NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit ICON HEALTI~I & FITNESS, INC., Plain,tiff-Appellant, V. OCTANE FITNESS, LLC, Defendan,t-Cross-Appellcmt. 2011-1521, -1636 Appea1s from the United StateS DiStrict Court for the District of Minnesota in case no. 09-CV-0319, Judge Ann D. Montgomery. ON MOTION ORDER Octane Fitness, LLC moves without opposition to con- solidate the above-captioned cases. Octane also moves without opposition for extensions of time to tile its opening brief in appeal no. 2011-1636 and its responsive brief in 2011-1521. Upon consideration thereof ICON HEALTH V. OCTANE FITN``ESS 2 lT lS ORDERED THAT2 (1) The motion to consolidate is granted The revised official caption is reflected above. (2) The motions for extension of time are granted to the extent that Octane’s principal and responsive brief is due on January 13, 2012. Icon’s reply and responsive brief and Octane’s reply brief will be due in accordance with Federal Rules of Appel1ate Procedure 28.1(f). 1 FoR THE CoURT l 0 fs/ Jan Horbaly - Date J an Horba1y Clerk a cc: David R. Wright, Esq. `` Rudo_lph A. Te1scher Jr., Esq. FILED U.S. COURT 0F APPEALS FUH THE FEDEHAL C|RCU|T JAN 1U2U1Z s24 JAN HORBALV CLERK