NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit SALVATORE F. STALLONE, Claimant-Appellan,t, ' V. ERIC K. SHINSEKI, SECRETARY OF VETERANS AFFAIRS, Resp0ndent-Appellee. 2012-7036 `` Appeal horn the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Clain:1s in case no. 09-3988, Judge A_``ian G. Lance, Sr. ON MOTION ORDER Upon review of Salvatore F. Sta1lone’s motion to vol- untarily withdraw this appeal, lT lS ORDERED TH_AT1 (1) The motion is granted The appeal is dis- missed (2) Each side shall bear its own costs. STALLONE V. DVA HAR 0 2 2012 (3) Al1 pending motions are moot. 2 FOR THE COURT lsi Jan Horbal__\[ Date J an Horbaly Clerk ccc Peter J. Meadows, Esq. Alex P. Hontos, Esq. s24 Issued As A Mandate: MAR 02 2012 FlLED U.S. COURT 0F AFPEALS THE FEDERAL CIRCUI``l!:0R MAR U 2 2012 JAN HORBALY CLEHK