NOTE: This order is nonprecedentia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit PATRICK H. OGUMA, Petitioner, V. MERIT SYSTEMS PROTECTION BOARD, Resp0ndent. " 2012-3053 ~ Petition for review of the Merit Systems Protection Board in case no. SF3443110113-I-1. ON MOTION ORDER The Merit Systems Protection Board moves out of time for an extension of time, until Apri1 24, 2012, to file its response brief. Upon consideration thereof IT ls ORDERE1;) THAT: OGUN[A V. MSPB 2 The motion is granted The Board’s response brief is due on or before Apri1 24, 2012. FoR TI~1E CoURT APR 1 9 mm /S/ Jan H0rba1y Date J an Horba1y C1erk 4 . ccc Patrick H. Oguma Lindsey Schreckengost, Esq. D S2 1 U.S. C0UH1EilliEEPPEALS FOB ``fHE FEDEHAL C|RCUl``|' APR 18ZU1Z . JAN HOHBAl.¥ CLERK