NOTE: This order is nonprecedentia1. United States Court of AppeaIs for the Federal Circuit IN RE TD AMERITRADE, INC., Petiti0ner. - Misce11aneous Docket N0. 107 011 Petition for Writ of Mandamus to the United States DiStrict C0urt for the Eastern DiStrict of case no 10-CV-320, Chief Judge David F01s0m. IN RE SCOTTRADE, INC., Petitioner. Misce11ane0us Docket No. 109 On Petition for Writ of Mandamus to the United States District C0u1't for the Eastern District of TeXaS in case 110 10-CV-320, Chief Judge David F0lsom. IN RE TD AMERITRADE 2 ON PETITION ORDER Scottrade, Inc. submits a petition for a writ of man- damus to direct the United States District Court for the Eastern District of TeXas to vacate its order denying Scottrade’s motion to sever and transfer, and direct the court to sever this case and transfer it to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri. The court also reconsiders its order directing Ganas LLC’s response in In re TD Ameritro',de, Inc., 2012-I_VI10'7. Upon consideration thereof, . IT ls ORDERED THAT: (1) This court’s prior order directing Ganas LLC to respond no later than Deoernber 1, 2011 in 2012-l\/1107 is vacated (2) Ganas LLC is directed to file a combined response in 2012-M107 and 2012-l\/1109 no later than December 8, 2011 not to exceed 40 pages. FoR THE CoURT NUV 23 2011 /s/ J an Horb al_v Date J an H0rbaly Clerk U.S. COUR``Ff)%El?P£ALS FOR THE FEDERAL C|RCUlT NUV 23 2011 JAN|'lDRBALY CLERK 3 cc: Michael HaWes, Esq. Larry D. Thon1pson, Jr., Esq. Jason M. Schwent, Esq. IN RE TD AMERITRADE Clerk, United States District Court for the EaStern District of Texas s 19 n