NOTE: This order is no11precedentia1. United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ASIA PACIFIC MICROSYSTEMS, INC., Appellant, V. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellee, AND HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY AND HEWLETT- PACKARD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, L.P., In.tervenors. 2012-1225 011 appeal f1‘om the United States I111;e1'national Trade C0n1misSion in Investigatio11 No. 337-TA-723. ON MOTION ORDER Up0n consideration of HeW1ett-Packard Company and HeW1ett-Packard Deve10pment C0mpany, L.P.’s unopposed motion for leave to interVene, AsLA PACIFIC v. 1'rc IT ls ORDERED THAT: 2 The motion for leave to intervene is granted The re- vised oHicia1 caption is reflected above FOR THE CoURT MAR 19 mm /S/ Jan H0rba1y Date J an H0rbaly C1erk ccc Steven D. Ling, Esq. Panyin A. HugheS, ESq. Ruffin B. Cordel1, Esq. S21 FlLED .c0unT oF APPEAl.s ma uswa FEnEnAL c\ncu\T ma 19z01z " JAN |~l0BBN.Y C\.EBK