NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit AMBASE CORPORATION AND CARTERET BANCORP, INC., Plaintiffs-Cross Appellan,ts, AND FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, Plaintiff- C ross Appellant, V. UNITED STATES, Defendant-Appellant. 2012-5047, -5048, -5049 Appeals from the United States Court of Federal Claims in case no. 93-CV-531, Senior Judge Lore_n A. Smith. ON MOTION ORDER The United States moves without opposition for a 14- day extension of time, until August 13, 2012, to file its brief due to settlement negotiations AMBASE CORP V. US 2 Upon consideration thereof, IT ls ORDERED THAT: The motion is granted. FOR THE COURT AUG 0 l 3m /S/ Jan H@rbaly Date Jan Horbaly Clerk cc=: Charles J. Cooper, Esq. John l\/I. Dorsey, Ill, Esq. Jeanne E. Davidson, Esq. s21 D u.s..~.@un’r’l'z£m»ae ma .'l'HEI-``EDERAL C!RCUIT AUG 072012 JAN HOHBALY C|.EHK