NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit CASITAS MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, Plain,tiff-Appellant, V. UNITED STATES, Defen,dcmt-Appellee. 2012-5033 Appea1 from the United States Court of Federal Claims in case n0. 05-CV-168, Seni01' Judge J0hn P. Wiese. ON MOTION Before BRYSON, Circuit Judge. 0 R D E R Westlands Water District and Sweetwater Company, St0ckton Eas1; Water District, and PaciHc Lega1 F0undati0n move for leave to f11e a brief amicus curiae Up011 consideration thereof CASITAS MUNICIPAL WATER DIST V. US IT IS ORDERED THATI The motions are granted HAR 2 7 2012 CCZ Date Roger J. Marzu1la, Esq. Katherine J. Barton, Esq. R0derick E. Wa1st0n, Esq. J. David Breemer, Esq. Jennifer L. Spaletta, Esq. 2 FoR THE CoURT /s/ J an Horba1y J an Horbaly Clerk u.s. c0ua$i)lFFm'1?PEALs l=0n 'rHEFEnsnm.c\ncu1¥ MAR- 2 7 2012 319 ' .\AN\+0nBA1v CLERK