NOTE: This order is nonprecedentia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit CARLO E. JOHNSON, Plaintiff-Appellant, V. UNITED STATES, Defendant-Appellee. 2011-5126 . Appea1 from the United States Court of Federa1 Claims in case n0. 11-CV-199, Judge Nancy B. Firestone. ON MOTION ORDER The United States moves out of time for an extension of time, until October 21, 2011, to file its brief Upon consideration thereof IT IS ORDERED THAT1 The motion is granted JOHNSON V. US 2 FoR THE CoURT 1 7 /S/ Jan Horba1__\[ Date J an Horba1y ccc Car10 E. Johnson C1erk Jeremiah M. Luong0, Esq. nmb U.S. COURT 0F A?PEA{.S FOR S2 1 ms FEnERAL macon OCT 1 7 2011 .|AN HORBA5.Y CLERK lo