NOTE: This order is nonprecedential. mlniteb ~tates QCourt of §Weals for tbe jfeberal QCircuit JOHN L. DEROSA, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. J.P. WALSH & J.L. MARMO ENTERPRISES, INC., Defendant-Appellant. 2012-1401 Appeal from the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia in case no. 10-CV-0287, Judge Claude M. Hilton. ORDER Upon consideration of J.P. Walsh & J.L. Marmo En- terprises, Inc.'s unopposed motion for a 7-day extension of time, until September 4, 2012, to file the reply brief, JOHN DEROSA v. J.P. WALSH 2 IT Is ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted. FOR THE COURT SEP 052012 /s/ Jan Horbaly Date Jan Horbaly Clerk cc: William E. Hassan, Esq. Thomas P. Pavelko, Esq. s25 u.s. couRftlfJPEAlS FOR 1lfE FEDERAL CIRCUIT SEP 052012 JANHORBALY CLERK