NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit VVINFRED MILLER, C'laimant-Appellan,t, V. ERIC K. SHINSEKI, SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, Resp0nden,t-AppelZee. 2010-7051 `` Appea1 from the United States Court of Appea1s for Veterans C1aims in case n0. 08-1159, Judge Lawrence B. Hage1. Befo;re GAJARsA, SoHALL, and MooRE, C:lrcuit Judges. PER CURLAM. 0 R D E R Winfred Mi11er moves for panel reconsideration and rehearing en banc of the court's order dismissing his appeal as untimely f11ed. Upon consideration thereof, IT IS ORDERED TH_AT2 MILLER V. DVA 2 The motion for panel reconsideration is denied The request for rehearing en banc will be circulated to the full court JUN 0 1 2011 Date cc: Winfred Mil1er FOR THE COURT /s/ J an I-Iorbal}[ J an H0rbaly - Clerk Kent C. Kiffner, Esq. mfg s20 El.S. COURr F APPEALS FOR THE FED€RAL G|RCUl``l`` JUN 01 2011 IAN H9RBALY _ CLEH(