NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit HTC CORPORATION, Appellcmt, v. INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION, Appellee, AND APPLE INC., Intervenor. 2012-1204 On appeal from the United States International Trade Con1mission in Investigati0n N0. 337-TA-721. ON MOTION ORDER Upon consideration of App1e Inc.’s unopposed motion for leave to intervene, IT IS ORDERED THATZ HTC CORP V. ITC 2 The motion for leave to intervene is granted The re- vised official caption is reflected above FOR THE COURT HAR 1 9 2012 /s/ J an Horbaly Date J an Horbaly Clerk cc: D0nald R. Dunner, Esq. F"-ED Amanda S. P1tcher, Esq. U_S.coum.0FAPPEMs ma Mark D. Fowler, Esq. 11-lE FEDEHALC1RCUlT S21 HAR 1 9"ZU12 JAN HOBBALY _ CLEHK