NOTE: This order is rionprecedential. United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit ROSA D. DORSEY, C'laiman.t-Appellant, V. ERIC K. SHINSEKI, SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, Respondent-Appellee. 2010-7089 Appea1 from the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims in case no. 08-3279, Judge Robert N. DaVis. ON MOTION ORDER Upon consideration of the Secreta1'y’s motion for a 7- day extension of time, until Ju1y 16, 2010, to file its informal response brief, IT ls ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted DORSEY V. DVA CC. S 2 FoR THE CoURT JUi_ 1 5 fs/ J an Horba1y Date J an Horba1y C1erk Rosa D. Dorsey A``rmand0 A. R0driguez-Feo, Esq. u.muRFB%‘AP»ais»~oa THE FED‘ERAL ClRCU\T JuL 15 2010 1ANHoRaALv aims