NOTE; ThiS order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit ASHLEY FURNITURE INDUSTRIES, INC., Plain,tiff-Appellcmt, - V. UNITED STATES, Defendant-Appellee, AND UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, - Defendant-Appellee, AND AMERICAN FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS COMMITTEE FOR LEGAL TRADE, KINCAID FURNITURE CO., INC., L. & J.G. STICKLEY, INC., SANDBERG FURNITURE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC., STANLEY FURNITURE COMPANY, INC., T. COPELAND AND SONS, INC., AND VAUGHAN-BASSETT FURNITURE COMPANY INC., Defend0',n,ts-Appellees. 2012-1196 ASHLEY FURNITURE V. US 2 Appea1 from the United States Court of Internationa1 Trade in consolidated case no. -07-CV-0323, Judge Timo- thy C. Stanceu. ON MOTION Before BRYSON, Circuit Judge. ORDER The United States and Committee for Lega1 Trade move for summary affirmance Ash1ey Furniture Manu- facturing C0., Inc. opposes The court deems it the better course for the appeal to be fully briefed and decided by a merits panel. According1y, IT IS ORDERED THATf The motions for summary affirmance are denied. The appe11ant’s initial brief is due within 30 days of the date of filing of this order. MAR 23 2012 Date cc: Joseph W. D0rn, Esq. Jeffrey S. Grimson, Esq. Patrick V. Gal1agher, Esq. Jessica R. Top1in, Esq. s19 FoR THE CoURT /s/ J an Horba1y J an Horbaly Clerk FlLED u.s.c0Un'roFAPPEAl.sF0R ms FEuE1=:ALcmculT MAR 23 2012 JAN \'l0RBALY CLERK