NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit TODD J. SCHOENROGGE, Petiti0ner, V. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Resp0ndent. l 2011-3143 Petition for review of the Merit Systerns Protection B0ard in case no. DA1221100611-W-1. ON MOTION ORDER Todd J. Schoenrogge moves for leave to proceed in forma pauperiS. Upon consideration thereof IT ls 0RDERED THAT: The motion is granted SCHOENROGGE V. JUSTICE JUN 02 2011 Date 2 FOR THE COURT /S/ 5 an Horba1y J an Horba1y Clerk cc: Todd J. Schoenrogge Jeanne E. DavidSon Esq. F|LED S21 ’ s.s. com or APPeA1.s FOR THE FEDERAL ClRCUlT JUN 02 2011 JAN HDR-BALY CLEH( lo