NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of Appeals for the FederaI Circuit MONA PORTER, Petitioner-Appellee, V. ' SE CRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN . SERVICES, 1 Resp0nden,t-Appellant. 2010-5162 Appea1 from the United StateS C0urt of Federa1 C1aimS in case n0. 99-VV-639, Judge Nancy B. FireSt0ne_. AMANDA KNIGHT, PERSONA.L REPREsEN'1‘A'r1VE 0F THE EsTATE 0F CLAUDIA J. ROTOLI-BARR, DEcEAsED, Petitioner-Appellee, V. SECRETARY OF I-IEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, Respon,dent-Appellant. PORTER V. HHS 2 2010-5163 Appeal from the United States Court of Federal Claims in case no. 99-VV-644, Judge Nancy B. Firestone. ON MOTION ORDER Upon consideration of the Secretary of Health and Human Services’ motions to withdraw her motions for consolidation of appeal nos. 2010-5162 and 2010-5163, IT ls ORDERED THAT: The motions to withdraw the motions for consolida- tion are granted The motions for consolidation are withdrawn. FOR THE CoURT JAN 1 1 2011 Date lsi J an Horba1y J an Horba1y Clerk cc: Rona1d C. Hon1er, Esq. Sarang V. Damle, Esq. 321 u.s.coun'l: 'rl-lEFEo JAN l 1 2011 "Fl@_n ira Q"’5 PEALS FOR RCUlT .|AN 1'1£‘~RBA|.Y CLERK