NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit MANUEL ALCARAZ, Petiti0ner, V. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, Respondent. _ 2012-3065 _ Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection B0ard in case n0. SF()752101001-I-1. ON MOTION ORDER Manue1 V. A1caraz moves to dismiss his petition for review Upon consideration thereof IT Is 0RDERED THAT: (1) The motion is granted The petition for review is dismissed. (2) Each side shall bear its own c0sts. ALCARAZ V. DHS 2 FOR THE COURT MAR 09 2012 /s/ Jan I-I0rba1y Date J an H0rbaly Clerk cc: Manuel V. A1caraz Doug1as G. Ede1schick, Esq. s21 issued AS A Mandat@; MAR 09 3m2 FlLED u. counts sit-le FEnEli:Ai'iiillii:irSri:0R MAR U 9 2012 .lANHOHBALV C|.EBK