NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit S.O.I.TEC SILICON ON INSULATOR TECHNOLOGIES, S.A. AND COMMISSARIAT A L’ENERGIE ATOMIQUE, Plczin,tiffs/C'0unterclaim Defen,dants-Appellants, AND SOITEC U.S.A., INC., Counterclaim Defendant-Appellan,t, V. MEMC ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, INC., Defen,dant/ C0unterclaimant-Cross Appellant. 2011-1534, -1541 Appea1s from the United States District C0urt for the District of De1aware in case n0. 08-CV-O292, Judge Sue L. R0binS0n. ON MOTION ORDER SOITEC SILICON V. MEMC ELECTRONIC 2 S.O.I.Tec Si1icon on Insu1ator Techno1ogies, S.A., et al. move without opposition for an extension of time, until 1\/lay 4, 2()12, to file their response and reply brief, and for an extension of time, until June 4, 2012, for MEMC E1ectronic Materia1s, Inc. to file its reply brief due to settlement negotiations Upon consideration there0f, IT Is 0RDERED THAT: The motion is granted FoR THE CoURT 1 5 /s/ J an Horbal__\[ Date J an Horbaly Clerk ' cc: Michael L. Br0dy, Esq. Robert M. Evans, Jr,, Esq. s2 1 FlLED U.S. COURT 0F A?PEALS FOB THE FEDEHAL C|HCUIT MAR 162UI2 JAN HOHBA|.Y CLERK