NOTE: This order is nonprecedential United States Court of AppeaIs for the FederaI Circuit (Opposition No. 91168556) BRIDGESTONE AMERICAS TIRE OPERATIONS, LLC (f0rmerly Bridgest0ne Firestone North Ameri- can Tire, LLC) and BRIDGESTONE CORPORATION, Appellants, V. FEDERAL CORPORATION, Appellee, 2010-1376 Appea1 from the United StateS Patent and Trademark Off1ce, Trademark Tria1 and Appeal Board. ON MOTION ORDER Up0n consideration of appe1lants' unopposed motion to reform the caption, IT ls ORDERED THAT: BRIDGESTON``E V. FEDERAL CORP 2 The motion is granted The revised official caption is reflected above JuL 0 9e2ll1U cc: Doug1as A. Rettew, Esq. W. David Shenk, Esq. S Date 19 FoR THE CoURT lsi J an Horbaly J an Horba1y C1erk “~‘~».°zv-NhiE:sz,’.T'°"' JUL 09 2010 JAN HORBALY CLERK