADE E. BOGGS, DEBORAH A. BOGGS, THOMAS V. CHOREY, JR., BETTYE JEANNE CHOREY, DONALD HOLLY, ROSEANNE HOLLY, CHARLES H. JOHNSON, KAY A. JOHNSON, EDWARD J. MATONICH, JUDITH R. MATONICH, LAWRENCE R. SPIETH, ANNE T. SPIETI-I, THOMAS STAUFFACHER, LINDA STAUFFACHER, RICHARD L. WAKENIGHT AND PATRICIA R. WAKENIGHT, Plaintiffs-Appellants, V. UN'ITED STATES, Defendon.t-Appellee. 2012-5071 Appea1 from the United States Cou1‘t; of Federa1 C1ai1ns in case no. 03-CV-20(), Senior Judge Eric G. Brug- g'ink. ON MOTION ORDER The appellants move without opposition to consolidate appeal nos. 2012-5056, 2012-5057, and 2012-5071, and for 3 FOURNlER V. US an extension of ti1ne, until May 28, 2012, to file their consolidated opening brief. The court notes that the above~captioned appeals were consolidated on Apri1 6, 2012. Upon consideration thereof IT ls ORDERED THAT: (1) The motion to consolidate the appeals is 1noot. (2) The motion for an extension of time is granted FOR THE COURT APR 2 7 2012 /s/ J an Horba1y Date J an Horba1y C1erk _ cci Th01nas E. Redding, Esq. Steven K. Uejio, Esq. FlLED . 0FAPPEALsF0a 521 u``Sril%li=§i)§RAL c1ncu1T APR 27 2012 JAN HOBBALY CLEHK