NOTE: This order is n0nprecedent:ia1. United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit PA'r HuvAL REsTAURANT & 0YsTER BAR, 1Nc., AQUA FARMs cRAWF1sH, 1Nc., cATF1sH WH0LEsALE,1Nc., cHARLEs BERNARD (1)01NG Bus1NEsS AS cHARLEs' cRAWF1sH PA1)), AN1)RE LEGER (D01NG BUs1NEsS As cHEz FRANc01s), .J1M FRuGE (1)01NG BUs1NEss As F1SHER1vL-mrs c0vE), J. BERNARD sEAF001) PR0cEss1NG, 1Nc., FRENcH’s 1JNTERPR1sEs sEAF001) P1:EL1NG PLANT, mo K0Y0 c0RP0RAT10N 0F U.s.A., `` Plaintiffs, AND SKF USA, INC., Plaintiff-Appellan,t, V. UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Defendant-Appellee, AND UN'ITED STATES CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION, Defenclant-Appellee, - AND THE TIMKEN COMPANY AND MPB CORPORATION, PAT HUVAL RESTAURANT V. lTC 2 Defendants-Appellees. 2012-1250 Appeal from the United States Court of Internationa1 Trade in consolidated case n0. 06-CV-0290, Judge Gregory W. Carn1an. 4 ON MOTION ORDER The United States Customs and Border Protection moves without opposition for a 7-day extension of time, until April 16, 2012, to respond to SKF USA, Inc.’s motion to stay this appeal. Upon consideration thereof IT IS ORDERED TH.ATZ The motion is granted The United States Customs and Border Protection’s response to SKF USA, Inc.’s motion to stay this appeal is due no later than Apri1 16, 2012. FOR THE CoURT 1 2 lsi Jan Horba1y Date J an Horba1y C1erk FlLED . .COUHT 0F APPEALS FOR u STHE FEDEE!3.L ClRCU|T APR 12 2U1Z NHOHBA\.¥ JA CLERK 3 cc' S PAT HUVAL RESTAURANT V. ITC Herbert C. Shelley, Esq. Patrick V. Gallagher, Esq. Terence P. Stewart, Esq. Courtney S. McNamara, Esq. 11