NOTE: ThiS order is n0nprecede11tia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit FAST MEMORY ERASE, LLC, Plain,tiff-Appellant, V. INTEL CORPORATION, NUMONYX B.V., NUMONYX, INC., SONY ERICSSON MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS AB, SONY ERICSSON MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS (USA), INC., and APPLE INC., Defendants-Cross Appellants, and MOTOROLA, INC., Defendant-Appellee. 2010-1302, ~1324 Appea1s from the United States District C0urt for the N0rthern District of Texas in case n0. 10-CV-0481, Judge Ba1'bara M.G. Lynn. ON MOTION ORDER FAST MEMORY V. INTEL CORP 2 Upon consideration of Nurnonyx B.V. et a1.’s unop- posed motion for an extension of tiIne, until Ju1y 9, 2010, to file a response to Fast-Men1ory Erase, LLC’s motion to dismiss, _ IT ls ORDERED THAT: The motion for an extension of time is granted FOR THE CoURT 0 9 lsi J an Horbaly l Date J an Horba1y C1erk FlLED u.s. count 0F APP£ALs FOR me FEoERAL macon JUL 09 2010 cc: Jeffrey R. Braga1one, Esq. Chris R. OttenWe11er, Esq. Russe11 E. Levine, Esq. s19 JAN HORBALY Cl.ERK